The stats prove Mercy and Ana are balanced. Why do Mercy mains keep complaining?

Overbuff doesn’t even account for 1% of the player base.

Taking Overbuff stats seriously is like asking 4 people if they like pizza. 3 say no and 1 says yes.

Then that gets taken and spun into “ALMOST ALL PEOPLE IN THE WORLD HATE PIZZA!”

Stats don’t work in that way

There’s a reason why Blizzard uses their own game wide stats versus going to third party sites that cover less than 1% of the player base


The only ranks Mercy even barely edges out Ana is Bronze and Silver.

Gold and up, Ana dominates Mercy.

So for the majority of players, since most players are in gold and plat, Ana is the best healer choice.

The data does not in any way support your claim.


Ana wasn’t in the game at launch, she was the first character the added. At launch prior to Ana’s release Zen was the better single target healer and Lucio was practically a main healer. Mercy was the worst support for a good while, hence the buffs… further hence the complaints that led to a bad and unneeded rework.

OP just want a thread where he will get attention.

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The above appears to be stated as a fact, but given that many of us mercy mains have fun playing Mercy in her current state, this is (to me ) an opinion rather than a fact, and it is an opinion many us disagree with

Factually, This is true for #some# of the complaints, but not all of them

Some want mass rez returned.

Some want rez removed entirely

Some want more std mode healing

Etc etc


15 Characters.


And all of those complaints tend to revolve on how fun Mercy is, how she feels to play. Mercy was at the top of pickrates for the better part of a year, and through it all her playerbase was complaining. Does that sound like a balance complaint or a playstyle complaint?


I mean, i’d hope Moira does more healing. All she does is heal. Moira is basically the definition of a heal bot, that ironically can be denied the ability to heal… which is why she falls off so hard in high elo.

I wouldn’t say Moira does more than Mercy either. Mercy by far has the best utility with Res on cooldown that can outright erase a pick and the ability to damage boost without cooldown. While being the most mobile main support. Her survivability is still the best of the 3.

What elo were you checking, both all elo and GM have Mercy above Ana. All elo they’re pretty close so maybe that changed in the last 20 hours, but in GM for the week, Mercy’s sitting at 56% over Ana’s 53%. With how well Ashe has been doing in GM, I’d say Mercy found her Niche relevant again.

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Honestly if you want to fix ana… all you have to do is bring back her predators to the meta and bam she is fixed.

Of course she is out of control in GM when flankers arent viable.

Speak for yourself, my playtime on Mercy dwindled ever since the rework because of how bloated her kit was.

Now, all she has is a watered down version of it while having the main problem still in her kit. (E rez)

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rez sucks and no one likes it, it’s the only thing keeping Mercy from being underpowered

Factually, some of the complaints are as you say, but many others are not.

Many Mercy mains like myself are united in that we want no further changes, while those who want changes are not generally in agreement on what they want changed

I and many others I know like rez in its current state, and as such, I disagree with this opinion

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it’s a ridicolously overpowered ability, i understand that it’s your opinion, but it’s like saying that original Brig was balanced, it’s an opinion, yes, but a kind of wrong one

Not in agreement? Nobody likes Valkryie.

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Mercy players in general just like to complain. (on forums)
They can’t handle not being meta for once apparently. It’s ridiculous.

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Also note that literally only Mercy mains defend Mercy, whereas every other player supports Ana.

The easiest answer - Ana is fun and Mercy is not.
“BuT fUn Is SuBjEcTiVe” - Yeah , I can’t agree with that. You play a game because it’s fun , if don’t enjoy the game , then what’s the point of playing ???

“TrY a DiFfErEnT hErO” - Just because someone mains Mercy or plays Mercy a lot - that doesn’t mean they can’t play different heroes and enjoy them too.
For Example : I’m a support main who mainly plays Mercy but I can also play - Ana, Widow , Sombra, Moira , Zarya, D.Va , Soldier, Ashe , Genji(kinda) and I enjoy them.

But I hate that my favorite character got this terrible rework that no one asked for and now is stuck with this boring sh*t. I’m sorry but the Rework wasn’t Successful.

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Judgements of value are generally opinions.

In my opinion, I am correct