The state of the war

I feel you have some history with “a few people”…

Can you elaborate please? Or at least try to.

Cats because they are more independent and they don’t bark constantly.

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Ahem, “Dark” history. Like why you are biased and I didn’t expect that I needed to explain…

Let’s not continue.

I am not a furry, lol.

No- not that. Out of all the things you’d think- that’s what you think I’d think?
“Dark history” and “Slave” is where you got that from?

What could be darker involving animals?

“People love their obedience slaves”.
Dark history”
See it now?

Wait, was this all just a joke? Involving a group of people we can’t joke about?

Look, I kept thinking of animals, not people.


Define “can’t”.

Oh, ok.

Are you with me bearded dragons!!!


…What are we fighting again?

Ok, people we are told we shouldn’t laugh at. Like how we are told not to unplug someone’s electric car that is charging :wink:

Shouldn’t or can’t? :thinking:
Also I’m not and was not laughing during this conversation.

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It’s ok to laugh. I laugh at myself all the time. What fun would be world be if we couldn’t laugh at stupidity.

Stpidity is not a right.

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I’m so torn on this. I thought I was solely a cat person until I got more active and started to beat back my depression a couple of years ago. And I realized I wanted a dog to play with. XP

I don’t have one of my own, but my Pokemon Go friend has a Lab that rides with us like a mascot every time we go out, and I love her. <3 (And she loves me … though probably only because I bake her home-made peanut butter dog treats. XD)

My two current cats:
B (She’s a jerk):

Milo (She’s super friendly … also named a boy’s name 'cause we thought she was male as a kitten, so … uh … XD)

Faith (The Pokemon Go dog. :P)

I love those three more than most people, just sayin’.


And I while I will endeavor to remain neutral arms wise, my aid and supplies will be going to dogs.

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You should really stop smoking that crap. :dash: :crazy_face:

I mean I love both but I’m allergic to cats :persevere::sob:

Dogs. Mans best friend , through a thousand years of common benefit . :slight_smile: