The real reason why noone wants to play tank

I like the comaprison with paladins a lot more, tanks aren’t shield bots, their health doesn’t drop in a snap, they’re always in the middle of the fight they’re even leading it 100%. They have engaging mechanics, they’re fun, they have movement they feel really tanky. The most fun part is that they’re not here to enable dps to get some kills, they’re just here to create chaos.


Unless enemy top laner has absolutely no morality and went Vayne Top.

Seriously, feck the Vayne Top

The game is balanced around DPS highlights for their precious OWL.

Making tanks strong and fun to play isn’t a priority.


That and also them making characters specifically designed to counter the entirety of the tank role, it’s just bad design at this point, especially with forced 2-2-2


But more tanks equals faster queues for dps trying to emulate OWL. It should be a priority unless they intend to remove role queue.

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It’s it really that difficult to do?

Hi, I’m noone. And why do you think tanks take so much dame? Cause DPS keep complaining how tanks don’t die from one random ninja star from Genji. Tanks get nerfs so DPS one-tricks can feel powerful. Shield meta didn’t happen because tanks suddenly decided to do that, it was cause snipes were one-shoting supports.


And what is the “all” that tanks have? Shields taken away, don’t have nearly the damage DPS mains would you believe, Reaper and Mei getting buffs to counter goats and keeping those buffs forever after 2-2-2 was introduced.


They feel too slugish.
Sigma’s cooldown on his primary fire.
Reinhardt taking eternity to swing his hammer.
Orisa’s halt being 5% movement speed and her primary fire being 15%?
Zarya choosing death by reload whenever her ammo reaches zero, same with winston.
Roadhog feels good enough but all his abilities are vunerable to CC and Wrecking ball are the only ones who feel fast, and only one of those has proper kill potential.

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Here is thing: tanks need their high damage and shield, or they would simply be walked over.

Shield doesn’t prevent enemy from simply walking through it, and that’s where tank’s high damage kicks in.

Nerfing either of those ruins tank, resulting in either:

  • insanely powerful brawler, that can be safely neutralized from distance, or
  • shield bot, that entirely relies on teammates to keep enemies in front of shield;
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I like playing tanks. Zarya & Roadhog. I die less when i play them than when I play dps.

I just hate it when I pick them and we have no shield. I hate playing shield.

I do not even mind not having a shield when I am Hog. It does not really matter when you can flank it till you make it.

the real reason why people don’t play tank because they don’t know how fun it is to utilize the

The post is asking them to be much more tanky, which okay, then nerf their dmg a lot. Go look at overbuff if you think they don’t do lots of dmg. Also reaper and mei are 2 poorly performing heroes on ladder now, especially mei. Funny you say they keep their goats buffs when mei has been nerfed so many times in the past few months. 3 sec added to wall, ammo nerf, freeze nerf making double headshot timing so tight and inconsistent. Ult nerf. Slow speed nerf, slow lasting 1 sec down from 1.5…

There is issue with that - tanks won’t be able to tank then. As without damage, they are just like mobile wall you have to sidestep.

Using MOBA terms, tank has to keep aggro for his tankiness to be useful. And against human players, aggro = high threat, which takes form of high damage.


It’s a huge problem with tanks existing in an FPS. In order to feel like tanks, high health/damage migitation is a must. Obviously then, tanks can’t have high damage or else they would outclass DPS. But then the only other ways of making space are more “traditional” mechanics like heavy CC and taunts, both of which do not translate well to an FPS setting (AKA being extremely infuriating to play against).

Usually FPS tank is heavy DPS, that lacks in mobility and has big hitbox, but has lots of health and firepower. Basically juggernaut from CoD games, or just stereotypical “big enemy with big gun and heavy armor”.


This is true. As a hard pocketed rein you feel like a monster smacking fools all about the place and the moment that pocketing stops you immediately die. This sorta thing is great for teamwork but the moment Supports (and Damage too) don’t have your back makes you second guess everything you do and makes the game worse for everybody (queue “our tank sucks“). Also, having a Support chained to the tank also isn’t necessarily that fun for Support players (and isn’t even possible for all the heroes anyways) making playing Tank a crapshoot depending on what you’ve got to help. If you don’t have good Support and Damage supporting your Tanking, you don’t get to do the fun parts of Tanking and just end up as a shield bot…

So rather than hoping that the stars align and I get a team that I want to/enjoy tanking for, why not just play Damage and do some stress free enjoyable shooting :woman_shrugging:t6:


dont say this out loud, dps mains gonna riot. they just want a punching bags that die faster.


Winston has tank-like low damage, but while being easier to kill than most other tanks.

Stonks, I guess?