The results of 5v5 and 6v6

Based on the feedback Im seeing the results arrreeee exactly as everyone predicted.

If your a tank its great, anyone else besides a select few its not that hot, console Sym torb Illari + double tank yeah rather then arguing with people about how easy that comp is to beat or how console dosent matter I say we just skip alllll that and stick to 5v5 that works for everyone.

I think 6v6 works better like this just as lije an event but not something we should solidify as like the main mode again.

Some have turned to 5v5 some 6v6 we can see why each person enjoys the other, the problems people had with 6v6 are… Like there still there waiting until someone presses Q is still like a thing.

5v5 also still has its fair share of problems maaaiinnllyyy on the tank end of things.

The problem just keeps coming back to tanks it seems, not sure how youd that besides just like reallly good balancing.

But you also have to balance in like such a way where the people who play the game and play those heros are satisfied with them.


I will say it again, with Marvel Rivals out, we should stay 5v5 and distance OW as far as possible from Rivals, because OW has no chance in competing against it.

6v6 or 5v5 is basically the same thing, just with different problems. Its on the same level, just that 6v6 is associated with lootboxes and the novelty of a new game, while 5v5 with a sour taste of no PvE and a shop system.

The base problems are the same, no matter the format. Hero designs are the problem of each mode and they need to fix it. Screw hero identity and focus on making a great game, like they always say.


It really don’t
6v6 is the only way to recover the playerbase that jumped to Rivals. Drop 6v6, your queue times rise regardless of it being 5v5.


If Overwatch doesn’t put 2-2-2 in as the main mode they balance around, I’ll go completely over to Marvel Rivals. Role Queue 2-2-2 feels better than 6v6 Open Queue, but 1-2-2 is garbage.


And if they drop 2-2-2 as the main mode, I’LL be leaving for Marvel Rivals (despite how much that game sucks). Everything is so much worse in 6v6, ESPECIALLY tank…

Also you dissing my favorite comp mode!? You better not! Goats is king!


If by Tank feeling bad you mean they die too quickly to focus fire or by not receiving immediate healing, that can be fixed through balance patches.

They can nerf damage & healing across the board, up Tank health, reduce the general head-shot multiplier, add a minimum % damage reduction to Armor so it’s not useless against burst damage shots, and the final option would be to rework Doomfist, Orisa, Roadhog, Wrecking Ball, and Hazard so they each have an ability to provide some sustain to their other Tank.

As for DPS & Support, the only possible way they could feel worse in 2-2-2 is if you get the bad Tank hero designs on your team or the enemy team. For example, Doomfist + Wrecking Ball doesn’t feel good to have on your team in 2-2-2 because they can’t block/reduce any incoming damage for the team, and they’re more annoying to play against for the other team compared to other Tanks because their entire focus is CC + damage + self-sustain.


For me, it’s just so much harder to access the enemy team with almost all the tanks, just because I’m always going to have 1-2 in my face. Sure my other tank CAN do stuff but it definitely feels like most of the ones I’ve played with are along for the ride.

DPS is very chill in this mode, you can be struggling and no one seems to care as long as you’re not losing. It’s kinda crazy and I don’t like it.

As for support, sure I can get kills as long as I sacrifice someone to the other team. Just feels like if you stop healing, someone falls over dead, probably due to the healing passive getting nerfed.

And worse of all for me, it’s too cluttered. 5v5 feels like there’s enough breathing space on maps, that’s gone in 6v6. Which honestly is not as much of a problem in Marvel Rivals, as the maps feel maybe TOO big for how little space characters take up.

I hope they do rebalancing and I’d hope to have both modes available for everyone but I’m not convinced they’re willing to do that.

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5v5 works for nobody. Tanks hate it while at the same time they’re so OP you can’t and don’t want to interact with them. I’d rather we really go down the no tank route than 5v5 tanks


So you want people to flame you when you’re struggling as DPS?

If you have a Tank line that can Tank for the team like Winston + Dva, then that does allow for Supports to go more offensive when abilities like Winston’s Barrier and Dva Matrix are used because they take pressure off of the Supports having to heal the team, I think the problem is selfish Tank designs like Doomfist, Roadhog, Orisa, etc.

This is a personal preference thing. I feel like 6v6 makes the games more exciting, whereas 5v5 makes the maps feel too empty.

Yeah, there are so many changes I wish the devs would do, like fixing the problematic selfish Tank designs, further reducing CC, and reducing both damage and healing across the board.


Kinda? Just feels like people blame the tanks even more in 6v6 now that there are two of them. I’ve heard tank diff non-stop in 6v6, at least in 5v5 people call out underperforming dps, even if it is me.

I’ve yet to get this duo as a support. I’ve played the Winston in the duo and it’s been really tough getting my DVa to work with me instead of constantly peeling off and flanking.

True. I like big open spaces though I definitely like snipers so… Except Ana, I don’t like her.

That’s true for any mode. CC in Rivals is such a pain and reminds me how terrible it used to be in OW. I don’t see much reason to keep it at this point that’s for sure other than like a very short slow or something.

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I just turn off the chat so I don’t have to read people flaming each other.

I find it weird that so many DPS in Marvel Rivals have hard-CC sprinkled in somewhere in their kit. Luna Snow and Mantis are definitely the annoying hard-CC Supports.

For Overwatch, replacing some stuns with a brief slow instead would make the game feel better for sure. Getting interrupted is definitely a bad feeling.

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I’ve thought about it but I also have enough jokes and positive experiences to keep it on.

Which is really funny to me that it feels like no one cares or are okay with it, like they have double standards. The same people who HATED cc in OW love it in Rivals. Then again, it’s more like a moba than a shooter at this point so…

But yeah, we should get rid of all stuns remaining in the game.

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I’m ok with some Tanks having a 7 or 8 second minimum cooldown stun. I really want to remove all stuns/interrupts from DPS & Supports for sure, including removing ability lockout from Sombra Hack.

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Sombra is my main dps and I don’t even use it for the lock out. 1 sec is hardly noticeable, should just remove it at this point. I like it for the damage boost but especially for being able to track the target through walls.

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I completetly forgot I had wrote this post already.

My problem with 6v6 is tanks that were made for 5v5 have either no impact or too much impact. Since the design philosophy shifted so much the only way to encourage people to play tank anymore is with a complete rework of the problematic characters. Doomfist and Junkerqueen can be fun to play but are really hard to pull off if you end up queueing with the wrong person, mostly because of their nerfs and playstyles. More mitigation heavy and initiator style tanks are too small and inactive of a category to want people to play them, even though I believe they’re the most valuable tank to have i.e. Rein, Winston, and somehwhat Sigma. I think Ram is one of the tanks that transfer better into 6v6 as a main tank, but all other OW2 tanks just feel like a different version of roadhog or sigma with the same boring amount of mitigation for self (and not just OW2 tanks but Orisa’s rework makes her not belong anywhere, the amount of poke tanks in the game just makes me snooze)

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The only way to steal (or recover ?) whatever playerbase from any multiplayer games that exist is to release a brand-new game and promote it well before release.

Overwatch did that very well in 2016.

We’re in 2024, maybe it’s time to work on a proper Overwatch sequel that isn’t just a F2P copy-paste of the original game… ?

That being said, I’m not even sure many people left Overwatch for MR… They most likely just play Overwatch less 'cause it’s a very old game, which is nothing but normal behavior.

I already have almost 60 hours on MR and I only play 1-2 matches a day on OW to complete the BP and the only reason behind it is that I like playing new stuff. If it were MR that was released in 2016 and dragged for years up until 2024, and Overwatch being a new December 2024 game, I would be playing the most recent one more, all the same.

Edit : Also, MR encourages premades and playing with IRL friends (for now). Overwatch stopped doing that because of the very toxic and selfish “solo queue player” mindset that spreads like a virus in many multiplayer games (especially Overwatch).

No wonder, many players would rather have fun as a premade there than suffering the toxicity against premades that gets implemented in older multiplayer games.

When premades are not wanted in a certain game, and some vocal group of players discriminate them on a daily basis, don’t be surprised they’ll jump any bandwagon to spend more quality time in a different multiplayer game.

If people want the solo queue mindset to become mainstream in multiplayer games, then they should embrace said game to become even more niche in terms of active players.

It feels great to play with IRL friends as a premade in MR, just saying…

5vs5 provoked tank role to be almost deleted with less real tanks, make everyone a dps with more hp, healers are heal bot, and dps had to be increased their damage and ad passives to be relevant, then create modes with 0 deffensive gameplay, basically a cheap arcade boring shooter with 0 deep and strategy, even call of duty has more to offer

6vs6 have problems but thats overwatch, thats how was designed and should be played, we only need competent balance developers

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Nah. I was completely wrong. I thought it would be fun…

I have respect for the 6v6 crowd though. I guess they are not nearly as fake as I thought they were. Unfortunately for you, 6v6 is like a bad Peni and keeps coming back.


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So the results show that it’s a better game even with the worst balancing that the game ever saw under 6v6, including release brig or the year of endless dive meta from before? Glad to see we’re on the same page.

Don’t give them ideas!

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