In reality of a good team game you’re correct.
I’am playing main tank and a lot of comp, and can say that peoples don’t use my shield. either they stand in front of me (often healers) or far away on the side)… All the time I say “Use my shield”, do you think someone listen? No, not a single one.
I do my job and take/hold position and never ever, or about 10% of the games people follow me up. I do huge pulls with orisa and callouts. Huge shatters… And still I stand there alone pushing and ending up dying alone, with my team just stand still behind and watch me die…
This is how it looks like and I’am even stream and people on streams comment same too, WTH are they doing/not doing!!
That’s how OW works and look like.
Yes this game are just for leftovers and dead for sure!
Nope. “The sad truth about tanks” is the barrier options are being nerfed into the ground and feel like crap to play. The only one that was even halfway decent, was Rein, and they’re nerfing him now too. So, until they are changed/buffed, I don’t blame anyone for not picking a Barrier Tank.
That’s not how this should work. If something isn’t in a good state, it should be changed. And, the only way to really send that message to the developers, is to not play the heroes and express your issues with them (in a polite manner).
If you feel that barrier tanks are in a bad state (like I and many others do), then you should not play them. It’s not about “fun” or “not fun”, it’s about sending a message.
If everyone just keeps on playing them, regardless of their poor state, that will never get it across to the devs that changes need to be made.
And, on a side note, for the people who harass/yell and scream at their teammates to play a certain hero, you can all go screw yourselves. No one made you team captain and no one has to listen to your micromanaging bs. And, if you want a certain hero on your team, then queue up and play them. Simple as that.
Well, then the developers should balance the game better.
Your issue should not be with the player, but with the balance team. You’re basically saying: “you need to play shield tank, because the devs are not doing their job correctly”
It’s not on the player, here. It’s on the devs.
That’s like telling people that cant/shouldn’t play Sombra or Sym or Bastion, because the devs left them to rot. They are a hero on the roster and as long as they aren’t banned by hero pools, people can play them.
If you want those heroes to be in a better state, you’re talking to the wrong people. It’s not in the hands of the players. We don’t balance the game, they do.
This is true. The only thing I’d say is that you need to replace “Shield tank” with “Reinhardt”. Nobody wants Orisa or Sigma on their team and very few people want Winston.
It was nice when there were five options for main tank instead of one, but that’s not the state of the game as it is.
Play shield tank? No. If they don’t want to, they don’t have to. Especially, if they feel, like a lot of us do, that most of them are severely underpowered.
As far as not queuing, I suppose. Maybe that will actually send the developers a message. But, some people like to play the off tanks, it’s not their fault that the developers can’t seem to balance the barrier tanks properly or make 2 off tanks work well on their own.
my big thing when people talk about stuff like this, is theyre blaming the wrong person. For example, if Rein and Zarya are the only viable tanks, people’s solution should not be “force/strong arm/harass people to play those Tanks”, it should be “ask/tell the devs that 6 Tanks are near unplayable and suggest changes to make them better”
People are taking their anger/frustration out on the wrong people. Honestly, to me, it’s like going into a grocery store and yelling at the cashier about a store policy. You’re getting upset at the wrong person. They cant do anything about it.
Obviously, that’s not a perfect analogy, but I hope you get my point.
The problem is I can be here all day posting about Reinhardt being overpowered to a ridiculous extent until people start reporting me for spam, but it won’t make an Orisa pick on my team any less of a throw, or help me in any way if I queue tank and they other guy doesn’t pick Reinhardt.
They were better, and Blizzard made them worse. Like, made them worse in a matter of 3 patch cycles, over and over again.
But, it worked enough to get the other tanks nerfed which put Reinhardt into the position he is in today. Everyone feels like if they complain enough Blizzard will nerf what works and then the tank players will be left with whatever is isn’t terrible. Players are really trying to make all the tanks equally terrible.
Reinhardt is actually overpowered and needs nerfed. He wasn’t before they gave him a bunch of huge buffs. People seem to conveniently forget about those.
Well, one could argue your advocating for the wrong thing. In your example, its not so much that Rein is overpowered, It’s that Orisa is trash. So, maybe instead of advocating for Rein nerfs you should be advocating for Orisa buffs.
Reinhardt was given a buff to Steadfast he never needed.
Every other change was to address the many bugs that have plagued him since day 1, and still do now.
With the exception of Steadfast, and missing 400 shield health, which should have never been taken away, he is as close to release of any other hero on the roster.
But it’s actually both that are true. Reinhardt is overpowered and Orisa is trash.
If Reinhardt wasn’t OP, Winston would be a completely valid pick. He’s gotten nothing but buffs in years. But he’s almost as much of a throw pick as the other non-Reinhardt tanks. Wrecking Ball is also trash and he was only nerfed a little bit. And Sigma isn’t so bad he’d be unplayable if Reinhardt wasn’t absolutely ridiculous right now.
If Reinhardt was removed, people would play Dive with a side of Sigma and tanks would be considered slightly underpowered at worst.
From the earliest days of the Overwatch forums you have always hated Reinhardt. You don’t have a clear understanding of the tank roster because of it. You are blinded by anger and it shows.
I hate him because I hate playing him, but these days I don’t have him conceptually. I like playing Zarya a lot and I need Reinhardt to exist if I’m ever going to get to do that. But I hate him being so stupidly overpowered as this, because it forces me to avoid playing an entire role of heroes since I won’t play him specifically. And honestly I kind of dislike his players because they genuinely think the other tanks should never be equal to him.
Even if you feel Rein is too powerful, just nerfing him doesn’t fix the issue. You just add another Tank to the trash pile and make the Rein players not want to Q for an already underserved role.