The real reason for Steam review bomb

Having an absolute blast and put in 25 hours in the last week alone on Steam, but thats not the point

99.999999% of the 100k negative reviews don’t even have an hour into OW2, installed it, signed into, immediately exited to give a negative review. Everyone saying “durrrr play TF2 instead” have never set foot in OW whatsoever and “OW1 better” haven’t even played OW1.

It’s only because OW2 is probably THE most bashed game in history of gaming for all the wrong reasons. Influencers and streamers bashing it only to get views, players thinking youtubers’ opinions are gospel therefore assuming OW is a bad game because they were told its bad.

OW2 is only bad, “dead” or “mismanaged” if you are a sheep, ESPECIALLY if you already play Apex and Valorant which have even worse monetisation and bad devs. Apex doesnt even have working audio ffs. Team Fortress 2, apparently a “better game than OW2” has been in maintenance mode for almost a decade.

OW2 is cool to hate on.


When I say the game was mismanaged I mean the whole fail to deliver the PVE that was promised and the reason that the game was put on maintenance mode on for.Im fully aware that other games have way way way worse monetisation.

The TF2 beef with OW is super 1 sided,I don’t think there’s too many TF2 players in the reviews but they’re definitely loud.


i dont blame people for being mad about that, but its becoming a little over the top really

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The public’s anger is also kinda misplaced,that wasn’t the devs fault,no dev wants to see art they put hard work into get scrapped like that.
Also no artist wants to see a beautiful skin they brought to life barely used because it’s so expensive.
Meanwhile their executives just sit and see the devs take the heat.


oh yes absolutely agree. hate is being misplaced

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just because they dont show time on steam doesnt mean they havnt put in more time then you lol

OW2 is bashed because its not a sequel, it was a monetization patch.

there is no hive mind, no one is bashing it for clout…that wouldnt make sense. because you gain nothing from bashing a game no one cares about.

if you want to bash a game for clout you bash a popular game.

pot calling the kettle black here. the fact they had to rush out such an incomplete patch and call it a sequal is on its own proof if mismanagement, but then you add in blizzard pushing one of there games onto steam (something they have never done) only a year after release and several bad PR moments is also mismanagment.

you can argue weather or not a meta is good or if you like the monetization system but what you cant argue against is how poorly recieved the game is now.

apex/valo have bad monetization systems but they didnt start from a paid game (with earnable and paid loot boxes) to a fully monetized mess. when you compare ow2 to ow1, ow2 is clearly worse in every regard.

you having fun doesnt mean the game is in a good state. we’ve all enjoyed something that could be classified as bad.

i love overwatch, ive played this game for years climbing from silver all the way into master’s long before ow2.

i have no incentive to hate on ow2, i tried to have fun with it. but the terrible balance, poor matchmaking during the seasons i played (supposedly the MM is better now) and all the skins being pay walled…i just dont have any thing to look forward too.

ow1 wasnt near as tedious to play as ow2. they said they wanted too prevent us from needing too constantly counterpick and they somehow managed to make it worse (where they then back tracked that previous statement).

just because someone hates something you like doesnt mean they are sheep. saying so is far more sheep like because its what every man-child does when someone insults there favorite game.


OW has no coconut.jpg in its files 0/10

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Because a lot of people have the game through the and now have an opportunity to dump on the game because any real dumping on the forums get modded

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Eh, while it’s likely a lot of the blame is on the higher ups, I don’t think it’s deniable that Team 4 made a lot of bad decisions with PvE.

It’s become painfully obvious that the vision for PvE was always wholly unrealistic and lacking in substance. Aaron outright admitted they were still stuck on the Titan dream the entire time.


i know people dislike the game over OW1, thats ok, but OW2 isn’t literally Big Rigs, Daikatana-bad like people are insinuating.

yes, which is why it was cancelled.

That’s why you don’t let the dev team you’re managing go off chasing unicorns and leave your current profitable game in the dust.

Also Activision Blizzard is more than capable of putting together a dedicated team to make the PvE game,but for some reason they didn’t.

I’m sure there’s more people that have played Overwatch that wrote a review because it’s a place where they can say how they feel without it being heavily policed, like in these forums.

I couldn’t be bothered downloading it on Steam, I have it on Bnet already, but I do understand why people play it on Steam for 1 minute to be able to speak their mind.

And yes I do realize that there are a lot of troll responses that are just one sentence trying to fit in with the crowd (and I ask people who do, at least try to be original or witty), but a lot of them are actually relevant and insightful to those who may have never played it before and are now reading their review and getting a feel for what’s good/bad with the game.

Such as?

I’ve read through some and many are justifiable.

I don’t play Valorant but I know that they sell weapon skins. To me weapon skins make waaaaaay more sense in a first person shooter. You don’t see the person, you see the weapon. Overwatch is a first person game and they sell skins for each hero, which you don’t see really while in game, just their arm and their weapon. So already Valorant is being smart with what they sell compared to Overwatch.

Again I don’t play Apex (I have in the past but haven’t for years). An Epic Apex Legends skins will cost you 1,000 Apex Coins while Legendary Apex Legends skins will cost you 1,800 Apex Coins. So, $10 for an epic skin, and $20 for a legendary. Seems pretty on par, and cheaper in some cases, for Apex cosmetics compared to Overwatch cosmetics.

Apex also manages to sell heirlooms,no idea how people can pay that much.

99.999999% of the 100k negative reviews don’t even have an hour into OW2, installed it, signed into, immediately exited to give a negative review.

This is made in such bad faith it feels intentional. Steam doesn’t show how much time is put in the game, only how long it has been played THROUGH STEAM.

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Might be a stretch, but I could see Jeff’s vice president status having given more freedom from oversight until it became clear how poorly things were going.

But yeah, Activision Blizzard is awful, I’m just saying Team 4 (at least, the old Team 4) did still drop the ball hard too. Flawed and predatory as they are, the rest of the company has still managed to deliver on their content.

The current team and its leadership does seem to have their heads on straight now though. He’s been in an awful position, but I’m pretty convinced Aaron is very much the right guy for director.

My negative steam review looks like that, because I left the review with my steam account, and never bothered linking my real account to steam.

I reinstalled when it came to Steam to give it a try. I would have left a negative review, too, and not for any of the reasons you’re trying to strawman.

It sounds more like you’re taking negative reviews of Overwatch personally. You’re not going to win that game.

I mean, people pay $20+ for a skin they can’t see in Overwatch as well, I wouldn’t do it but people are free to spend their money however they please, no matter how foolish it is to the rest of us.

Look at the “new” D.Va skin, basically a recolour of the EDM skin but with glasses! People eat that stuff up and they can’t even see their new glasses lol

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I feel like that’s a social thing,same reason people like being dressed well when something basic does the job.

I think it’s more accurate to say that Overwatch 2 was mismanaged - and because of that, promises were made that were impossible to keep. The management was especially bad from 2018-2021 when new content was put on-hold entirely for the sake of those impossible commitments. Disappointment was inevitable under those conditions.

I’d say the game is being managed pretty well now that the content is actually flowing again and development roadmaps are realistic and actually being delivered.