🔨 The Reinhardt Talk

And I happen to think you’re dead wrong.

Being better than the opposing team’s Waste of Space #1 and #2 does not feel good, even if your slot is guaranteed simply because they cannot replace you with a hero from another Role — any of whom would likely be more impactful.

Sure, that role decision is a null concern when your forced to play an inferior role regardless, but the player experience is undoubtedly affected.

Do not overpower a role just to artificially inflate its participant count. All excessive power has a cost elsewhere.

every tank is also not reinhardt. it won’t apply the same evenly when not every tank does the same job

I don’t really think so.

Every time we’ve had a totally OP hero I play them for a bit and it’s fun at first, but then I honestly get kind of disgusted at them, and I don’t like them at all. It feels cheap and wins feel unearned. I don’t want OW to elevate tanks and make them Just Better than DPS, that’s stupid, and it would make me want to tank less, not more.

I think barrier tanks have a lot less capability to “Flex” than other roles.

For instance,
Healers, if you are getting dived to much as Ana? Go Moira or Mercy. Not enough damage, go Zen. Pharah isn’t dying, go Ana or Baptiste.

Most people wait 10 minutes to play their garbage dps without a second thought, why does the experience all of a sudden matter just because they have to face slightly better tanks that were already broken to begin with? That makes no sense.

Probably because the concern is DoubleOffTank vs the equivalent Rein/Zarya.

Which is kinda solved in that recent thread I had. Since DoubleOffTank has a strong HP advantage.

✅ Fixing BarrierTanks and OffTanks

Of course ladder, that’s what the playerbase at large will experience. I don’t keep up with OWL.

To each their own, but playing multiple other shield tanks against Rein I’ve realized two things. We are very easy to shatter because of our downtimes with shields and damage mitigation, and if one lucio boop(or any boop) could actually push him off out of melee range, we would stand a chance midfight.

I’ve proposed solutions that didn’t touch Rein, like reworking the shield to cooldown ratios of Orisa(so she can place more shields, albeit weaker) and reworking her fortify to function more like D.va’s matrix resource, and reducing Sigma’s shield cooldown–all so we dont have to touch Rein but still give others a real chance to block a shatter. If they wont do that than we need a midfight solution since we can’t beat Rein at the ult game, which is where removing Steadfast comes into play.

steadfast doesn’t make him unmovable though. not sure why you’re trying to paint it like this.

cant? of course you can, it requires practice. it requires knowing ult economy and who might have it.
the buffs to other tanks can work without needing to touch reinhardt though. removing the shield cooldown for sigma can be a good start

I think Rein still needs some nerfs even if other tanks are buffed, though. He got huge buffs in steadfast and his shielded movement speed and he did not “pay” for them in other areas nearly enough to balance it out. He’s still way too good, and I think it would powercreep the tanks bad if we made other tanks as good as he is now.

it would be powercreep to nerf him and then buff the others

Of course he moves, just not enough.

Of course you can block a shatter from a gun ho Rein player, but any intelligent player on Rein should know that the ball is in his court. He need only pressure the fortify or Sigma shield recall and he has a guaranteed shatter.

Compare shattering Orisa or Sigma versus shattering another Rein who has a shield at will? See the difference? Rein on Rein is an actual fair match up where you psyche each other our and capitalize on the mistake. On anyone else, getting your shatter blocked is more of your mistake as Rein.

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No, it would be powercreep if we buffed Orisa/Sigma/Winston/Ball to be as good as current Reinhardt.

Rein needs to come down a bit and they need to go up a bit.

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i dont actually. it’s the same difference. sigma and orisa have ways of blocking that shatter and it’s still a mind game regardless. Even in a Rein v Rein, it’s still not entirely easy as you’re usually swinging or hoping your team breaks the shield and gives you a crystal clear opening.

and where are you trying to buff the other tanks and nerf reinhardt in. This is what depends on if it’s powercreep or not

With Rein I would probably nerf his barrier and maybe his ult or ult charge.
With Orisa, she needs more barrier.
Sigma needs more barrier too, but not as much as Orisa.
Winston needs survivability to keep up with DPS damage creep.
Ball needs more offense to compensate for his nerf, maybe faster ROF or something.

and by how much exactly? for all of this, estimates can always seem harmless on paper but by what amount will you do this?
what do your numbers look like?


Rein: Reduction to 1300 or 1400 barrier, +10% to ult cost
Orisa: Barrier to 800, cooldown to 8s.
Sigma: Barrier to 1000, regen speed increased.
Winston: Start with 50 extra HP and go from there.
Ball: 20% increase to cannon ROF.

Also, add in a rule that if you have more than one of Reinhardt, Orisa, Sigma barriers on your team take 30% more damage.

lets do some math
for this, double barrier is 1800 if it’s reduced by 30% then double barrier is just 1260 hp total
currently, double barrier is 1500

i mean, this is an interesting way to sledgehammer the comp. It kills it off to a percent lower than Reinhardt’s shield but overall leaves a net negative since you’re weaker using them.
it’s not a perfect solution but in terms of not restricting two shield tanks, it works i guess

honestly, i say just leave reinhardt’s shield the same but go through with everything else. Rein doesn’t need a lower shield and using two shields grants a negative so theres no point in him needing to be weaker anyway if the other tanks get stronger independantly

That’s not how you make the Tank Role more popular, which is needed to fix queue times.

Why are we constantly relying on these gimmicks?

If you’re already willing to venture into drastic changes just to stop Orisa-Sigma, all you need in order to remove Orisa-Sigma’s barrier cycling, is to allow Orisa to better function as a solo maintank (e.g. to increase maximum barrier HP) WITHOUT significantly increasing her SPS.

Put simply, you make her barrier system function more alike to the others by putting it on a resource system, rather than a pure cooldown.

Rein’s max SPS: 160
Sigma’s max SPS: 94.74.
Orisa’s max SPS: 60.

Give Orisa’s barrier even up to 900 HP and reduce the cooldown to 4-8 seconds and allow it to be cancelled via the F key or whatnot, but have it take 14 seconds to recover that full amount (75 SPS, but degraded as with Rein’s and Sigma’s by recovery delay that reduces it to an effective 64 SPS at most), and voila, she can space-hold “more like a main-tank” without being any more oppressive over time in an Orisa-Sigma comp.

How about giving BarrierTanks less HP, but more Firepower with strong Barriers.

That way they are more fun/autonomous.

They function perfectly well in SingleBarrier.

But with DoubleBarrier, you risk getting runover by high mobility comps, that just get into close range, and walk right past the barriers.

And as an added bonus, DoubleOffTank has advantages with raw HP sizes.

  • Orisa/Sigma = 350hp, Stronger barrier, 14% more firepower, Weaker fortify/grasp
  • Rein = 400hp, Stronger barrier, 7% more firepower, 14% more barriered mobility
  • Mei = Tank, 350hp, 100selfheal, 10sec wall
    • So she can’t Peel for DoubleBarrier.
  • Off Tanks and Winston = 1sec less on a cooldown
    :white_check_mark: Fixing BarrierTanks and OffTanks