The real reason for Steam review bomb

Did you bother to read any of them? Where do you pull the 99.99% number from?

ET, Bubsy 3D, Superman 64, Fallout 76 and probably many more games want to have a word.

Or you can get an informative opinion based on looking into the game for 5 seconds. Seeing how predatory the monetization is and yeah.

“My opinion is sooo unique, I go against the majority because I can think for myselfffff! I call other people sheep like the 600.000.000 truly unique other people who do that too!!! I am so unique in my opinion!!!”

:clown_face: honk honk



And is still more popular + refered to in said reviews. Tells you anything?

There I fixed it, “others are sheep but I am not” is the most obnoxious boomer thing ever. Turns you instantly into a clown.

Just because you’re in the minority, doesn’t mean your opinion is right bro


I can’t say I play as much as you, but I enjoy my time as well. Just today I was in a lobby I believe were new players (based on their endorsement levels) The game is not dead. the cue times are reasonable, so far.

I mean at least if someone’s well dressed they can look down, into a mirror, or use a camera to see themselves.

There are 100,000 reviews in various languages. Anyone who claims to know what ‘most of them’ say is mistaken.

Many of those reviews are from players that played OW before it comes to Steam, and it is not like the game changed a lot since it came to Steam…

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Gas lanterns be lit…

No, It has nothing to do with a “fad” (trend). for people to rip on this game. You have a large customer base that is really mad that Overwatch 1 was taken away and the format of the original game was much better.

Their current heroes being released into this game still has the same issues. Which is unbalancing the entire cast of characters.

  • push would have worked much better in 6s than 5s.

  • 2 CP could have survived but they reworked Mercy and caused a void issue.

  • 2CP could have been rescued if they simply decided to eliminate the same problem PUSH has, which is “hiking simulator”. We are seeing the same problems in flashpoint.

it’s been a while since criticizing blizzard to get views has become a thing.

exemplify a type of monetization in games that is not “abusive” and that justifies the creation of new content.

There’s multiple reasons. Blizzard not having servers in China is a big one.

So I do get what you are saying -that we as fans were, essentially, told ‘Hey, content drought here, but don’t worry, BIG stuff coming’, for like, years, but then that stuff got partially cancelled/pushed back/changed. So it was maintenance mode, but not the return we were ‘promised’. I get that.

But at this point, what can the team do? They were clearly apologetic; it’s obviously not T4’s call here; they worked really hard on something, and they wanted to deliver it I am sure, but $$$ said no. That’s horrible, I feel badly for them…

So with that aside, the developer post that we just got that specifically said, ‘If we can’t change the past, what can we do to help everyone enjoy Overwatch 2’s experience?’, …what is the answer? Because I get feeling upset about things that happened in the past, but they can’t change that. So beyond that, what can they do?

its all relative.

if something starts off really good and is lets say a 10/10 but then due to mismanagement it becomes a 6/10, that FEELS like a 0/10 because you went from such a high-high all the way down to a mediocre game.

once youve had something good its really hard to enjoy a lesser version of that thing.

specifically when people keep telling you (the developer) the choices your making are worse for the game and are then ignored.

(this is also why people borderline fetishize classic world of warcraft)

blizzard deserves these reviews on steam, some people arnt as good at explaining why they dislike the game but its clear that a staggering portion of the playerbase is unhappy.

if the MAU stats they posted for shareholders is any indication OW2 has fewer players then ow1 did before ow2 released (which is scary), which explains why its the first blizzard game in a very long time thats been added to steam.

I bought the pre-order version when OW1 came out. Been playing ranks since season 1, missed a couple of seasons due to work schedule. I loved everything about the game, even the ranking system in OW2 for the first couple of seasons. Now the balance in rank is terrible to the point it’s unplayable for me. It’s just simply not fun anymore to try hard.

I don’t think the majority of negative reviews are just baseless like what you mentioned, the current state of OW2 (both PVE and PVP) is just unbearable. I don’t care how badly they are doing with monetization, but the game balance was the main reason I stopped playing.

Everything happens for a reason.

People aren’t just deciding to dislike Overwatch for no reason at all.