The Silent Reinhardt nerf

It’s less animation cancels than a kit flow reinhardt was designed to have.
I charge in to close in on a pharah whos about to ultimate on low ground, and when I hit the wall, It feels more like you are stunned, and unable to bring up barrier field to make the pharah kill herself with her ultimate with splash off of your shield, that strat doesn’t work at all anymore. hammer after shield dropping it awkwardly juts in place when you drop the barrier field making the Rein fight have no difference between a casual rein, and a rein main who knows all the ins and outs and how to force certain actions, the mind game has been dulled down to a seriously brainless effort that solely relies on the enemy teams shield break since rein fights are just pointless now as when you do it, theres no flashing shield up for a reactive shatter block.

Reinhardt didn’t need the nerfs as he already felt awful to play with this new double snipers meta which can destroy you INSTANTLY if you can’t interact with your own kit. Basically what I’m saying is I have 630 hours on Reinhardt. And he is literally unplayable. Hes so bad I would say just drop all strategies with him, and run dive or orisa. Vs ANY good players Reinhardt is no longer the flexible tank he once was, and a refreshed static shield will offer you more certainty about the outcome of the fight. Just don’t play Rein because he is actually bad. He’s not just buggy now, he is legitimately broken in terms of kit usability in the game overwatch is.

I see alot of people saying “Animation cancels should be gone everywhere ree” But it’s not animation cancels. It’s just a nerf to his kit the whole way around, Imagine soldier getting nerfed by 20% of fire rate and can’t pop helix rockets if he has fired his gun in the past second, or if he fires helix rockets he can’t use sprint for a second afterwards, or if after sprinting, you can’t pop down healing field for a second, and if you pop down his healing field, you can’t pop tac visor until his hand comes back up which is about a second. Kit flow is important to certain heroes, genji can use his swiftstrike in all cases unless he has used melee or is coming off the blade being put away, he can even use it during a left click, or at the exact moment he uses the right click. THOSE THINGS AREN’T ANIMATION CANCELS IT’S KIT FLOW. Of which, reinhardts has been completely destroyed, everyone who plays a decent amount of rein has realized that he is super bad right now, even the main tank from houston outlaws muma has come out and said “Reinhardt actually feels awful” in his stream.

So stop saying it should be like this, you have no idea what you are talking about when you confuse kit flow with animation cancelling. Almost every hero in the game has an aspect of kit flow intentionally put there to not make the hero feel awful to play because it is IMPORTANT to its success as a hero, and with a pivotal role as a main tank, where you can’t ALWAYS just hold your shield otherwise oh boy just try it yourself watch your shield hit 0 halfway through the choke, but you can’t make that choice anymore as the time between is too large and people you try to protect WILL DIE.

Just fix it blizzard, it’s really really bad in terms of feel of which Reinhardt felt awful being piloted into the meta off the back of brig zar hanzo into a meta he only belonged in because of certain synergies, not because of any merit of his own kit being powerful.

And now he is made to feel worse again when you were trying to find a way to buff him to stop him feeling so awful as he did in s10.

Had to scrim with him yesterday, both of the main tanks ended up not playing Reinhardt at all because we couldn’t compete on that hero, and had to swap to the other tanks, even if it was a map that was great for rein, just unplayable.



First and foremost,

Realize we are on the same team. You have 630 hours on Reinhardt. Last time I checked that makes you 1 of 199 people who have more time then me, in the world, as reported by Overbuff and Master Overwatch. Private profiles has made this a statistic that can no longer be measured.

If you take the context from that specific blurb where I was simply comparing two heroes and one, just one, similarity. Not even in the context of the game as a whole. By no means do I feel this is simply about animations cancels or kit flow. There is a large amount of behind the scenes stuff that has been plaguing Reinhardt for a very long time.

In your post you specifically mentioned Soldier 76. 7 hours before you made your post I made almost the exact comparison. Post number 161 in this very thread.

I understand what you are talking about, but taking the frustration out on me helps no one. We all want the same thing so I hope to see more discussion from you in the future.

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The entire post wasn’t at you, I just skimmed past all of the thread and I clicked reply on you after becoming annoyed at all the dullbrained crud I had read over, it’s just a lot of people who probably have less than 20 hours on rein who think that Rein should be this way when it litertally makes him unable to perform. I saw over your posts so don’t worry, not aimed at you and I SHOULD HAVE MADE THAT CLEARER. Sorry bruh <3

Just super triggered that my favorite hero isn’t just a weak pick right now but is in fact LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE to a high level. It’s the sorta day where you wanna jam a fork into a powerpoint then jam your face on the other end of the fork because you are so done at that moment xD Sorry for the mistake man won’t make it again >.<


And this exchange between two Reinhardt players is exactly why Blizzard should take priority of this hero over others.

I took no actual offense, and read it with more of the same frustrated feelings I have.

What gets me the most is,

How is Reinhardt getting changed when there was no mention of any, none at all, code being altered in regard to his shield activation or Hammer Swing?

Each and every actual change gets developer notes, but somehow Reinhardt just comes out changed, without any explanation.


It happens quite alot tbh, especially and since you being a Rein player you would know exactly what I mean when there are some destroyable objects in game, that the way charge interacts with them can change back and forth between patches with no note of them saying it, and it would usually always work, and then BAM. Suddenly you are hit with taking that pin target right off the map because the object just breaks and it gets you killed. But that one I KIND OF UNDERSTAND not being in the patch notes because labeling each specific piece of the map in the patch notes that became slightly changed would be a flood of the notes themselves, BUT THIS ONE IS FULLY REIN CENTRIC so it at least should have had notes about it in the patch.

But yeah, rein gets hit with stealth changes all the time, nothing ever seems to fix any of the problems they aim to fix though :s


They deleted the Mercy mega thread?

You never really played reinhardt did you?

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This might be the reason I had such a bad experience with Reinhardt yesterday.


yes lets keep t his alive until the issue is addressed I’m part german and reinhardt is also part german so I have a blood bond with him.


My confidence in them is a rollercoaster. Right now I feel at an all time low with them.


Only because this post cannot die, I’ll jump in.

Rein is also my most played character, the only one I truly enjoy. I am, though, a sad silver and so I don’t suffer as much as you do. However, with the amount of bugs and counters Rein has, the CC fest and the always increasing damage creep, the last thing we need is more problems.

I hope Blizzard says something about this soon – It’s the worst when these things happen without any knowledge of the players… It feels like a sneaky attack.

Stay strong during these trying times, as always, shield bros and sis. :raised_hands:


Really wish they would say something about Reinhardts bugs, at least confirm or deny that they were intentional changes and tell us if/when there is a fix on the way.
Coz his state right now it so unfun and much less effective that he is unplayable.

I’ve also noticed something else.
my earthshatter seems to miss people so much more now…
an example is how reaper is safe, but BEHIND HIIM people are affected O_o

also… Lucio boop can push me away when he boops me on my shield (in the front). has this always been the case? i can’t remember.

No, but if he’s close enough that his hands are inside the shield on his computer he can.

he was not close^^
in fact. they were all huddled in a group in front of me, with no geometry to protect them (out in the open). some were affected by it, and some were not.

the earthshatter is buggier than ever. this was really rare before the update… after the update, it happens once every game!

I meant the boop :slight_smile: The shatter has always been weird and inconsistent, that’s why they’re recoding Rein from scratch. And I honestly hope this is all a result of the new code getting in the build prematurely, by mistake, before it was ready.

i’m actually sure this is the case (unfinished code getting in the game by misstake). just like how his unfinished eartshatter in the ptr is probably causing some issues now aswell.

still… this misstake is rather big and i kinda hoped they would have realized this by now ^^

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They probably have realized it, but it might be a hard fix depending on the code, or the deployment process may make it difficult to release quickly, or something.

I mean I get it, software is hard, especially when you’ve been taking shortcuts, and I understand if this happens and that it may not be feasible to fix or whatever. And I get that it’s been night, etc.

But one of the devs really need to make a statement today, explaining if this is by design or not, and what the plan is regarding Rein.

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Well you can’t expect too much from an Indy developer like Blizz, those junior mistakes of code introductions are hard when you are working on 10 year old PC’s in a rented out building in the poor part of town :wink:

His hammer seems to be knocking people back further than it used to, so it’s knocking people out of range. Because you know…that’s exactly what Reinhardt needs right now.

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