The Real Mercy Flaw 💔

This isn’t true though. Have you ever tried using both of Baptiste’s primary and secondary fire at the same time? Near impossible.

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Which is why when people tell me to shield someone, I decline.

I mean, expecting enemy to play bad(aka only scratch you with bullets and not hit headshot) is kind of silly, don’t you think? About as silly, as trying to use resurrect in front of enemies and expecting to survive - you can do it, if enemy team happens to have collective blind eye, but betting on that…isn’t very smart.


Does this mean you are playing again, Cleo?

Last I recall, you had said about a year and a half ago that you were no longer playing OW at all

I doesn’t mean I am not told to shield my teammates. Something I would do during Ubercharge in TF2, but not in Overwatch, since I no longer have invulnerability for it.


That was a lot of words and hardly any of them actually address anything I actually said.

Example. I literally do not care about your rank. I even specifically mentioned it had nothing to do with your arguments. However your rank was brought up when somebody else butchered an analogy trying to make it seem like you’re an authority figure on the matter.

I’ve literally addressed each and every one of them.

Also I never said anything like this. What I actually said was:

Much different in context, isn’t it?

I legitimately said it’s high risk high reward, with a pretty big risk, for a really great reward.

Like. Is anything in this mountain of words actually true? You’re sitting here twisting literally everything. I Suggest you go back and actually read our conversation together, but this time, pretend you main anybody else. You’re clearly to passionate on the matter to argue objectively.

Like, imagine arguing with actual stats, calling raw data opinion.

What do you think a support is? They support… their team. They support… heroes on their team. Your entire job is to enable your team. To make them stronger and give them the advantage.

Hammond isn’t even a healer, what? And lucio is far from main.

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But every support doesn’t need to get value by sucking someone else off all game. Thats not supporting, thats lacking on to get value out of only one person, literally why not just play Ana.

Mercy isn’t even a main healer, What?

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Why do i see you coming after Cleo so much but the moment someone says you play console you resort to “Console-shaming!!!”


Probably because the average user playing her, even in her peak meta, has resulted in her having a negative winrate overall.

Mercy is a main healer. You’re being ridiculous. She’s not a burst healer. She’s not supposed to be the go to for deathball comps. She’s not supposed to be the go to for hp heavy comps. However if you play a phara or sniper comp, she’s by far the best healer to have in that comp.

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Im sobbing if you think this is anywhere near true. If Ana is the best picked support across ALL ranks it a problem, even if she takes “Lul skill xd”

Ok go into comp and play her with Zen see what happens sweetheart.

You have to be kidding me with this. Even in the meta dive, where she thrives in she wasn’t picked, she got out picked by BRIG. Even in the Echo tournament she wasn’t even picked, a FLYING character. You are insane if you think something isn’t wrong.

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She’s not. both statistically and realistically. The average player has a sub par win rate with her. They’re better off playing mercy, and even more so Moira who belongs in a death ball comp like Ana.

Your condescending pet name aside, they were literally meta together for over a year. If you’re trying to run Mercy+Zen with a Rein/Zarya, yeah, you’re going to have a terrible time. In fact, Zen right now is just bad in general ever since the Jjonak nerfs. It really doesn’t matter who you pair him with, that team comp still lacks. His ultimate isn’t even enough to save him anymore since burst damage has become so extreme people just die through it.

2nd most picked hero in the game this week btw. 5th for the month, which is pretty funny considering echo hasn’t been out for a month. And a higher pickrate than Zarya in GM this week. But go off.

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Which is why she is largely considered an off healer nowadays. I miss when Mercy was king. Er… Queen.

Yet why are they playing Ana, you do realize their is a reason behind the fact they want to play that hero over mercy right…?

When…? Thats when she had 60 hps. Or are you talking about Moth Meta where Mercy was good with literally anything?

Ok play her with another off healer, like Lucio. See how that goes.

What are you going off of Overbuff? Excluding the fact Overbuff has been getting worse and worse stats wise after Hero pools and Private profiles, She still gets heavily outpicked by Ana Lucio. Also im positive the only reason people play Mercy, is her fanbase. Give Mercy 30 hps, her fans will still play her lmao. Also in those high ranked “2nd most picked support” games she still is a off support in those matches, I mean look at Ana.

She lost the ability to be a saviour without relying on other teammates.
The most of the support role is team dependent in order to do their job which is why they can’t carry unless your team plays around the supports.

I do. But do you? People played dive heroes during dive even though they hadn’t a clue how to play dive. The trickle down effect from elo to elo. It’s been known.

Yes, that was the time I was talking about.

Why would you play her with Lucio? Lucio speed boosts immobile heroes. Mercy, already mobile, can keep up with mobile hero’s. There is literally no synergy between the two.

This only goes back to my previous… you’re upset mercy doesn’t work in deathball comps, where she shouldn’t work to begin with.

2nd most picked isn’t exactly heavily out picked by two hero’s. I’m sorry.


I think you dont understand what im getting at. Its a reason players pick Ana or Mercy. It doesn’t matter her “winrate” it matters she still outpicks Mercy in low ranks when she obviously shouldn’t.

So after her healing nerf that dropped her out of a main healing role, she isn’t in meta.

:man_facepalming: If she had high enough Hps she could work with these comps… because she would be a main healer…

Check overbuff…

Alright, play her with Zen then Mercy/Zen. Or heck Mercy/Brig.

The request was to play her with an off-healer. Not demanding Lucio, just giving Lucio as an option since well…Lucio is pretty much that Jack of all Comps pick.


For that you need to be able to make your teammate reliable first. Via strong single-target or multi-target buffs you apply.

Well that’s just objectively false. In low ranks anything can work, though less mechanically demanding hero’s will have higher success, that doesn’t change people’s perception of fun or what they believe they should play in order to win because they’ve seen pro’s do it.

I’m not seeing the problem here. Mercy’s not meta, yes, we’ve established this. this is half of the reason people think mercy is trash, because she doesn’t fit into meta team comps she really has no place being in to begin with. I’ve said this a few different times now. It’s just the fact of the matter here. If the meta switched to pharmercy, if the meta switched to double sniper, if the meta switched to a winston comp, Mercy would be much suited for those types of team comps. Just because she doesn’t work with Rein/Zarya in a death ball comp doesn’t make her bad by any stretch of the imagination.

If she had high enough hps to compete with burst healers, she would become a must pick due to the consistency of her healing combined with the ability to output the same amount of healing as healers that have inconsistencies built into their kit. We saw this first hand for 7 seasons. It literally took a healing nerf to bring back burst healers into the meta.

I literally did. I was the one who gave you the 2nd most picked stat. If a hero is the second most picked across all elo’s, it is literally impossible for there to be two more hero’s picked more than them… since you know, they are the 2nd.

Assuming the team comp supports their playstyle, this comp would be just fine, but like I already said, if you’re going to play Mercy+Zen with Rein+Zarya, yeah, you’re going to have a terrible time. Neither hero synergises with those two, and they probably shouldn’t.


Lucio heal is horrible he is only good because speed and boop.

Moira cant heal for a moment.
Ana requires aim and heals better at cost of 0 movement.

Well no duh his heals are bad…you don’t run Lucio for healing. You run him for his utility and defensive ult.

He’s an off healer…sure back in the OG days of Dive you COULD get him as a main healer, but that was when damage was lower as was healing output as well (cause that was before Moira and Bap).