The Salt Against Mercy is Real homies

Ya’ll need to chill. Real talk lmao. What’s all the hate being thrown at the homie Mercy for? That chick’s been exactly the same since she was nerfed, blame the meta changing and the new reworks.

Nerfin’ Mercy? My guy, I just checked her winrate and she’s literally hovering perfectly at like 50% on overbuff. She’s balanced now. I swear some kids be trying to find things to complain 'bout just to start wars. I’m all about nerfing OP heroes, but at this point I gotta sit back and shake my head at all these threads, meanwhile the homie baguittles is climbing to almost a 60% winrate (lmao).

Ya’ll just mad you ain’t gettin hit up with those t h i c c angel heals, my boiis. Making the rest of us DPS look petty as hell, I Heccin’ sware. XD

Edit: Shoutout to all of ya’ll playas reppin in the love. Homie or hater, your homie luvs you all!


Mercy main of 172 hours here

Mercy is currently the best support in the game and has been for about 9 months. She is currently better than other healers due to res being an ability and the other healers being nerfed or getting changes that actually fix their problems.

People think nerfing Mercy will make the other supports better, but all it will do is add another bad support who does nothing all game.

Remember season 5, no main healer was played because they both were trash. They played 2 off healers instead.


I just personally find the whole DPS vs Support thing / Everyone vs Mercy thing or whatever incredibly stupid…

Didn’t the pros even say that Mercy doesn’t need nerfs anymore? I think if even they are saying this, as people who are seen as the “pinnacle focus group” to balance the game on, we may be overreacting juuuust a little here…


Definitely. And now they are trying to drag us tank mains into it. Please just leave the tanks out of this forum war. All classes are needed and important to victory.


Yeah it’s pretty ridiculous. But at the same time I would see those same people making threads about how “no one wants to go tank” / “no one wants to go healer”. Well hmmmmm, I WONDER WHY. XD


Ever since launch Mercy has always been in the spotlight for buffs or nerfs.

Maybe a non-res re-rework would be better for everyone.


So… nerf mercy then? Reduce healing per second outside of ult back to the 50 it used to be so she’s not out healing other healing too much, and increase GA cooldown by 1 second.


If you add a second to GA, she might as well be dead


What’s unfair is that all other supports are niche and depending on maps except Mercy and Zenyatta.

It should be either all of them viable in all maps or all niche depending on maps.


So if Mercy is nerfed, I assume that means we should nerf Zen too? Since he would become the best healer on every map. Or atleast the most versatile one at that point.

This is why constantly nerfing Mercy is a bad idea in my eyes. When she was OP, sure, but now? Uhhhh yeah I dunno. I think It will just start a whole process of “Hmm X is nerfed, so Y is OP now. Nerf Y, but now Z is OP”. Sounds extremely messy.


Nerfing Mercy into the garbage can resolves nothing. All what happens is we get Lucio at a must pick rate and you get 2 off healers.


tempo rez is bullsh!t. it took all strategic play out of the game

if they have a high priority target like hanzo or pharah. she can just tempo rez them behind a rein wall everytime you kill them.

rez should not be a normal ability.


Nah the Bigger crime is hatin’ on the homie Zen they some snakes but i see what you mean tho Mercy hate growin to much Her rez i the only annoying part of her i’d face a good mercy ANY DAY vs a good brig lmao


Yea Mercy has been balanced for months now. Sure, she’s the top main heal pick, but that just means she’s better than Ana or Moira, not that she’s automatically broken (which is why people have been absolutely fine with her up until recently).

People are only complaining about her again because they’re getting bored with Brigitte. I thought the “witch hunt of the month” club was just a meme, but it’s actually a little sad how real it is around here.


I’m not gonna get into the whole Mercy argument, but this right here made reading the OP worthwhile.


Mercy is like that chick at starbucks we all know and love. She’s bland as hell yeah. She’s boring true. Her average game be stronger than Moira’s jawline. She may be wearing the same fruggen Uggs in the middle of August. But you know she’ll be holding up at that Starbucks meta no matter how horrible it gets.

Bruh i heccin’ swore, I refer to the homie Beeteeta now as “stun simulator”. Whatever I need a good stun, I hit her up. lmao


We cannot buff the rest while there is nothing wrong with them ( except Ana ).

When you have problem, you try to fix the source, not make everything else in the same overtuned state the problem is.

Brigitte is not the one who takes support slot in first place to be the problem, she takes the spot of an off-tank.

It is these two heroes who fit legit everywhere because of their power. That’s what unbalanced hero is. Not all dps fit in all comps, not all tanks either. Even Reinhardt was niche before Brigitte came in and is niche whenever she is not picked.

Legit the only heroes who fit everywhere are Mercy and Zenyatta. This should be concerning, especially since we have another two main healers so the excuse ‘we don’t have healers’ doesn’t stand anymore.

Legit the only heroes who fit everywhere should be looked at.

OK I agree with the topic, Mercy is fine, but why you talking like this tho? lmao

It looks like you’re in a tv show or something.

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Homie I appreciate the respect, but boii, don’t be comin’ at me hatin’ about my spit game in MAH house! This is my swag’o’dag, you feel? Ya heard!

Nah homie, I gotta stopya. You forgot about the homies Tracer and Genji. I’d say as well but I ain’t trying to start nutthin.

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