"The Support Changes Were Successful" except one

We all know who I’m talking about. Jeff completely ignored the community, flat out lying about how they “pay attention to social media” and see our opinions. Obviously the Ana buff was terribly unsuccessful!

All jokes aside, Mercy is being ignored. She has the worst on fire rate and win rate of all the supports. I have seen very few people happy about them, and most of them are simply because they hate Mercy, not for any sensible reasons. When is the dev team going to actually listen to the community they say they value so much? Mercy is not fine and, somehow, she needs to be fixed. I’d suggest referring to the other posts here on the forums and seeing the many ideas posted by creative members here.

Hopefully, in the future some time, heroes won’t die.


It was successful, Mercy isn’t the hole Support category


I have to agree, the only argument I’ve seen against buffing mercy is something along the lines of “she was meta for so long” or “let the other supports shine” or “it’s so nice not to have mercy in every game now.” Judging by this, it seems obvious these people have something against mercy as a hero and just simply hate her


Did you read the part where I said except one? I was joking about Ana, btw, in case that wasn’t clear for you. This isn’t about the whole support category, I love Moira and Ana where they are. But as a Mercy main I feel horribly ignored, so I’m saying something about it.

Right, but they made the changes to the whole support category in response to Mercy… SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Yeah.


Your opinions are not gospel. You think one thing, other people disagree. It is not neglectful, unprofessional, or otherwise bad for Blizzard not to change the game in accordance with your will


The support category is better then before. Not perfect but better. Successfull.


Nah come on guys Mercy CLEARLY was meta all the time and she needed to be nerfed to the ground to not be shown as a character in the game. /s


Okay. I’m not sure where the confusion came in. Please read the post, not just the title.

I’m talking about Mercy, not all the supports. I do think the changes were successful, except the one for Mercy.

Also, I’m not the only one complaining about her. Social media is filled with people that don’t like her current state so to say that they look at that and read our opinions is a lie. Or they’re simply ignoring the posts about Mercy.

Not gonna re-explain my post again. Read it or leave it.

As for the idea of “let the other supports shine, Mercy was meta for far too long.” Why can’t all the supports be good? Why is there some idea that at least one must be terrible for the others to be good? Honest question here.


Mercy was meta before her latest changes simply because of her high team synergy, but players want to just argue saying “she’s always been a must pick!” because they’re just happy that her being T-tier has enabled other supports to be used. Mercy in her current state is extremely bad simply because she has the kit of a main healer but is completely off healer right now which makes her lackluster in both roles. If she still had 60HPS she’d be safely in the main healer zone without outshining other main supports since her biggest synergy right now is probably valkyrie+damage boosting a blading genji and even in that scenario she’s outshined by Ana.


I think it was very successful but I think mercy can use a buff

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Mercy is balanced though and feels amazing to play.


I needed a good laugh today. But really she feels like garbage to play and has very little impact on any game mainly due to the fact that she can’t clutch heal anymore. You best bet with Mercy now is to damage boost through basically the entire fight and let a Ana or Moira or even a Lucio heal up the team and just top people off after the fight.

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“Whole” <- BTW and currently Ana is actually more of the support category than Mercy ever was.


Yes, because the 100% pickrate Mercy never happened. Totally.


That’s not even an argument.


Dude have you seen Bastion and Reaper’s fire rate??? Clearly OP. Pls nerf.

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The rework was probably successful in their eyes, it probably yielded the results they wanted.

I think whether or not you think it was successful is a non-factor to them. In fact that dev update and a blue post from a forum mod earlier this month basically confirmed this for me.


It did happen. That doesn’t excuse the piss-poor state she’s in now.

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I was replying to the thing I quoted, I wasn’t talking about Mercy right now, and I don’t really want to start this argument again.

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