The stats prove Mercy and Ana are balanced. Why do Mercy mains keep complaining?

If Mercy mains want to spend hundreds of hours of time and effort without focusing on getting results, I can’t really do much more than suggest they focus on getting results.

If they don’t care enough, none of my efforts will make them start caring.

The same reason I hate playing tank but have like 200+ hours on tanks.

They’re mostly boring af, but someone’s gotta do it.

I for one would not mind if you stopped making an effort.


Mercy mains are complaining because the issue was never about balance, it was about gameplay.


The plain truth is that many Mercy mains grew accustomed to Mercy being OP for too long, and now they can’t help but view her current balanced state as being underpowered.


Well for Plat and below, this was mostly true since the beginning of the game.
Mercy players could onetrick Mercy, on every comp, on every map, on every skill tier in that range. And be just fine.

That said, I’m still not comfortable with Ana having a higher pickrate than Mercy in Gold.

Wow, that’s bizarre. Does the current meta at gold comprise a lot of tanks, essentially making it easier for less experienced Ana players to lands their heals?

Well, I just think Mercy is still a bit underpowered.

55hps on her default healing would probably bump her up to a more balanced position.

Also I don’t think Pro meta is really relevant in Gold.

No, definitely not relevant but maybe golds are trying to emulate the pros. Just a theory and I could be way off though! Hahaha.

I’m okay with Mercy’s current power level but I do think she could feel more dynamic and fun to play personally.

Single target Valkyrie with instant rez could be a solution.

What about developer input? There has been pretty much zero discussion/input into what direction they might consider beyond solely sticking to Valkyrie on Q and Resurrect on E. Not even a CM engaged with any of the feedback over the multiple megathreads, except when it was time to make a new one or when there was an issue with the megathread being mass flagged. In the end the megathreads became a laughable joke, with frustrated players realising anything they say is irrelevant there. I’d say a large part of the blame is on the team, for the way in which they created the megathreads not for the purpose claimed.


Do you have how many people were brought back from the dead in these stats??

That is kind of a big deal that we aren’t including her most powerful ability

You can still do a ton of healing in general as mercy but you can’t do enough healing when it really matters. If you’re trying to play as the main healer as mercy and an enemy uses ults or just focus fire your healing can’t save people and you have to resort to rez which makes you stop healing and a lot of the time everyone else dies unless you have a defensive ult or other main healer. The valkyrie buffs make a huge difference for this but one way to think about it is that moira does as much damage as mercy does healing without a damage orb, and if you think about how long it takes moira to use her primary fire to kill a tank w no healing that’s how long it takes mercy to heal a tank, it’s crazy how different 50 hps is to 60 hps. Also stats aren’t everything cuz I’ve noticed on overbuff ana doesn’t do a lot of healing on average but she’s obviously the best main support rn for many reasons

Grumble grumble 14 nerfs.

Why is Mercy’s winrate decent?
Because of her latest buff called “Ashe”.

Is this sidekick design healthy for the game? No. Nobody wants to play a personified Ashe buff.


A third party website which can track information from public profiles is the gospel. If they have it than it has to be true.

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My problem with Mercy is she is extremely team reliant. I would like her to have something game changing about her, something rewarding about her kit. She’s too much of a side kick and not really a hero. I’m not really sure how they could tweak her kit without reworking her though to make sure she stays balanced.

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Mercy also has a drastically lower pick rate, therefore the win rate is going to inflate harder.

Mercy only heals for 200 more than Ana on average, and roughly 1000 more in Diamond and Masters. This is all taking into the fact Mercy’s healing is supposed to be consistent, and Ana’s heavily reliant on aim.

Half as much as Ana in general and this is mostly stemming from Bronze to Plat. Diamond and higher, her pick rate takes a nose dive.

Your stats aren’t hard evidence, and while Mercy is indeed doing well, it’s such a small sample size that it’s hard to tell how truly well she is doing. At one point, Symmetra had roughly 60% win rate but less than 3% pick rate (about the same as Mercy is in GM), but still Symmetra wasn’t exactly good or in a great spot despite so many people claiming she was.


Her ult is boring because its Aoe. Lucio, brig, zen, moira all have aoe healing in their healing. I wouldn’t call any of these ult boring. Valk last 15 seconds with 60 healing per second. That’s 60 healing with 5 players get healed meaning you can heal 300 hp a second. The max healing of valk is 4500. That’s better than moira ult. Lucio ult decays quickly. Mercy doesn’t have weakest aoe support ult. Moira ult isn’t amazing unless you want to pressure on enemy shield tank.

Moira’s ult does 140hps PER target,
Up to a total of 700hps. PLUS damage to the enemy team. Even if she’s only targeting 2 people she’s nearly outshined Mercy’s ult HPS, only 20hps less

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