The Symmetra changes are a HUGE step in the right direction, and there are mathematical reasons why

Huge step in the right direction

direction? yes and no.
huge step? defs not.

tp cd reduction was the right direction but doesn’t really do much because it’s still a really long time on her engagement AND disengagement tool.

for reference/perspective see below equations:

this literally means nothing and shows how little you play sym because you wouldn’t lose charge with the current live 2s before losing a charge level since you can use primary while tp is deploying. see exhibit A:

did he lose charge when he tp’ed behind bastion? no.

the main thing that’s preventing such a maneuver is legit the long tp down time infinite tp has making it unavailable to cast to do such a thing. unlike old 3.0 tp where you can legit get value out of tp as its cd is ticking.

sym maintaining charge was never a problem because she hardly ever wanted nor needed to take a ~3s break from m1’ing. when you got charge, you make a binary decision to fully commit or to back out. there’s no in between for breaks while sym is in 12m of the enemy and your team pushing for you to be that close in the first place.

adding another 2s to time to lose a level is like a change you’d see in those “give a hero a useless buff” threads.