The Salt Against Mercy is Real homies

When in this game outside of quickplay do you ever not have “a squad” , only playing like a fool or dying stops mercy from staying with a team mate.

That’s why she coincidentally also has the best mobility; her escape is more reliable than Moira and Ana’s consistently even if it relies on a teammate. That would explain why she does the most healing, but not why she also has the most of everything else. Technically, Moira is the “pure healer” because she has no utility other than some damage and healing.

OK I think we’re done here.

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Squads be spreadin out all the time homie, bruh I kid you not, if you ain’t playing comp, 9 out of 10 games homies be spreadin out. It’s ez gg as hecc singling out the Mercy and tryin to hit up on that sweet kill game. Specially if no one wants to try with the tank.

So you spittin that we should be taking out her mobility, her res, and her heals? How would u nerf her?

I’m on the “remove rez entirely” squad, but I suppose that’s a pretty extreme niche. I’d likely fiddle with Valkyrie and resurrect more; there’s nothing really wrong with GA. 60 HPS is ok too.

But you were talking about her escape game? She would still have the best mobility ya feel? And the most reliably healing. I don’t know if removing rez would suddenly make her worse, just would make people not want to play the homie.

She can succeed other healers in some things. Resurrect on a mobile healer is just inherently always going to be dumb bad or dumb good. Not to mention that she can also damage boost just cuz.

Mercy players keep asking for Blizzard to make Valkyrie feel more rewarding, which in my opinion, can be achieved by moving damage boost and Resurrect to be accessible only while she uses Valkyrie.

I feel like it would add value to using Valkyrie as much as possible, but would lower her pickrate slightly because now she doesn’t have so much utility available to her in her normal kit.

I wonder why the most played hero who also happens to be played in almost every game of OWL is under scrutiny a lot.

You can’t balance rez, either it’s OP or it’s utter garbage and way too situational. OW is all about playing as a team and ensuring everyone survives during team fights. Being able to reverse kills is huge.

Zen/Lucio as a viable healer line-up? Yes please.

Team Skull has invaded the OW forums.

Apparently, they’re also huge Mercy fans!


okay lets pretend mercy doesnt do any AOE healz…

Anyone with half a brain knew she was going to be OP. Blizzard forces meta. Either that or they have no idea what they are doing.

60 HPS in her ult.

Meanwhile, Moira can stack spray and healing orb, or even healing orb and ult.

Spoiler alert, either of these options does way, way more than 60 hps.

I don’t know about removing damage boost from her normal kit. She contributes no damage to the team, and relies on her healing and damage boosting others to fill that gap. Both Moira and Ana have bigger heals than Mercy, she just beats them in over-all healing most of the time due to consistency. Truth be told, I think what needs to happen is implementing resurrect into her valk like you said. The other supports will need to be looked at though, I don’t see any Mercy specific nerfs making her less appealing unless those nerfs make her a troll pick.

I think it’s because she’s been meta for 7 seasons in a row with no sign of decline. Other healers exist too. Maybe it’s a sign people don’t like seeing the easiest support dominate the highest skill level all by herself :man_shrugging:

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Top 500 Mercy one trick is in favor of Mercy staying the way she is


There is no “easiest” support, every one of them have different challenges, and their play styles are for different people. I’ve seen a lot of top 500 dps players struggle to play Mercy.


you know i kinda hate the native english speaker
because it’s so easy for them to talk and to express
it’s so easy for you guys and i’m hating myself
because i can’t achieve the way you guys speak

I already showed the comparison between another character that has a #1 pick rate on a competitive game for 2 years straight. The fact you have almost 2k posts and still resort to reply with a low effort post is surprising. Well thankfully the ignore option exist haha.

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