The Silent Reinhardt nerf



Glad I stopped playing Rein when I had the chance. He’s the only tank I outright refuse to play now…

Well OP, any talk about him is probably being buried by all the Mercy threads…

Booping this thread, by a friendly flex player :blush:.
Hope our German friend will have the fix he deserve. :beer:

All these bugs should be fixed ASAP, and the ES animation should be reversed and fixed. Hiding the bugs behind a new animation so we can’t tell if it didn’t work is just frustrating, respect our intelligence Blizzard.

Still no response sad

Still waiting for dev comment

Its sad that they disrupt and nerf long established things like Rein just because it’s technically ‘unintended’ to animation cancel, and their precious baby Overwatch needs to be squeaky clean bug free

A normal guuy doesn’t even know about skill cancelaton, it’s unfair and should be fixed. Period

For all heroes and skills I assume right?

Also the game would be better if Genji couldn’t animation cancel during his ult and reduce the number of his slashes, and it would be even better if Brigitte couldn’t kill me with her whole combo as Tracer and I can recall immediately…

Still no response from the devs about this issue/stealth changes that have been introduced since v1.28 and are still present in the live patch v1.32.

that’s cause they nerfed him and want to keep a tight lip. Just imagine how annoyed everyone would be if they learned that they inadvertently nerfed the most “balanced” hero. Not that hasn’t already gone through 3 nerfs…

It’s clear by now that this isn’t a bug, this was an intentional change.

Just be glad it’s not a 2 second CD on shield

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It was a stealth change/nerf with a huge impact on Reinhardt’s gameplay, making him even more sluggish to play with.
No patch notes, no mention on it or comment on it from the devs or anything, nothing. Even when multiple threads with high volume and youtubers point it out, they still never gave an answer.

Imagine if they continue doing stealth changes to multiple things without mentioning it, how would that make you feel?
Suddendly your favourite hero moves and attacks 33% slower with no patch notes or any dev comment, i bet you would want a response too.


Top pick check
Still Playable check

Yeah no need to necro.

You need skill and planning now.

So they removed little tricks to help a S tier heroe, seems healthy for the game BUT why not doing the same to Winston and Genji after more than a complete year of dive meta ? :thinking:

I think it says a lot about how garbage the game is right now, that Rein feels like total trash to play, but is about as close to must pick as anyone has been since Mercy after the rework. The dive tanks and Orisa are so meh that having almost anyone play Rectangle Man, and enable Zarya to thrive, and just hold up the shield and try to hit shatter every so often, is better than having people play other tanks that they’re actually better at playing.

Like obviously good Rein players get a lot more out of him, but even a Rein that can stand in the right place most of the time is going to win against a team not running him at all.