The State of Supports

so dueling 2 DPS at once and winning is balanced because they are not tanks?

I can do that as mccree do to his bomb does that make him op no and soldier can 2v1 most non beef dps

well if you hit heads any DPS can 2v1, but Sojourn doesn’t need to hit heads to 1v1 or even 2v1 with barely hitting heads…

I want even talking head shots i was mor talking about heros with large burst damage alot of heros in the dps role can 2v1 but i agree nit as easily as she can

you said in that very sentence that Sojourn is one of heroes with large burst,
yet her AR and railgun allow for consistant DPS aswell,

Sojourn is op

On release i would agree but after all her nerfs i would put her at strong and with mercy poket then i would call her op still think she needs nerfed tho

you call those nerfs? I call those slap on the wrist

He a nerf can be small and how compounded they all have been is quite alot but i think they need to give back 2x head shot but only let rail gun head shot on ult and lower her damge to 7 for the bullet

yeah negotiating nerf ideas doesn’t prove the fact that the nerfs ewere lackluster

The larpers on this forum are so easy to spot.

They claim support was, ‘miserable,’ in OW1 and that it’s magically more fun now.

Meanwhile actual top-rank support players, when asked what’s different about how they play Ana, Zen, etc, in OW2, say, ‘nothing.’

No one was crying about the support experience in OW1. Yes the double-shield meta enabled safer heal-botting but just as in OW2 healbot was a synonym for hardstuck. No one was forced to healbot and good support players could still be aggressive and make plays.

The only difference in OW2 is supports are forced to take more one vs. ones, or spend more time evading them which is an issue for lower ranked players because of bad positioning, and because duelling as supports is very mechanically demanding compared to DPS.

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I was having fun with support in both personal

I just found this to be the most boring time to play support

Again why do people say this both are mechanically demanding personly as a lucio main i find dps more so for the sole reson that if they dont do damge or get kills they are usless while supports can fall back to heal boating and still provide value to the team and in 1v1 i dont thin any support dps is harder to do then any dps in same cases its easier

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Again why do people say this both are mechanically demanding

I’m talking about duelling mechanics not overall.

Still both have the same look at zen he does amazing damage ontop of djscord he destroys brig has great combos bap has good damage out put and self heal ana can nade sleep or just 3 tap mercy is kinda screwed moira has heal orb along side doing damge with over 101hps in the fight lucio has moviment out the but and boop and kiriko 2 taps if you can land head shot and even if you cant you can make your self invincibility

Zen does competitive damage with the stronger DPS, yes, but it’s a projectile, and he has a huge hitbox. So his weapon is more challenging to use, and he is easy to hit. Brig has good burst but only at short range. Most DPS also have cool-down based damage abilities which are very mechanically forgiving. Think Helix rockets.

I disagree with this, they can say “nothing has changed” and while true, it’s still a far cry from what has actually happened. The difference is that now I only have to babysit one tank as ana compared to two. I used to have to sometimes look at one tank, heal him up, and then immediately switch to the other tank to heal them up, and then back to the first tank. Very boring gameplay. I’d much rather just heal one tank and then do some damage, and then switch back to healing

I find playing Zen is more fun than ever. I regularly make more dmg than dps as him.

the problem is all the support have consistent damage and ways to self sustain or kill faster out side mercy but she will just run to a DPS any ways on top of that its not any harder then playing genji or soldier but the problem with dps is most uf them don’t have the sustainability that supports have supports overall die the least at all rank that should tell you something support can and do survive more often then any other role in the game

the problem is all the support have consistent damage

With the exception of Zen it is low compared to DPS equivalents even if you merely compare their primary. Ana and Baptiste vs. DPS hitscans for example. Neither measure up and both have mechanical challenges their DPS equivalents don’t. Like Ana is not even hitscan unless she uses ADS, and Baptiste’s gun is uniquely challenging to use especially if you want to land crits.

and ways to self sustain

True, in some cases, and this is potent for people who can land shots, but if you’re struggling to confirm damage having more time to shoot probably won’t make much difference.

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yes because they are DPS that’s their one and only job get kills while support if they want can just heal bot and are still able to do good damage

You’re missing my point if you think I’m complaining. I understand how supports are currently balanced. The problem is these issues, which make duelling with DPS so challenging for lower-level supports, barely matter at all to the best players. So supports can feel both too weak, and too strong depending on the rank, and it works in reverse too. Moira seems OP to low-ranked players, but falls off hard in higher ranks.