The real reason why noone wants to play tank

“But tanks being tanky makes my pew pew unfun! Also, tanks should not be doing damage cuz none shall outshine me!”

Yeeeah, a tank who’s paper AND can’t do damage has such a great time trying to claim and hold space. They really need to pick their focus (is this particular tank an aggressor or a protector?) and the community stop complaining whenever a tank performs well in their area of expertise.
E.g. I still see people whining about Sigma’s damage. Bruh, you want him to be a sitting duck? Because a tank with no abilities that make you respect their space is just that. (Amusingly, Sigma’s DPS isn’t even that high giving the inconsistency & slow fire rate of it but I guess people get butthurt over him securing kills.)

Basically this.


You’re really downplaying it here though because against some heroes it cuts their damage in half, and beam weapons have their damage reduced by 20% flat. One thing though is that armor does nothing against the ridiculous amount of burst damage in the game which is why it feels that way.

Sad part about it, is that armor is most effective against heroes, that already have low damage.


Nobody likes playing tank in LoL either.

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I highly second this thread.

Tanks should be wrecking balls if you get close to them (No pun intended)

The whole role system is fundamentally flawed. In order to make tanks more engaging you have to make them more heavy hitting damage dealers. But doing that will make DPS obsolete because tanks will deal the same damage whilst having 3x the health.

IMO it’s the DPS role that needs to be changed. The way to make tanks more engaging is to make them into slow but sturdy heaving hitting close range damage monsters instead of these stationary “shoot me instead of my squishes” things. The issue is that if they do higher damage, it makes 99% of the DPS class obsolete because now you have a role that does the same damage as DPS but with 3x the health. If DPS had some kind of job outside of dealing damage then it would be much easier to balance tanks.

Look at Sombra, she is a DPS who’s main job isn’t dealing damage, it’s hacking enemies, Sombra was one of the ONLY DPS who was run in a GOATS comp because she provided something that none of the tanks could (her ability to disable enemies) meaning that her viability wasn’t threatened by tanks being able to do high damage, it was enhanced while still maintaining engaging gameplay.

If the rest of the DPS category operated like this it would be much much easier to make tanks more engaging.


With them then nerfing healing has created situations when I feel like I can do nothing but heal the whole match a.k.a a healbot. I was playing Baptiste in this one match and basically had to have my right click taped down in order to keep our tanks in the game. Was really not able to take advantage of his good damage potential, him being a hitscan and all. Not fun and feels like a waste of a character’s kit.

No wonder Moira got so popular because she can actually do other things as well, sometimes simultaneously (in fact she even has to). I play a lot of support and even I got tired of Moira (at both playing her myself and seeing her) but I could easily see her value in the environment the devs had created. I personally really wanted to play more Zen or Bap but they just did not perform as well. At least Zen can just stick the healing Orb on someone and focus on other fun things but your team might have some issues with his healing output, tanks especially, and you’re basically forbidden to play him if the other healer insists to go off-heal as well.


Because people in general prefer other roles. On top of that the damage in this game is so high that even tanks melt in 0.3 seconds.

My solution? Global nerf to damage and healing. This way tanks actually feel like tanking.

Oh, and actualy change on dps in tank role would be needed. Tanks need to TANK, not just be fat dps. It’s sad that dps heroes are either run for utility or very high burst damage (those offenders mainly being mcree, widow and hanzo).

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The issue with that is if you gave someone like hog a shield as well, for more sustainability, he would be SO broken in all ranks, because he already has high damage, amazing self heal, and what most other tanks lack, a secondary ability that highlights his main gun.

If all tanks had similar kits they would be so overly broken they couldnt stay on live for more than 24 hours

The fun tanks barely fill the role better than just a straight up barrier. only being useful in one or two situations and still feeling like a worse ball/winston. Her damage/defence/support is all out of whack since you have to play heavily into doing one or the other, rather than other tanks, E.g. Sigma, who can have a barrier up (defence + support) AND do more damage than from range at the same time.

You also can’t crouch, her shooting slows her speed, so AD strafing doesn’t work. Her mech dies almost instantly if you’re out of position for 1 second.

Her kit seems way too basic and lackluster.

Rein just hold left or right click, only his E takes any sort of thought and even that’s not a lot. OBVIOUSLY HIS POSITIONING TAKES THOUGHT, but on which tank doesn’t it?

Ball is fun, but requires either a lot of communication or good teammates, and even then he leaves massive gaps in your defenses, since he requires so much positioning and timing to be useful.

Hog feeds Ulti, other than that he can be ok.

Double no barrier tanks is horrible to play with as most DPS/Supports.

Orisa is bad because of nerfs.

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Then play dps if you want it to be fun. Its not a question if tanks are good or not, its simply can their tank actually play tank better than you. Tanks are essential to every team

I think is because players cant handle the responsibility. Most players are only concerned with themselves. A good tank wants to protect everyone on the team, which is hard when everyone runs flank all game. Yelling at players is fruitless, so the only other option is to follow stupid and try to protect them.

Why shouldn’t tanks be fun? Rein being the best and also being the most boring tank is a problem.

Why wouldn’t it be? Balance in a PVP game is the biggest issue there is. lol


Honesty just rework the maps that have more lanes for tanks to push,

But also it feels like the dev team really doesn’t care that much about non -DPs because of esports.

Tanks should be fun(and they are), the main point is your doing a service to the groups of dps who need a tanks support. Playing Rein is about shielding your team and occasionally getting picks, not about having fun by getting an absurd amount of picks.

Well that wasn’t my point.

My point was that his kit is boring and that makes him not fun.

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As my second main being Rein I oppose that. Its like Mccree, sure Mcree is the blandest character ever but hes still fun to play.

Because he has some level of skill requirement. There’s no progression with Rein other than positioning.

I was healing on Temple of Anubis. As we move through the initial choke, our Rein drops his shield for a split second. He died instantly. There was no enemy Widow.

Tanks are countered just by the severe amount of damage creep that OW has. This doesn’t even count their actual hard counters.

I tank and heal, tanking has very little reward in OW.

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I mean the problem doesnt lie in tanks in general cause you didnt mention their tanks dying absurdly. The problem lies with the whole team not reacting and shooting down those who shot the tank. I mean in every OW match at least two tanks are gonna win.