"The Support Changes Were Successful" except one

Yeah that’s the whole point of their reply? They just pointed out how wrong it is to say that Mercy has never been more of a support than Ana is right now when she was blatantly broken during her first months of Mercy 2.0. Sure she was balanced last patch and T-tier right now, but that has nothing to do with the argument that Morrov made :slight_smile:

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Now Ana is breaching that mark but whatever she’s “high skilled” so it doesn’t matter right?

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She’s nowhere near as popular and necessary as Mercy was.


4 supports>1 support. Now the must-pick status for Mercy is no more. I’m not saying Mercy is in a good spot, its just the changes were 100% successful.


Something tells me they are ignoring her for reason - like they want to get rid of her playerbase or just don’t want to answer the millions Mercy related questions so they won’t leave all Mercy mains heart-broken?
idk why but there’s a reason for them to do it and I don’t like the silence. Mercy is not fine and they need to something about her.

She’s getting up there. 40% pickrate meaning 80% In total for both teams is close to Mercy’s 90% pickrate.


Have your hero completely destroyed by a hot fix and then left in the corner as a pile of garbage for a year and a half.

Then talk to me about being ignored


mercy isnt being ignored she being given too much attention thats why she got nerfed so much

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You mean, except for Mercy, Ana (who’s OP now), Moira (who remains UP), and Brig (who has by far the most overrated problems in the entire hero lineup).

Once this patch goes live, Zen and Lucio will be the only supports remaining who are in a good place. What they’re doing to the support lineup is a joke. :-1:


nice meme

I mean, can you really blame them? Mercy wasn’t just simply in the meta, she was the literal embodiment of a must-pick for almost a year.

I’m not saying this is a justifiable reason to keep her in the dump or whatever, just that this kind of vendetta against mercy was going to be another repercussion the second moth mercy came to live.


It’s just irritating cuz mercy mains didn’t ask for any of these changes or for her to be OP, devs just did that themselves but we get it all taken out on us and have our hero ruined on top of it


Hero gets constant balance changes that don’t satisfy that heroes mains = Ignored
Hero gets OP balance changes that satisfy that heroes mains and then never touched again = Not ignored.

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