The results of 5v5 and 6v6

This is a 6v6 thing I be doing entire flanks in 5v5.


with busted heals and op tanks healers only job is healing the tank


Based on the feedback you are seeing… that’s how you come up with your results and that it’s going just as predicted??
Great source. Super reliable. Must be true.


yeah 2-2-2 does feel better than 1-2-2, I find im only queing for 6v6 now, the format seems to just be more fun. If they start balancing around it, it could be much better too since they just threw together one patch to make it work with the current game and maps.


This is objectively not true. It works for at least one person.

I would argue that it works for ten people.


I’ll see your ten and raise you four hundy und foty.

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The tanks aren’t the problem.

The support role is the problem.

When will people accept reality? What is it gonna take? Will you guys hypocritically continue to not admit that you just enjoy abusing broken mechanics on the support role? Why do you think both formats have problems with the tanks? It’s cause the tanks can cycle cooldowns consistently because their supports can back them up with insane heals and 5 get of jail free cards. This is the problem. It’s not rocket science. The support role needs gutting, reworking, nerfs, etc. Then you might see balance in both formats, magically. The DPS role can’t cause these issues because it’s a PVP game, you’re meant to be deleted half the time. That’s that.

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What is better for tank players is better for the game right now (and no, I’m not a tank player, never have been). People here are crying rather than acknowledging the improvements that were interfering with the experience in 5v5.

With 6v6:

  • Stomps are mostly gone.
  • Leavers are hardly an issue. You barely notice them anymore.
  • Raid boss tanks are gone, and they play smarter because if they don’t, they die.
  • Sustain overall has been calmed down. Kiriko and Baptiste don’t keep a team up nearly as long as they did.
  • Tank synergies sometimes pop-up, and are presenting a more involved level of play when they do. Crafting solutions to them makes things interesting.
  • All of the heroes are playable again, and the new heroes feel like they have more agency to play how they were meant to (Ball, Roadhog, Venture etc.)
  • Time to kill is satisfying again.
  • Push, Clash and Flashpoint are a little bit better with more players per team.
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Entirely wrong I was one of the best Baptiste in existence back in 6v6 I could keep an entire team alive solo.

No fighting against 2 synergized tanks is annoying espeically when youy tank “Synergy” is ball hog on your team…

Wait at the choke to press Q (Blizzard themselves even knew about this problem it might not have been present in yiur ganes your group experince blah blah blah but it was present enough for BLIZZARD THEMSELVES to notice it withough ancedotal evidence).

No no these modes just suck.

Nope still got mollywhooped in 5v6s same as 4v5s there was DEFINITLY no magical difference of a 5v6 easier then a 4v5 I dont know where the hell people are pulling this from.

I especially dont know where the hell yall are getting this data from every 5v6 Ive ever saw or been apart of bare 2 3 every celestial cycle the team with the most players wins, 99% off 99% of rebate money back guarentee. I dont know where the hell yall are getting this data from like that aint even worth an argument.

It’s always been about the tanks…

We’re discussing 6v6 because of tanks

we have 1 less player now because of lack of tanks

We got RQ because of lack of tanks and inability to balance them

If the game goes back to 6v6 it’ll be because enough tanks were played during this test


If they go 6v6 with reverted hog then “I’ll go completely over to Marvel Rivals”. How do they decide who they lose - you or me? :slight_smile:

Didn’t they go RQ because of GOATS with 3 tanks on each team? That’s the impression I get on here?

The issue with 2-2-2 is that players have to choose their roles before they queue. They will choose the role they most want to play. But if you put them in a game with more freedom then they will play what is needed to win more often.

The idea of min-1/max-? makes sense because it both gives some freedom of choice (not always), keeps queue times down, and prevents some bad comps from being made which are OP. I suggest min-1/max-2-4-2 as 3 tanks is problematic.

IMO 2-2-2 is in the right direction. I am having tons of fun tanking and I don’t know what I should do if 6v6 is gone. 5v5 is just a stress test now. (Yes I kinda stopped playing MR rn because I have finished everything there AND OW 6v6 IS FUN)

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There was a lot of people playing tanks cause they had to…not a lot of “tank players” - that would be the inability to balance them part

Prior to that we also had 2 years of people asking/begging them to add a RQ because nobody would ever play tank

It is and has always been about the lack of tank players

Roadhog has needed his Breather reworked for quite a while to shoot out inhalant as he uses it, so that he can help his other Tank or back-line survive enemy fire like lots of other Tanks can.

They already said 5v5 is not going away this game is a huge mess, pretty sure 6v6 is only a bonus or arcade mode in their mind

it’s too late they have lost 3 years trying to force a failed format… at this point just do ow3 or ow classic it’s borked beyond belief

At this point i dont care if its 5v5 or 6v6. The reason game is trash is cause literally every hero added in ow2 has made the game worse.

Everything will fly away if u approach it, Everything will boop u away and u will be pingponged untill ur dead totally out of ur controll. Immortality lasts untill ur dead, NO counterplay to that. THERE IS TOO MUCH OF THIS BS, U wait for Suzu, inc comes Lifegrip/ TP/ pedal/ boop for days. IT feels like absolute trash, and none of it existed in OW1

No one is talking about this from a healers pov. In 5v5 you dont have anything to do. In 6v6 its actually fun.

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I don’t think anything is quite worth an argument with you actually lmao

I’m sorry you are having trouble adapting.