The state of the war

Which side are you on

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Rat they are cute xddddddd

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I love dogs, and yet own a cat (who might be part dog, judging by how affectionate he is).
So This seems like a stupid war to me.

I was once a dogs, now I am a cats.

What does this have to do with OW?


20 caricatures

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I have 4 dogs and 1 cat.

The cat is far more annoying and such a jerk that he surpasses the 4 dogs’ crappy habits COLLECTIVELY.

The only thing he has going for him is that he has a mustache patch in his fur.

(he also stood in that position for a few minutes, and it embodies how stupid he is lmao)

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Love all animals equally, show no bias.

…Expect towards homp sapians, they’re terrible.

Mmmm… i’d rather not pick a side… but if i had to?

Dogs, fluffy floof floofs.

Mm such active happy boios.
Just want to cuddle and play with them all day long.

I get that discussions like these are good topics to talk about, though i don’t think this is the right place to do it.

Not like it’s something really bad that you’re doing, just for future reference.

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Why not an off-topic forum?
Well because there are many other platforms to technically discuss this.

(Why force people to make a choice? :frowning:)

There’s nothing like a good goat. Very utilitarian in design.

Dogs all the way, baby.

Whatever side doesn’t have dogs. I’m not even that opposed to them, it’s just that I like literally everything else more. Even nudibranchs and coral.

dogs, i feel like dogs are just more connected to people overall, cats are more feral and can and will more likely bite the hand that feeds it.

i don’t let wild animals inside my house, just saying.

Definitely dogs, but my girlfriend’s cat is working very hard to convince me otherwise (he’s about as perfect as a cat can come)

This isn’t war! This is sport!

While I like cats, we all know dogs will win. People love their obedient slaves…

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I mean, that’s one way to put it…

Brig has a cat

Well, I guess I might be biased. I like my pets to be my equal, not just do as I say.

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