The real reason people hate Brig

I don’t care what they asked for because the perception of her damage capabilities has always been out of whack to what her stats show.

She’s always brought about as much damage and elims to the table as Lucio.

She is not a dps and doesn’t behave as one.

She’s an off-tank and off-healer hybrid and that’s exactly how she plays, all of the off-tanks have always been deadly if you don’t respect their space.


But I’m a healer main and I hate her too because of the residual hatred for the original short stun time :man_shrugging:

Or…ya know… the incredible amount of cc piled on her along with the overhealing and armor that makes EVERYONE hate her.



I am by all accounts a DPS main. My most played hero across all seasons is Zen, though, and I normally play main support in scrims, because Lucio rules.

I would rather watch paint dry than play Brig. Playing against her isn’t much better. It is not that deep.

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Her armor pack is the thing that’s actually broken about her. It has way too short of a cd for what it does and it’s flexibility.

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But you’re not taking into account impact. A mace and a Spear can equally kill as many people and just as fast but each makes something else the enemy has redundant. The situations Lucio is used in compared to brig and how much she can do and safely is akin to a spear hence why ancient militarizes used to give them to everyone, they were a low risk high reward weapon. They required nearly no training and could still dump on experienced warriors.

When a Lucio get’s a PotG they’re clearly showing their possibly years worth of skill with the hero. Booping to distract, disorganize, or to kill wall riding for speed, pressure and distracting along with swooping between healing and speed to support their team and themselves with all of this adding up to a skillful play They also do all of this while accurately landing their shots, they’re pushing the hero to his fullest and getting the reward for it. When Brig gets one she’s just beating people over the face.


And her shield and her self heal and her aoe heal and her bash and her primary and her ult

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Exactly this. You can’t just give a character everything and hope everything will be alright.

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My most played hero is Widow.
My second most is Ana and Zen is my other main.
I love playing DPS and supports.

I hate Brigitte because she’s an easy support with a stupid CC ability and great sustain.

Also all this:

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They created the best multiplayer game ever made and then they killed it. Good job

I still play because I’m still improving and sometimes it is still good overwatch which can’t be beat. And there is still hope that they’ll fix it.

Symm, Torb and Lucio have all had overheal mechanics in the past (or present), And her CC isn’t overbearing. Bash has plenty of counterplay (single target, ignored by shields, low damage) and whip shot is weaker than a Junkrat mine (in damage and knockback).

She’s nothing we didn’t have already. She’s merely a combination of things that people disliked on the same hero.

Is it a wonder that people dislike her, then, without having to go the “stinky dps mains” circle jerk route?

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You got me, as a support main I hate Brigitte because I hate playing support. Makes sense. Clearly no one but DPS mains hate her. /s

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Sym and torb’s are gone, and Lucio’s is his ult and it is temporary

It’s mostly fine now, though. You’ll notice people don’t complain as much now that it has more counterplay though.

Trap is weaker than SB what’s your point.

Most Support mains tolerate Brigitte (Supports tend to stick up for eachother) and like having her on the team. And with the new shield bash interaction, most Tank mains think she’s fair to play against at least.

She has some of the lowest damage, elims, and solo kills in the game. Her shield is easily broken and is the worst barrier in the game, bar none. She dies more than most other healers and more than all the other off-tanks. And her hps is some of the lowest in the game.

Rally isn’t bad, but it’s not hard to burn through unless a team is going hard in the paint with damage blocking and healing.


She has cleave and can’t miss. She is the strongest 1 v 1 hero in the game outside of tracer. She has the highest sustain in the game, her shield never breaks, she is the hardest hero to kill in the game. Her aoe is OP because she can’t be killed until most of her team is dead. Her pack takes people from 10 health to full and goes thru shields across map with no aim requirement

she is the easiest hero in the game by far and defines the meta.

Hi, support main here, that is a scurrilous lie. “She’s a support so she’s fine” yeah no, just because I am a support main does not mean I like brigitte, and you should never make those assumptions.


Expect she wasn’t meant to be an off tank DPS she wasn’t meant to be a tank Healer hybrid she became an off tank DPS because of how easy it is to kill anyone that isn’t out of her range.

Also I think this is going nowhere. Everyone in this thread has been proving you wrong yet you still persist. There isn’t reasoning with you, you have you mind made up and nothing we say will change that.

Most people I know that actually main support agree with me /shrug. They aren’t a hivemind.

She is subpar in 2/2/2 and most ladder Brigs spend all game feeding their brains out instead of actually helping the other healer. She’s only good in GOATs which is unpopular across all roles.

Tank players have also literally always thought she was dumb, bash change or not.

“Stinky DPS mains” is a bad take Martha