The State of Supports

no, there are plenty of games with variety, and playable characters that are weak…

Yes but they have things to help them like smite has items apex has guns while overwat h dont have any of that your hero is the hero you cant change anything about your hero

And yes they have variety but not the diversity of play style that ow has

yeah, since you’re not relying on items like League or gun drop RNG and being first to grab the better gun and attatchments like Apex, there is less RNG aspect and the game is more consistant

because you can be bad with certain guns, you can build wrong/weak items and someone can just have better gun or have more $ and have stronger items and despite skill some people can lose due to that

or in OW there’s maybe one option, playing Sojourn well, but that’s about it…

To be fair, they didn’t explicitly mention Support Role Unpopularity in that blog post being related to Matchmaker issues.

We of course know it is. Just based on how math works with a Role Queue matchmaker. But technically they didn’t say it.

That said, you can interpret most of Mega’s comments to be from there perspective of “This wouldn’t be a problem if they got rid of Role Queue.”

Yes i 100% agree with this but its a double edge sword for smite/lol because you can buy items to counter what your enemy is using while in ow you have to switch heros and have to play a completely diffrent play style

True but same for kiriko and hog they are op and thats a diffrent problem from how diverse the game play styles in this game are

You gotta enjoy the 1 second que times cause :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

I usaly have a minute or 2 queue time for support about the same for dps and tank is about 4

no, that’s not how items work in those games, usually you want to just build items that empower your character

because if you build armor just because enemy built damage you can have your build ways wrong on a character that just doesn’t build armor…

maybe Kiriko, but Hog really depends, he’s still not so great despite having hook combo that can eliminate and E which heals and protects him…

At the start yes but in later round you sell things to help deal with your counter and they have other items to help like a anti cc item everyone gets for free.

Its usaly less around health and damage and more so around life steal cc and movement speed.

Yes and sojourn is not op because you can do the same hog is op because he one shots tec 80% of the game and has an insane heal that gives damage resistance with mid and close range damage

yeah, lategame, where items sometimes matter more than character because you can kill someone in 4 autoattacks, such countering…

life steal can be still bad

sojourn has a oneshot combo too you know…

My point is their are in game ways to still play the god you want but not get completely bodied by building a little but to counter soem of the enemy kit while ow you have to switch heros

Yes with a mercy poket and thats why shes op just like hog

can either of you provide a link to the item in question?

Here ya go. One thing to note, they said “Part 1” in the title, so I’m pretty sure they will get to the Support angle on things in part 2, or part 3.

Overwatch 2 developer blog: Matchmaker and competitive deep dive, part 1

They did in the Season 1 Blog Post though:

"Contrary to what your DPS Moira may tell you, Overwatch is a role-based game. As such, queue times are a very real, very consistent focus area for the team.

With the move to 5v5, we’re seeing longer queue times than we’d like for both tank and damage players, and while there’s no silver bullet for this issue, the team has a LOT of ideas that we want to experiment with in the upcoming seasons.

Many of these ideas are focused on the support role and how we can make it more fun and more rewarding to play. We’re discussing targeted support hero reworks, game system updates, and even some role-wide changes to improve support quality of life.

As we settle on specific changes, we’ll make sure you know about them. In the short term, we’ve made queue-time estimates more accurate in the UI (support queues are less than one minute, in most cases) and we’re going to experiment with our Battle Pass XP rewards for those who queue as support/all roles."

h ttps://

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Huh, forgot about that, thanks.

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and OW is a game where building an item doesn’t devalue others by increasing the strength of a character due to economic reasons, but all is accomplished mainly because of skill

Sojourn doesn’t need a mercy poket, she never did, they only recieve pockets because it’s easier, because why not pocket the op character?

it’s like saying, that snow plough car is good only because they installed turbo into the engine, no it did it’s job regardless of having turbo in the engine because the car has a snow plough and already strong enough engine to push the snow out and aside…

I would disagree i think shes good but i wont say op both her and hog are being made op with kirkio and mercy are they annoying and strong yes but my stance of op is like release bring and sigma

Yeah… Because god forbid people have fun in video games lol.

I tried Sojourn in practice range, and despite heads being easy to hit on training bots, it wasn’t even necessary to shoot them in the head…

if you compare her to Soldier, Soldier reloads almost after every 1 or 2 kills, Sojourn reloads after 5 kills and shoots her plasma thing 5 times…

Yes and i would call that strong not op its not like brig who could duel 2 tanks at once and win