The real reason why noone wants to play tank

The only time for me when tanks actually felt like tanks was during the 1-3-2 experimental card.


Balance in LoL is awful. Tanks are the most powerful characters in the game by far. A tank could be doing terrible and still own an ADC or a AP that is super fed.

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Tanks are great, your understanding of tank is more like Juggernaut than guy who protects the dps while occasionally getting great picks. Your main goal is to shield, not to just walk around a corner without shield and tank through all of their shots.

Don’t worry, Jeff is on his mad quest to introduce 1-3-2 in OW 2 as a tank main, he thinks “super tanks” will save OW. It will go down as the worst blunder in gaming history quite possibly.


You really think we’re in the golden ages of Tanking right now?
Tank is such an under populated role that its bottlenecking both the other roles que times by a significant amount.
Introducing 1-3-2 and literally halving the amount of Tanks required per match would be good for the game at this point so that people could actually get into a game

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I agree with OP on this. Im basically done with ranked. Multiple games there are leavers and throwers to add onto what OP is saying. I play main tank and its insane how toxic things get. Its difficult to have fun. This is becoming another wow, keep grinding whether the game is fun or not. Everyone wants to play DPS why? Because its fun. The lack of imagination, pardon me here, in how the healers and tanks function in this environment is sad. The possibilities exist for this game to be a leader in many ways.

I’ve played across a few different ranks and can honestly say that the game is fun with decent healers but it really limits them to be healbots. I dont hold it against the healers for wanting to enjoy the game as well. Playing healbot is lame. The two roles that are needed in this game feel so damn lackluster and boring. I’m sure there are people that enjoy each role as it is but from a ranked standpoint the RNG is insane. Also, the inevitable question will come up: Why do you solo que team up? Not everyone is on every day most people are in different timezones.

Welp, Im done with this game for now. Hope all that development time for OW2 pays off for Blizzard. This game is dead to me though.


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he’s not even a flanker with how loud and slow as he is :rofl:

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Alas another butthurt kid who can’t play tank well and so says that the game is bad. By the way it says you were last seen on Overwatch a minute ago so the game isn’t dead to you, and you main moira so your one to talk. Rein is only your second main and yet you say healer is boring.

So buff the HP total of tanks? We don’t want killing tanks to be impossible, so counterplay is required for more fun.

I’d say keep it as is, and just buff tanks besides Rein.

I’m actually all for that. I don’t need high damage. Just let me do my job as the tank rather than playing as fat dps

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But what if I, as a healer player, also want to feel like a real healer?

Armor feeling “like a decoration” is good, imo. You really want brig back on every team?

Doomfist treating you like a punching bag.
Sombra hard targeting you and bring hacked all game.
Reaper and Mei pushing YOU back.
Pharah firing rockets down while all picked can do is look up and watch.

I wonder why people don’t play tank :thinking:


I finally understood the pain once I ran into hackfist. Holy hell you literally cannot play the game.


The issue isnt that no one wants to play tanks, it’s that no one wants to play main tanks. Queuing for tanks means you’ve got a team full of people who really want you to play a specific character that isnt very enjoyable for most people. Especially when playing with randoms.

and Widows 5 other team mates would have destroyed Rein even before that. How disingenuous to make this an argument of 1v1 when Overwatch is a team game first and foremost.


Nah, I am only playing tank for the dank queue times. I would not play otherwise.

I like the comaprison with paladins a lot more, tanks aren’t shield bots, their health doesn’t drop in a snap, they’re always in the middle of the fight they’re even leading it 100%. They have engaging mechanics, they’re fun, they have movement they feel really tanky. The most fun part is that they’re not here to enable dps to get some kills, they’re just here to create chaos.


Unless enemy top laner has absolutely no morality and went Vayne Top.

Seriously, feck the Vayne Top

The game is balanced around DPS highlights for their precious OWL.

Making tanks strong and fun to play isn’t a priority.