The Real Mercy Flaw 💔

Ok then what about a comp that DOES suit them? I mean Dive was played
and replaced Mercy with Brig. The comp that Mercy pretty much made her own, and yet couldn’t even make a return to.

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The main tradeoff with Mercy is knowing you’ll have consistent heals for your squishies and sacrificing strong tank healing to get it. If she got a buff to healing tanks and could do both of those things, there’d be no real reason not to pick her except for the lack of a defensive ult.


This is like saying you can’t get full value out of a car because you can only be in one gear at a time. Her kit is designed to only use one function at a time so being free to use any part of her kit to use it is being free to get full value out of it. For example, there are lots of times Moira can’t use parts of her kit for various reasons. Maybe a barrier is blocking her heals, maybe her orb is on cooldown, maybe she’s out of heals, maybe she’s super diveable because everybody just saw her use fade. Mercy has none of these problems. She just goes and does.

Season 1 isn’t relevant anymore because we’re in 2-2-2 now. She wasn’t used often at the highest levels then, though, because dive was king and discord and Lucio were too important for that at the time.

No, Moria is not a more consistent healer. That’s not what that word means. She has a much higher potential healing output than Mercy, though, which is sometims more important than consistency. Ground-heavy deathball comps were king that season so Moira was obviously the way to go there. Mercy has no part in that style of team comp.


The tradeoff isn’t really that intuitive for the game anymore, damage is too high so they only way to survive is mass heals, and right now, only Brig, Moira, and Ana can do that, and maybe Baptiste. Mercy just doesn’t fit in 222 composition, and she will never be played (atleast if the person cares about winning) unless all the majority of hitscan heroes are banned and or you are playing on a console version of game where Pharah rules.

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Except she was actually played a lot that week. People rotated Mercy, Brig and Lucio depending their team comp.

You’re basing your assertion on a single hyperbolic thread made on these forums.
This one, I’m assuming.

It’s worth noting that Widow was actually banned that week as well, so widow dive was out of the question. As well, Phara dive couldn’t be played due to Soldier being a counter option.

Also for real, Dive started with Lucio/Zen. It wasn’t until Mercy’s rework that she replaced Lucio in dive.


Yeah I know
hence why I said “made her own” and not stating she was there from the start.

Sure there was the PharaMercy iteration of Dive but that got shut down when Lucio/76 was a compatible composition and made that one moot.

I agree. Damage boost is for much more than hard pocketing someone. Mercy should be watching her whole team so she’ll know when to quickly thrown on a boost. Just a half second of it on the Hog hook or Rein fire strike like you said can make all the difference and Mercy can do that at no risk to herself, without even seeing the enemy, and without using any cooldowns. That’s a big deal.

This is a good way of thinking about it. I think if Mercy was released as a new hero now in her current state without ever having existed previously, she’d be analyzed much more objectively. She isn’t what she used to be and that’s intentional. There are way too many people trying to force her into her old slot but she’s a different shape now and I love her for it.

I specifically use Mercy, and not other healers, to watch enemies, not allies. So no damage boost, until it’s again up to me, when to boost - without whole “have to predict, when teammate will fire, and boost”.

That was what killed damage boost for me. Healing beam allows to monitor teammate’s health without having them in LoS, or even use GA without looking. But it doesn’t allow to monitor their ammo, let alone when they will shoot or if they aim correctly.

Now she is even more about being a psychic, than before. And while I can predict, when teammate is likely to shoot, without looking at them, I can not predict, if teammate will actually hit.

It’s supposed to be low healing, she’s not a main healer unless you’re in dive. She’s too easy to have actual good healing, learn another healer. Mercy is only for pairing with specific DPS picks to enable them. If Mercy was too good no one would have incentive to learn Ana, Bap, Lucio, Moira, Ect.

Pairings can go straight into trash can, we aren’t slaves to be “paired”.

No you’re not a slave, you can do anything within the game mechanics. But you’ll never do anything more than what your character is designed to do. So i suggest learning the actual game if you don’t want to be a loser.

Though some dodos may disagree with you, I would like to personally let you know that this dodo in particular sees eye to eye in your current assessment.

Also I would like to add that I have no qualms or judgements on your playtime of this game, and personally feel that you should (nay, are) free to play and not play this game any time you wish.

Good. I’m tired of Mercy anyway.

to OP: I am in agreement with your assement of Mercy’s current situation. I personally believe that she can use a buffing and or a rework of some sorts. A flat, no-strings-attached, boost in her healing from 55-60hp is what I find to be a good start
 In the very least.

I think Mercy’s biggest flaw is that the devs only know how to deal with her in extremes. (Note, I don’t believe Mass res should come back. That ship has sailed (and sunk) and it would not look good dredging it up from the depths). I also like Mercy and how she’s played, but I do feel she’s lacking power somewhere. Having said that, let’s take a look:

Early mass res days: Mercy was F tier. So the devs decided to make her unkillable during it, which was an extreme choice, with zero counterplay.

Then, to fix this, instead of trying some common sense adjustments (los, cast time, whatever) they decided to do an extreme rework. (a Rework that was warned would be blatantly OP, mind you) Maybe mass res could have been fine, they didn’t even try to fix it.

Then, the extreme nerf chain happened. Honestly, one or two bigger nerfs would have felt better than the 12 whatever nerfs in a row. Having to adjust your play every single patch.

Then, when she was already on the way out, they decided to make another extreme move via buffing just about everyone while nerfing her some more. Maybe just buffing the others would have been enough, maybe not, but they didn’t even try.

Maybe some little adjustments would help Mercy. Nothing extreme, just something small to start with.

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in my eyes resurrection, in whatever form - whether it be mass single target etc, should have stayed as ultimate status. It’s the devs fault trying to make this powerful ability work as a side ability that caused her to become both overpowered for a long time and now underpowered.

Because of resurrection working as a powerful side ability, everything in mercy’s kit, including her trash ultimate has to be compensated and weak (I’m also looking at you 50hps nerf) for the fact she has an undo button in her base kit that is way to hard to pull of most times in the mid fight but also potentially game changing

Rez should have stayed as ultimate status. It’s the failures of the devs attempting to balance it as a side ability that caused both the extremities of the moth meta and the extremity of her lacklustre and weak state now

Personally, I see the removal of mass rez (and the undesirable player behavior that came with it) from the game as one of the best changes ever made to this game

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I never said that mass rez should have stayed. And I never said that removing mass rez was not a healthy change.

If you read my post carefully you would know that I said that any form of resurrection, even a single target one, in my eyes should have stayed as an ultimate and would have prevented her from being both as strong as she was during the moth meta and as weak as she is now in the neutral / mid fight.

There is no way any form of resseterction would come back as an ultimate. I’m stating that the developers mistake was trying to make rez as a side ability work, despite how problematic it was to do so. It is arguably balanced as of now but it stops mercy from having any real power other than that

exactly. The problem with mercy was always caused by resurrect being too hard to fight as an ultimate and promoting “hide and rez” tactics

But also having it as a side ability made it too strong during the moth meta.

They should have found a way to balance resurrect as an ult whether single target or whatever, if they kept the power to resurrect as an ultimate, maybe mercy wouldn’t be in the underpowered state she is now

The only thing we can really hope for now is just a heal buff of some sort.

I personally believe that a simple line of sight fix would have helped her regarding this issue.