The stats prove Mercy and Ana are balanced. Why do Mercy mains keep complaining?

I respectfully disagree.

I like how Mercy’s kit is synched up internally.

I think it is an excellent design

I would recommend that they keep looking for a game and character they like playing.

After all, one plays games to have fun, and if game x doesnt provide any fun, it just makes sense (to me) to move on and find one that does

This all “sounds” very logical, but there aren’t that many games offering what Mercy 1.0 offered - in any online game. The nearest thing is Medic from TF2, and I don’t think most Mercy mains want to play TF2. They want to play Overwatch. What you’re suggesting would make sense in a world where all video games were made equal and every taste that exists would be catered for. We don’t live in that world.

I am not saying a player will find another Mercy

I am instead saying that a player should want to have fun - else why play a game at all? - and if game x doesnt provide any fun there are thousands of other games out there to try out

If as you say a player wants to play Overwatch, there are over 2 dozen characters to choose from, but none of them are Mercy 2.0. Wanting to play OW in turn means (to me) that the player wants to play at least 1 of the two dozen or so characters.

I switch my line of argument from “is bad” to “could be even better”. Should generate more agreeable response.

Yes but if somebody wants to play the old Mercy, then something else just isn’t going to scratch that itch. And again not all games are created equal. People want the Old Mercy. They are entitled to hold that view. You are entitled to tell them that they shouldn’t. And they’re entitled not to give you the blindest bit of notice. :slight_smile:

in my opinion, all characters can be better

There is as I see it room for improvement in almost everything, true for life in general, and not just OW

I think you believe your worldview is constructive and optimistic, but it’s actually quite reductive. By speaking in such broad-brushstrokes and shoving aside any specific actual steps people could take to better their world, you’re keeping everybody locked in a holding pattern. I prefer philosophies that can be translated into actual concrete actions, small-scale maybe.

For example: rather than telling me to enjoy life more, tell me to eat less sugar. It’s simple, and actionable. Whereas a lot of what you’re advocating is not.

Agreeable already, glad I fine tuned that argument.

Old Mercy isnt an available choice

Choosing a different character in OW to play is an available choice

Choosing a different game to play is an available choice.

The only reason it’s not an available choice is because Blizzard haven’t made it so. Asking for Old Mercy back is also a valid choice. It doesn’t cease to be just because you won’t acknowledge it.

It’s easy to explain. We’re talking about a “40 million community” (I know, these numbers are overestimated, yadayada). So in such a big crowd, it will be very easy to find a lot of people that hated old Mercy and got happy with the changes, and you will also find a lot of people that loved old Mercy and hated the changes.

Thing is, human beings are negative-biased, so they tend to give more importance to bad emotions than to good ones. So after a rework, you won’t see as many people praising the new Mercy as you will see people hating her - and, as we ourselves are negative-biased, we’ll probably forget more easily the few praises we see than the many hates we read.

So yeah, it doesn’t matter what is changing; you’ll probably notice this phenomena following most changes you witness in your life.

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I acknowlege that you (and many others) appear to be asking for an older version of Mercy to be returned

But right now, she isn’t available; and in my opinion it seems unlikely that she will ever return

So right now, when a player wants to have some fun playing a game, and Mercy 1.0 is their preference but she isnt available, what does the player do?

I am not asking for her to be returned, I just explained that it’s a valid option. And what I say is if people want something, they’re entitled to ask for it. And if Blizzard decides that giving us something other than a Mercy revert is what’s best for us, so be it. They may have a better solution, who knows? But telling everybody to pretend they’re happy, or just shut up, doesn’t help anyone.

Factually, I have not told anyone to shut up, nor will I

Factually, I have not asked anyone to pretend they are happy, nor will I

Factually, it is not a valid option to select Mercy 1.0 (or any past version of her) in OW

Well, not continuing this conversation seems like an extremely valid option to me: you’ve got an absolutist view of what you’re saying, but I don’t think that you’re actually adding anything to the conversation.

With apologies, I believe that I am adding to the conversation

How was it “never technically posted to the forums”?

There literally is a link to it in the most popular thread of all time. It’s still open. You can go look at it a right now if you want.

The most popular idea was the one that was written out in the post.

If it’s a good idea, it will receive a lot of support… which it did.

Someone liking a post does not make the post more high-quality. It does, however, indicate the quality of the post. A high-quality post is going to be much more popular than a low-quality post.


With no apologies, you are wrong. We have a very clear indicator of how fun players find heroes to be: Quickplay pickrates.

Those quickplay pickrates today are below half of what they were prior to Mercy’s rework. Therefore, it is safe to say that over half of the current/veteran Mercy playerbase has stopped playing since the rework.

A hero’s pickrate doesn’t just drop like that for no reason.

With no apologies, surveys are not biased simply because they disagree with your position.