Seagul’s take on the game in it’s current state. He raises some very good points.
What does seagull take on the game begin to do for me?
I still enjoy the game. And even if he still enjoys the game, why should I base my experience on his words?
The main thread on this is that way → Blizzard response to Seagull?.
I think he is right in almost everything he said.
i think overwatch need a regular rank reset ,when overwatch was brand new it was ok but now ,if you screwed your rank years ago ,there is no comming back if you stay in solo q regardless of your skill due to the team dependent nature of the game.the only way to come back being buying a new account and leaving all of what you earned behind (skins,cosmetics,lootboxes and levels) and the fact the ult and counters make you powerless and there is no vote player down in game, all of this contribute to the toxicity.
The main aspect of aggravation in OW is mainly the players. If in a perfect world, all players had more than 2 braincells, well you can at least have good games while working around some flawed game design. But being you are at the mercy of the worst matchmaking coding in existence and end up with mouthbreathers on your team more often than you’d like, it ends up being the horrible play of your teammates that one notices as the largest detraction to their fun in game, not the fact that a hero might have a hard counter or an ult is too powerful. Those are fine complaints, but let’s just call a spade a spade and stop dancing around the issue of idiot players as the main reason for this game feeling like an aggravating slog because we don’t want to seem like jerks.
As many leavers, trolls and such as there seems to be, it seems odd that they tend to be only on one team. All things being equal, you would expect both teams to have at least one some of the time. There’s only two explanations I can think of.
There really aren’t that many of them. This doesn’t match with experience though.
The matchmaker marks these people in some way, and then makes sure they are only on one of the teams. As weird as this sounds, it matches what people report. If this is true, then it would explain the forced win/loss, forced 50/50 and the gatekeeper phenomena.