The reason why Mercy was nerfed and why she needs these nerfs:

I know, It sucks that she got nerfed but she was the easiest character in the game and it was way too easy to get into top 500. I really dont want to see 500 mercy mains blocking me from top 500 and the other 1000 on PC and Ps4. Mercy is the easiest character by far, thats why she was nerfed. Its not because Rez was way too op, its not that she was way too op. It was because she takes very low skill and she can take over top 500. Its the truth, its hard to deal with, but you have to deal with it. I hope everyone takes care but its time to learn the other healers. Heres a hint: Moira and Lucio work really well, Moira and Mercy work well too, Lucio Zen, Ana and zen, basically they all can work well as long as you have enough healing. Sometimes you might need one healer and soldier, hog, and sombra. As long as you have enough team heals, you will be good. Good Luck everyone!


A post was merged into an existing topic: [Feedback Thread Continued] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018