The Salt Against Mercy is Real homies

okurrr girl, sorry bout it lol
no hard feelings :stuck_out_tongue:

Zen is already nerf he can’t OS with his volley.
Nerf his heal? Lol?

Tracer and Genji do not fit in every composition anymore. There is no point in bringing facts that don’t happen anymore while Mercy and Zenyatta were and still are picked in every composition even right now.

Bruh, homies still play Genji and Tracer in just about every comp, even to this day, even the pros. Watchutalkin bout willis?

Just because they choose to, that doesn’t mean they are as effective or powerful anymore. That is the difference.

But they still play them all the time, in every comp, that’s the point I’m hittin’ at. Those nerf’s ain’t done nothin’. Same with mercy, she got nerfs but is still in every comp. And ya’ll still trying to nerf her lmao.

Says the guy who is completely ignorant on how winrates work.


Nah fam, 50% ain’t OP. She’s aight. Someone had to say it


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If both sides have a Mercy. And one side wins and the other side loses, that’s a 50% winrate.

I.e. That’s what happens when you get a must pick.

And that’s what happened when Mercy was godtier pickrates.

Please, cure your ignorance.

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She only has a 50% winrate because she is picked in nearly every game on both sides. Mercy got nerfed several times and is still the best healer in almost every rank. You should think about that.

A consistent nearly 100% pickrate is not fine, and that’s is where hers has been on ladder and professional play since October. It just seems like these posts are new because it is taking longer for the mods to merge them into the Mercy thread. Most of the community feeling like she is imbalanced is in no way a new thought, and it’s backed up by her stats. She needs looking into again.

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This boii edgy as hell lmao.

Bruh I know this is hard to hear, but the homie ain’t gettin nerfed. Jeff been said this months ago. You gotta adapt now to the new meta, not blame another hero for your mistakes. Chin up, great times await XD


I just had a stroke.


What annoys me about the whole Mercy stigma, is the same people that make fun of Mercy players and say “haha, you have no skill that’s why you play Mercy.” are the same people who flame teammates when they DON’T pick Mercy. They’re also the same reason why we’re getting the option to hide profiles now, because no one wants to trolled for not picking Mercy when they have hours on her, but then flamed anyways when they do pick her.

It’s like, what do you all want? You can’t have your cake and eat it too. And these fillers that are trying to do what they think is best for their team can’t win for losing. Such a shame this game is being ruined by such a contradictory playerbase.


The meta here is Mercy. This is still Mercy meta. We never left it. Her “nerf” did not lower her pickrate -which is nearly 100%, therefore her winrate is around 50%- at all.

I read what Jeff said same as you. This still has to change. It has been nearly nine months of absolutely needing a Mercy.

What I would wager is that the Devs are waiting till the end of July to even approach the subject, because that’s when their inaugural professional OWL season ends. That way she was the exact same all season, even if that’s cruel to everyone else -including the professional players who don’t like to play Mercy, but have to at the moment.


Bruh I heccin’ sware (shout-out to Samerica) you spitting truth. I just got out of a match and my homies were desperate (dudes were begging!) For one of us to go healer. I’m like " my guy go Mercy she’s still good" they’re all like “Nah bleep that bleep shes boring as hell” likeeeee bruh why y’all hatin and acting all tough and then turn around and need the healing then, friggin petty lmao


Your responses and comments are cracking me up right now. Thank you.


I’m still standing by my opinion that although Mercy is good at everything, I’d rather see our other current main healers get buffed to her level, not have her get nerfed to Moira and Ana levels. ESPECIALLY to Ana’s level.

After this “fix” with healing through barriers with Moira it cemented Mercy’s prominence even MORE than it is now, which is honestly sort of pathetic. I’m fine with playing Mercy but I don’t want to play her all the time. I love Ana the most, and Moira is a blast while still pumping out more healing than Mercy.


i totally agree with you

The problem here is that the game should not buff 3-4 healers just to keep up with Mercy. That creates a power imbalance -and I say this as a support main. Mercy needs to be knocked down to the other supports. That is the obvious and easiest answer. If you start buffing underpowered heros to be on level of the overpowered heros as opposed to nerfing the overpowered heros you begin sliding down a very slippery slope. It is a lot simpler to simply hammer the nail that is sticking out down to be in line with the others.