The return of open queue ruined role queue

That’s true, but once again, I’m going to repeat that’s not why I called Megadodo as a stalker in the first place.

To say that this is an irrational response after just one or two conversations that you have had with me would be an understatement… You don’t know the entire story and how many times I’ve proven and I’ve been proven wrong in the past.

But hey, I’m only one person and at the end of the day we all stay entitled to our opinions about everything and anyone out there.

Wish you the best in your future endeavors though.

The only time I play RQ is when I need to do my placements. Otherwise, it’s mostly OQ. I am a flex player before RQ made me a support main. So glad I can play DPS again without having to wait 5 years to get a game.


Look dude. I’m perfectly willing to give you the benefit of the doubt but you always put so much effort trying to label something as “fact” “true” or “opinion” or “baseless” that it takes the point out of any discussion. 90% of what is talked about on this forum is speculation on some level and that won’t change even if you have a pretty little spreadsheet to back it up. You don’t like open queue and think role queue is amazing we get it. But there are also a lot of people that missed the freedom to do whatever they needed to for a game, even if it meant switching roles to go from Junkrat to dva to counter a pharah or from Winston to Lucio to help your other tanks brawl. Or even swapping with your team to single tank dive with Sombra doom and Genji. It’s fun for people because those of us who don’t worry about our teammates as much or play with our team and not in spite of them, can come up with some really fun ways to play the game.


Dps wait time is a joke. The reason the dev team doesn’t fix that is they hope you’ll switch roles. In reality, tanks and supports are trash. People just quit the game for good. Thus longer wait times.

To anyone who disagrees: play other games.

I don’t see how any of the above claims take away the point out of a discussion, but that may be my mania with what’s objective and subjective in this world speaking. I still respect your opinion.

Ehh, dunno about that… I really believe in evidence and actually objective claims, but yeah so many movements for example have spawned from doubting even fundamental facts of our world (I’m not gonna name any) that I can’t help but see your point completely.

Actually, Open Queue, all problems aside, has its charm and I would trade 2/2/2 role - lock for an actually functional LFG system at any time of the week, but I guess we haven’t discussed enough in order for you to know these views of mine…

I agree completely and I respect all those people. There’s a reason why I absolutely never reply to any post of people who are just putting out their own personal opinion in a respectable manner concerning this subject and any such topic as well.

I truly can’t stress any of this enough and if you go through my post history you’ll find out how many times I’ve plaised Open Queue’s addition for what it’s worth. Actually, when discussing OQ’s impact on queue times was one of the most important times I was proven wrong as well, as in the beginning I wrongly thought that the game mode would not increase queue times at all for RQ.

I hope I cleared up some things at least.

This would bring up another problem. I talked to a loooooooooot players (mostly off tanks) about 1-3-2. What most of them told me was, they would stop playing tank and instead go play DPS or just quit the game (which would increase the queue times in general since there are even less tanks available). I’m not a hog player, but I play Zarya a lot. A bit too much sometimes. But tbh, I would also rather play DPS instead of MT since I don’t enjoy playing mt at all and this is reflected by my performance as MT.

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exactly that.

We dont need offtanks. Pls quit.

We ONLY need main tanks. Poeple with mentality I want to shield and help others.
We dont need dps healers, who mostly dps and occasionally use 1 ability to heal some chip dmg. We need main healers who are prepared to die for the win.
And same for dps, mostly need dps who swaps the counter wheel, cz of many options…

Like im not joking,
222 gives me less cooperative teamcomps than open rank before.
Cz dps who cared about rank flex swapped while “tanks” now abuse instant ques and just run to next gmae if its not instacarry.
We need only those poeple who said they enjoy being the star main tank with lots of power and pressure.

Not having this problem personally but then I stack

Lots of the tanks did and that’s why we have the current situation.


Yea man. Still love the game but it’s just sad.


Since role queue I’ve gradually been playing more tank. The queues are just too brutal as DPS. When I have time to play, I want to get in 4 games per hour, not 2.

I’m playing Zarya/Hog and occasionally Sigma (if double barrier mirror comp is the only way I think we can win) and it’s only to shortcut the DPS queue. Sometimes I’m in a Zarya mood and while she’s probably my best hero, it’s just not as fun as DPS so I’m loving open queue where I can DPS more often even if that means my team has 3 of them.

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Well role que is nice idea on paper…but waiting 15mins for game and looking menus is really big detter from game.

If you ask me OW need locked ranked play mod…you pre pick class, click que, and end in game with randoms, no premades, no meta setups, show your pure skills.

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Still getting in game after game of OC in just around a minute(or less). I personally don’t need anymore data then that to suggest which format is truly the winner here. But no one is stopping the lovers of RQ from sitting around and waiting for a “balanced” game.


is not open q fault, is the brig nerf.
I bet many support players switched to dps (like me) or simply stopped playing.

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Am I the only one waiting for 10m+ for open que? RQ is the same btw…

Sometimes I just wonder whether or not competitive mode was just one giant mistake :thinking:

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Open queue is so dumb anyway, what’s the point of that? Such an unfun and ineffective game mode with 5 DPS and one Tank…

I doubt it, I think most players play what role they wanna play, not what is strong. DPS are gonna damage, Supports are gonna support, and Tanks are gonna tank. Just depends on what you gravitate towards. There’s always going to be a lot more DPS players because more people are drawn to that type of role than to the supportive roles of Tanks and Healers

I find role-less queue mode to be far more fun than the restrictions and multiple severe problems that 222 added to the game

I get 4+ dps in roughly one in every twelve matches, and its never a problem when i do


Not quite.

All of the evidence supports that players don’t like 2/2/2. Because nobody wants to play tank. The evidence is irrefutable based on the queue times.

Instead, players like the idea that someone else will play roles that they don’t want to play.