The return of open queue ruined role queue

I agree.

Especially with replays, clans would solve problems like your own teammates sabatoging games, because they would be kicked out. No involvement needed from Blizzard.

It would also make SR more consistent because it can be ranked by teams, rather individuals; but this would come with some major downsides.


I just logged in to look at the queue times. It still was 8-9mins for supports ( my main role). When it was 2-3mins before open queue. My biggest problem with open queue is being forced to play a certain role to compose a 2-2-2 comp. If I want to play tank I would pick tank in Role Queue.

Of course im not really forced to play a specific role, but people tend to ask me to go tank or support to create a 2-2-2. This comp is get used almost every game because its good, I also think its the most balanced comp in OW aswell. So if this comp only gets used why has open queue returned? For the few moments a third sup or tank makes the difference or to recall it’s old playerbase who loved OQ and hated RQ?

For now Open Queue drains its playerbase from Role Queue.

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But even if it balances out the teams and makes it harder for the enemy main tank as well, it still is more frustrating and less fun to play as. Also, playing a shield tank into 3-4 dps makes your shield feel like paper.

That’s because it wasn’t as well liked as a few vocal people out there claimed.


Role-less queue game modes appear to be quite popular near as I can tell

Very low queuing time


try healer, we are working hard too

Holy necro batman!

(Beat ya to it HeyZeus)

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I honestly im glad they have both open and role queue. It provides the choice for the player and the role queue wait times arent that long if you play with friends so im glad they have both as options now.