The real reason people hate Brig

Quadtank was usually just a zergrush on point A attack, before the enemy knew what your team comp was.

with what supports? i would imagine zen and lucio, zen for increased damage and lucio for the speedboost to overwhelm their position with tanks.

Moira Lucio
Then the usual tanks, and maybe a Roadhog

ah, ofc moira hehe derp :stuck_out_tongue:

about that, i wonder how much hog will be played now, i see him a lot with orisa because of their synergy with halt/hook and drums/wholehog.

but other than that he seems like an ult feeder more often than not.

Dps don’t hate playing Ana though. It’s not the support role it’s the heroes design. Which I could wax poetic on being unchallenging, unengaging etc. But people hate her for way more reasons that that. They hate her for how she plays, how she impacts the game, how she impacts the meta, the hard counter nature of burst heal + armor on many heroes in the roster, what she represents in terms of hero design, the narrowness between the skill floor and skill ceiling on almost of her abilities, her positioning requirements, the interaction between her stun and shatter/bomb combos, her sky high win rate in every tier of the game, how easy she is to have value on. Probably many more things.

As much as the forum wishes otherwise Brig was not the most controversial and hated hero released because ‘flanker mains no swap’.

Goats, specifically, yes. Goats is a formation that was built to create a compact ball of HP and shields and as much area healing as you can cram together.

Tankier builds will always exist. We had triple and quad tank many times before. The reason why Brigitte was paired (initially) with Moira and Lúcio is that she is the third area healer, but Moira phased out of goats, and Ana went in, and now even Zen is starting to show up instead of Lúcio in some teams.

Basically, the only components of original goats that remain untouched are Zarya, Rein and Brigitte. And both Zarya and Brigitte have insane synergy with Reinhardt.

As long as Reinhardt stay viable, Zarya and Brigitte will have a spot in their teams. The shield bash nerf (the no-bypass-shield part, not the damage) removed a bit of that synergy, but the pros are still playing in a previous patch. Let’s wait and see how this will reflect on their formations.

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What you’re saying stands for dps mains that play in teams but that’s all about it. Its justified tho, ppl with 1000+ hours on tracer holding M1 just cause devs want to

Well, aim is (for reasons I will never understand as a woman from a gun happy family where women were always the best at sharpshooting) usually viewed as a masculine skill.

has to do more with the historic demographics of first person shooters more than anything else tbh

i don’t have much experience with Real Guns but i imagine it’s the same thing, hunting and sharpshooting is a stereotypically masculine thing to do and women were discouraged from doing it for a long time. that sort of thing

i think it’s more occam’s razor. brig could have to aim like widowmaker and she would still be very heavily controversial because of the amount of sustain and cc she brings to the game. a patchwork hamfisted solution to a problem that really should have been addressed by just nerfing dva and tracer. she is also the harbinger of a very unpopular meta.

there is a very specific sexist edge to mercy hate (boosted egirl etc) stretching back from launch, but that has more to do with the demographic that is stereotyped as playing her rather than her design (though some would argue that one informs the other)

True. Ana players will never Support Mercy or Brigitte mains. There’s an elitist streak in the “high skill” Support mains. Idk why though, we stick up for Ana but they won’t stick up for us.

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Why you inserted Ana in the discussion? Felhelen is clearly a Lúcio main.

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I’m a dps main and i love playing support :smiley: you don’t speak for everyone, no need to generalize because some don’t flex in your games. I find tanks who “HATE” playing support too, we shouldn’t generalize those either they don’t speak for everyone. Even support mains have hated Brig but then again OP has made tons of bait/troll posts so nothing more to expect.

There is a reason I call Brig a WM1 bot before she was nerfed.
You can WM1 your way through a lot of **** and come out with half HP at worst.

Before she was nerfed, she didn’t need to be afraid of being out of position. She is her own position. Cause most Brig I see on QP played flanking all the time, and I have to deal with that kind of crap on my team, but in comp.

Most flanking Brig either spend more time counting down numbers in spawn or comeplete WM1 brain dead and somehow wins. But most of the time, it is the first scenario.

I hate it.

Then why did they constantly call her a DPS to make a point about her kill potential?

Because people exaggerate about things they don’t like.

The perception of balance is often more powerful than balance itself.

  • Jeff Kaplan
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For a hero that offers significantly less value when she can’t brawl, this is kind of intentional.

Rein can just play shieldboy when you don’t need his hammer and this is perfectly viable; if Brigitte isn’t hitting enemies, she’s not healing allies, and you’re legitimately better off picking any other support.

Also, as a tank hybrid, she’s going to need to be able to take and command space. The definition of “out of position” is significantly different for a tank than it is for support/DPS, and Brigitte’s ability to take space doesn’t mean she’s always out of position.

Because they follow streamers. And if it aint GOATS then you’re throwing.

In other words OWL and streamers dictate what we can and cannot play, because this community is stupid.

Support main that refuses to play Brig, here.

Hated her since she was launched in comp.

But why would people who like playing DPS dislike a hero for being more like a DPS than anything else? The argument here relies on the fact that many DPS mains don’t like playing supports, but that falls apart if they themselves consider the support to be a DPS for all intents and purposes. That’s what they main, so there’s no reason to think they would dislike it on that principle.

I don’t agree with the OP. I’m just saying she wasn’t a dps. She did not play like one, did not get kill stats like one, and doesn’t have the damage of one.

Yes, she could 1v1 pretty dang well. So can every off-tank. Which is what she is, an off-tank and off-heal hybrid.