The Role Queue Fallacy

Welcome to the world of solo queue team games. You can still lose a game in LoL having 16/2 K/D if the enemies have better teamwork or you just get stunlocked and focused every teamfight and then the enemies will wipe your team 4v4 because you had all of the kill gold. You have to play Deathmatch or Battle Royale if you want to gain SR only by your own skill.

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But it is true and you stated it. Blizzard caters to the solo player and doesn’t believe they should see 6 stacks in the same SR. Because as you stated

Making the percentage 100% of the time I will not see a 6 stack if I don’t use LFG. I know I know 5 stacks :stuck_out_tongue: . But the numbers are really irrelevant the logic is sound.

Most people are going to play whatever role they enjoy the most, because they play the game to have FUN.

The system we have right now kind of fails to cater those needs and that is absolutely not the players fault.

As much as I despise it when I get a 4 DPS comp in ranked:
The system that matched me with 4 DPS mains was created by Blizzard, not by the players.



i would still think they will leave quickplay like this… so you can still play quickplay with all the dps instalockers and be one of them… or you choose to play solo tank (most time roadhog) or solo support (most time ana)… nothing changes for you,

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I’m not against 2-2-2, I fill for terrible DPS all the time.
I just don’t think role queue is the way to get there.

Role Locking I am in favor of. Role Queue makes wait times unbearable for people of a certain category that happens to have the largest interest. While it is DPS now, it may not always be. Ok it probably always will be. But you get what I mean…

Apex Legends hero selection and lock system gets it right in this issue.
Everyone picks in a random order sequentially, once a limit is hit, that category is no longer selectable.

Nooo, no no no. Close, but Nope.

Let me explain how it works :
The MMR system will try to match groups on a group average level, SR, WR and stacking.

If you solo queue, you are less likely (yes, close but not 100%) to NOT get matched against a six stack unless they have five stacks. Groups of 3 + Duo + solo queuer vs 6 stack are a weeeeeird thing to see.

However coming from the LFG or not has nothing to do with it.
If you make a 3 stack with your friends you have huge amounts of chances of getting matched, with another 3 stack vs 3+3 or 5+1 or, in more rare cases a 6 stack. ← This 6 stack, or any other stack might come or not from LFG.

MMR system takes ping, waiting time on queue, SR, WR and stack size in consideration, the “source” of that stack (friend list or LFG) is not a factor.

Fun is subjective, you cant use it to argue against a system that affects millions of players mate, you should know that.

It absolutely is.
Do you want proof? Here it is :

  • Imagine a scenario where all the players , 100% of them, are able to use decently or perform at their SR level with 23 out of 29 heroes of the roster.

Will we still have this “problem”? NOPE

The system doesnt match you with 4 DPS mains mate, it matches you with players of your SR / Rank and will take into consideration your ping, time waiting on the queue and stack size, so its absolutely the player’s fault.

Who is deciding that you are going to be able to use decently and perform at your SR/Rank level only supports ? The game? NOPE. It was you.

So with your comments you are basically saying “I want a game that adapts to my preferences of playing it”, and sorry to bust your bubble but the players are the ones that are supposed to adapt to the game, not otherwise.

Not saying it can’t be done (developers said its way too complicated and would put a brutal amount of complexity on the system) but saying its Blizzard’s fault its clearly deflecting the blame (as I proved with my hypothetical).

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Owl games labeled Brig as DPS.

What is the point of this? I mean really, very few people can play more than a tiny pool of heroes at the same level. I certainly cannot play 23 heroes on the roster anywhere near the same level as those I play often.

When the system matches you up against 4 people who want to DPS and refuse to do anything else, it has matched you up with 4 DPS mains.

Put it another way, if someone was on a hockey team and the team had 1 defenseman and no goalie vs a team with 2 defensemen and a goalie. Would you turn around to the team lacking the proper positions and say “it’s your fault you lost, you just didn’t carry hard enough?”, or “I’ve seen this work before lets go!”.

In a game where team composition matters to the success of the team, the matchmaker should be putting people on teams with some consideration towards what they play. I don’t want anything to adjust to my needs, but I’d like to get teams with people who actually want to play the roles required to form a team.


Oh man, ive been doing this so much in scoreboard threads that it just gets repetitive. The answer to your question is literally on the last 3 paragraphs of the comment you are quoting pal.

See above. Now let me ask you this question:
What is preventing you from doing so? Give me a reason besides “I dont want to” or “i dont care, too much time”. A factual, objective reason besides self preference.

Is there a genetic mark that disqualifies you to play supports or tanks or DPS specifically? Is there any physical quality or lack thereof that blocks your learning besides 1 role or 4 heroes?

Spoiler alert : Its your preference only.

Do you want the MMR system to make players fill a questionnaire before queueing? should they list their main and alt accounts just to make sure they know or do not know how to play X role? Should we take into account current WR on role/hero even they might be playing only a few matches so the stats wouldnt be accurate?

Cant you see that is a NIGHTMARE that is caused by “I dont want to play other roles/heroes” or "i refuse to put the hours in learning how to be a true Flex player"? Cant you see it is a player issue/decision?

Flawed comparison.
When you go to play any sport, you talk to your team mates, even for 5mins and agree to cover certain positions or see what the dudes are comfortable playing as or not. That is the LFG tool. The tool is there. You are there. Use it.

No mate. What you should do is get friends, add people to your list and set up your own group. Via friendlist or LFG.

Again. The tools are there, you are there, you are able to speak to people during matches, get friends, make premades, use LFG. Solved.

My point stays strong. Here it is again:

Add the “i have the tools but i dont want to use them” there.


There are people who actually don’t play Overwatch for a living and have family, friends and other hobbies.

Someone who is playing only one hour per day simply can’t perform the same with every single hero and would probably prefer to play other games instead of playing roles they don’t enjoy.

Even the OWL players are maining certain roles/heroes and it is basically their job to play Overwatch all day long.

You are expecting the impossible and are blaming people for being unable to achieve it instead of thinking about ways to fix it that might actually work.

That implies that ALL flex players dont have families and have more time than you to play OW.
Its false though.

Again, preference.
Just like MMO players that play “harder” or a bit more hours gain more skill. Nothing new under the sun and of course, not unfair or unrealistic.

Flawed comparison, they are not using the MMR system mate. They play in teams and “scrim” against each other. Those rules dont apply to them.

You are expecting the impossible from a system that already works quite well. You also refuse to use the tools available (friend list, LFG) and pretend the system “covers that up” for you. Im only asking for people to be more “flexible” … who is the one with very unrealistic expectations?

Dont think its me mate.

At best you could say its 50/50 on players and Blizz MMR system, but saying its 100% on the system is wrong. Period.

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So, what is your plan to fix this “100% players fault” problem?
Banning everyone who hasn’t about the same hidden MMR with all heroes? xD

Guess where the OWL pros are playing when they aren’t playing an OWL match?
Competitive mode - just like everyone else.

Role queue isn’t “impossible”.
Many other games use it and it works.
Unlike the current match making system in Overwatch which rather feels like a lottery.

Well, if queue times is really an issue, they could do a randomized DraftPick for Roles instead.

Posted about it yesterday and two months ago, but hardly anybody seemed to be interested.

✅[Draft Pick] 2Flex-2Tank-2Heal

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This is what I am hoping for as well.
Sorry I did not see your post.

I started this game wanting to master genji, but all my games were full of people who also wanted to DPS and we constantly had a lack of people who seemed comfortable playing support.

So I decided when I was going to give this game another shot I’d go at it trying to play support; in most games that have this sort of structure I try to play the needed position to avoid constantly being at a deficit. In games where someone else wants to play main heal, I work on my lucio. If both heals are covered I will tank and have been working on my Zarya when off tanking is needed. But most of the time I don’t have people in my squads jumping to get on main healer. I can also flex to a few DPS classes if I need to, but I can count on one hand the amount of games that has been required.

What I cannot control is the other 5 people on my team typically at least half of which will not swap, they’re playing what they decided they want. This is the problem most of the time.

How is my performance not affected if I’m a solo healer on a team with 4 DPS constantly “flanking” (read: going on solo deathmatch missions and feeding). While the other team’s healer has 2 tanks with large health pools to heal? playing as an unorganized team - but at least they’re somewhat grouped up. When you get 3-4 groups in a row like this how are you supposed to feel like this is a serious competitive environment?

No, your critique of role queue is it won’t be perfect and you’ll still get people who don’t know what they’re doing, no argument there that’s how it works with people involved. But you won’t get people that have to play tank who DO NOT WANT TO, and as the system evolves and more people can play tank in a stable group you’ll get more tanks who know what they are doing. It will aid the lower tier in learning to play the game properly and why this stuff is important.

I can see the nightmare that is caused by people refusing to flex and not knowing how to play other heroes. I see it in my games all the time, the fact that people will not swap is why so many people are shouting for role queue. The game is over 3 years old and this is still a thing, you have not purposed any solutions you just keep ranting on about how people should flex, people do not flex, and you can really only expect people to be good at so many heroes. Look at the game the way they advertise it - pros barely flex; but average gamer with a fraction of the playtime should be able to?

People have lives you’re one of those people that sound kind of like they treat OW like their job. I have a job, I have a family (kid on the way) and things to do in life aside from OW. I cannot dedicate 12 hours a day to playing a video game.

It’s not a flawed comparison at all, there are plenty of competitive leagues out there where you signup as a position you want to play and teams are created based off this information. If I sign up for pickup volleyball we don’t all come together and discuss who’s going to set, play power hitter etc. That’s all known when you come together as a group - that organization has been done for you. If I as a power hitter have to play setter, middle or any other position my team is going to wonder why I showed up to a competitive league unable to understand the basics of the position I’m playing.

I have never in over 20 years of playing competitive sports had a team come together and discuss who was going to fill what position, ever never ever. You’re talking about some sort of pickup game that’s going on at the neighbourhood court (which is NOT competitive), or on a beach court or something.

I have been working on this, but also found it to be problematic as a lot of people don’t play really regularly. So you add people to friends and then you don’t see them for 2+ weeks.

I also use LFG, but it’s not always populated.

Stop assuming everyone is just some clown who’s refusing to work with their team. I try every damn game to be the fella bringing my team together and encouraging people stop fighting and focus on the gameplay. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

But getting a group of too many people all of which want to play the same role, rarely ever results in a positive gaming experience. There’s too much ego and too little maturity for this to occur as a regular thing.

You literally answered yourself.
Player problem? Player solution … oh wait, there are tools to make premades with people you know are willing to play X roles!

What a time to be alive! … yeah use them :wink:

Pointless argument then.
They usually duo or 3 stack mate. Those who solo queue know what they are going into. Again, pointless.

Oh I agree with you and never said it was impossible, what i said was:
"So with your comments you are basically saying “ I want a game that adapts to my preferences of playing it ”, and sorry to bust your bubble but the players are the ones that are supposed to adapt to the game, not otherwise".

My point still stays strong and unrefuted.

Happens when you are expecting a system to use basically some algorithm that is closer to a magical insight with perfect accuracy and knowledge about player’s feelings and behaviours to make a group :rofl:

Dude, just use the LFG and get a proper friend list. The tools are there, use them. Its really just that simple.

You are beyond help.
There is an easy fix for a problem and you are against it because “the players are at fault”? xD

Also LFG is dead and you are more likely to get matched against well coordinated teammates who are playing together on a regular base.
Even Blizzard acknowledged this problem.

Friend list isn’t a solution either.
Most of my friends have a much higher or lower SR and even though my friendlist isn’t that small there are rarely enough people online to built a balanced 6 stack. Also it is way more complicated and time consuming than a simple role queue.

If you can’t fix the players you have to fix the game.
Another thing that Blizzard acknowledged:

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Im sorry my facts refute your points i guess.

Blizzard acknowledges a lot of things mate, they never claimed to be 100% their issue … mostly because its not. Like I said, at best its 50/50.

Since you like official statements, check the Emongg interview with Jeff. And have a laugh with me.

Which facts?
All you are doing is blaming the player base for not playing the game right and not investing hundreds of hours into learning to play every hero on the same skill level.

Sure. If everyone would be equally skilled with every hero and willing to play every single one of them that would work out. But that is simply a Utopia that is never going to happen and offering this as a solution isn’t going to help anyone.