If you are unwilling to go shield tank then you just shouldn’t queue for tank (in comp)! I know it sucks but if neither of a teams tanks go shield, that team is at a huge disadvantage unless the other team has the same issue! Playing a tank you may not like playing sucks but at the end of the day you chose to go tank knowing that this could be the case, it’s also unfair on your team who has no way of changing the matter!
Again, I get that this sucks but until something changes it’s what’s happening! And if you only care about having fun and not about winning then just play quickplay!
(to be fair) I don’t think anyone should be queueing for comp if they’re unflexible in their role. You shouldn’t play support if you’re only going to play off healers, and you shouldn’t play DPS if you’re going to exclusivly play flankers
Another very similar post was made before yours and I will say what I told them. This is very frustrating indeed, but focus more on your own gameplay and getting better at your characters and focus less on your team. Learn to hone your skills and you will enjoy the game more!
I am an Orisa onetrick and she cannot defend her team. She is best paired with reinhardt so I can provide auxiliary shields and combo halt x firestrike so rein gets shatter faster.
The current tank balance is absolutely horrible and reinhardt has way too much power.
Every tank is an off-tank meant to be paired with rein now. Every one of us is just an off-tank now
Anyway, about your post dankbaby. Sorry, I had to call him out. I completely agree. I hate it when people queue up for tank and won’t go sheild. You end up with a Zarya and a wrecking ball. It’s a pain for us supports.
You don’t automatically need a shield tanks as long as your off tanks know what they are doing … the bigger issues are tanks not doing their jobs or suck at them because they are played by DPS players who refuse to wait 10min for a match.
I think people over value the need of a sheild tank, or even main tank. The amount of wins in masters where we have had Roadhog / Zayar or Zayar / ball is pretty high.
they nerfed orisa and sigma so much that they are off tanks compared to rein
Sigma less though, ive had success playing main tank sigma, but orisa is another story, shes generally my go to pick if they have something like a mei just so i can atleast survive her freeze
another problem is zarya too though, she just makes any tank paired with her extremely forgiving…
Thank you. I’ve been making the same posts. You pick whoever hero is needed to win, that is the point of comp, that is the competitive side of overwatch. We all need to accept this when we play comp
Because they have to.
They’re bound to be used alongside each other in future meta’s.
So they have to be balanced around eachother. Nobody wanted Sigma’s range nerfed to create a similar situation to where Rein and Winston don’t synergise with Orisa thanks to their lack of range. Something had to give.
Well the problem with that is they by doing this they enforced this even harder, you now literally cannot run them without eachother, so they literally made the problem worse, and this also enforces reinhart as the only main shield tank usable
i think that that could easily be solved with the following changes
Reduce orisas shield cooldown to 6-8s
Remove sigmas shield delay or reduce it to like 0.5s
Increase shield regen to 150-200shields per second
Those changes make them better, but keep the barrier HP low enough that they can still be busted thorugh easily if you run a barrier breaker, so any sigma/orisa comps can be easily ran over with the right picks,
Yeah but how are you encouraging the Sigma/Orisa player to play them alongside another tank? I guess to put it in other words, Would you pick Roadhog alongside Sigma or Orisa, or would you just pick Sigma and Orisa together?
Well, if really would depend on the situation honestly, thats really what im trying to go to, like if there was a reaper on the enemy team Orisa/Hog is a much better combo against him than Orisa/Sigma
if i have the possibility of running orisa as a main tank, then that opens the possibility of other pairs,
but if she is bad enough that she can only be ran with sigma, then there will never be an attempt to be ran with another tank because its just bad
I was a main Hammond and D.va, and I ***** hate shieldboting, but with recent dps buffs, playing off-tank is beyond my patience, I’m having lots more fun as a dps, even after 10 min queue (and another broken dps is waiting to come).
I will just practice my aim there, until Valorant go to open Beta. I have enough with these slow devs, and their bad decision, one after another. I’m done