The State of Supports

Who are you quoting?

Two people one account, main is CannotAim, and Im SoulsFire - SirSoulsFire

I see but the game is free why not 2 accounts?

linking my account tag for credibility, and to the line of not carrying as lucio, I personally have hard carried, but its def not an easy task… backlining the enemy team and pushing tanks out of position - SirSoulsFire

Oh we are in the same room, one comp atm lmao - SirSoulsFire, (My account tag)

I don’t think supports are in a perfect spot but I’m not for all out buffs either. I am finding support a lot more fun as well compared to ow1. I feel like players are noticing my skill sets on support both on the enemy and team members even on Mercy (who isn’t shiny). I think a lot of players are so used to have a second tank though that they don’t understand that they can be more impactful than in ow1.

I also wanted to add that I don’t think a lot of support players actually like playing support. Support no matter the balance or the meta, we are always going to be high target priorities and that’s part of the fun of it, if you don’t want to be that, then I don’t know if support is for you in overwatch.

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definitely need to be more resourceful, and yeah support def isnt treated as the trash bin it used to be… -SirSoulsFire
You will 100% be target every game by the enemy team, especially if your team is up, coming from a damage main.

Bap is far from balanced

hes balanced enough, just gotta focus lamp when he drops it - SirSoulsFire

Mercy may still be a pick over Zen; Zen imo really requires team co-ord for him to work. I guess it doesn’t matter in the higher ranks, but it depends in lower ones for sure.

Current Brig? Definite no. Rework Brig? Maybe, Lucio would be probably still the must pick for the speedboost.

but what I’m describing is a skill issue, something no balance of hero can fix, only good matchmaking…

Pretty much agree, although I would add that Kiriko is a lot more than just “viable”, she is a must pick as you go up the ladder, Team comp doesn’t even matter, you just pick her… She needs more slight nerfs , probably to Shadow Step cd and maybe even her healing towned down by 5-10%.

Moria has Zero utility, not really pick in higher Elos but is a little broken in other was at lower Elos.

Damage boost IMHO in general is bad for the game long term, I would remove them from Zen and Mercy and rework that part of their kit.

Brig has an identity crisis, and one of the worst Ults in the game.

yeah brig is so viable rn

The resonf for it is if mercy dont brake any damge threshold like she does for sojourn once shes nerfed sen giving 25% damge to everyone against the tank will be super strong laong side his damage out put

Yes but even than match making is hard to do well for new players i think thats why low elo feels so bad is because you have people joining that are just good at basic amining and pop off but need more games to find their place

actually, his/her opinion is not irrelevant

This appears to be an opinion stated as if it is fact

I am unaware of any official statements from Blizzard that state what is being stated here, but if you know of one, feel free to point us all to it

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I mean they made a whole blog post section on it that you’re free to go look at <3

Playing tanks is hell against ana , you’re constantly anti and die

strange how other games seem to find the newbs place pretty quickly…

and old OW for that matter sometimes…

Thats because most other games one dont have the diversity of ow play styles and secondly usaly have like apex the same weapons everyone can use