The Real Mercy Flaw šŸ’”


Yes being a pocket to make someone else stronger is SOOOO fun.

If you dont get shot because you are a statue lol

Literally anything can rip through her self heal what.

Hammond and Lucio would like to speak to you, they also dont have to rely on teammates lollll

Yes. Her main goal and her goal that is encouraged, is to heal. She also had no other ability that stacks on to this heal so.

Yes make her heal more.

Yes i know this :pensive:

Thats what i was trying to get atā€¦

Let me rephrase that:

Valk allows for easier repositioning. Sure hitscans can punish her in Valkā€¦but they can do that outside of Valk.

Valk gives her an easier time to correct it though.

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fleshing it out because others may not get it :wink:

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Why wouldnā€™t you keep damage boosting even if they were low HP?

To win a gunfight you need to deal a damage at a net rate higher than them.

Healing at 50hps reduces the net damage your ally takes by 50 but if you damage boost them and their damage-rate is higher than 166dps then damage boost would increase their damage by more than 50.

Also if the HPS went up to 60hps then the only time itā€™d be worth damage boosting instead of healing would be if your heal/boost target was dealing over 200dps.

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did you just call nade ā€œnot muchā€? lol, It is TOO much.

As in time the healing lasts.

Who deals 166 dps? Honest question. (no ults obviously)

Bastion i thinkā€¦?

It might be more

Well, every single DPS hero except Mei, unless you count when sheā€™s nailing headshots.

If you buff Mercyā€™s healing then hard pocketing becomes broken

So deal with that first. Maybe Mercy shouldnā€™t be able to stay latched to someone at full health

Bam. Pocket solved. Pharmacy solved

NOW you can give her back 55 or 60 HPS

Do people not realise how middling and average 166dps is?

Soldierā€™s DPS is 180dps and headshots mean he can deal 360dps and itā€™s not hard to get a lot of headshots on many tanks.

But thatā€™s at max-damage range with all bullets hitting. Something that rarely happens. ā€œItā€™s not hard to get a lot of headshotsā€ is highly subjective, but considering Iā€™m at Top 96% on Overbuff with 7% headshots on Soldier, I would say itā€™s fairly hard :slight_smile:
My weapon accuracy on Overbuff is 35% which puts me into the 76th percentile, so letā€™s say good players get max 50% accuracy. 50% accuracy with 7% crit on a non-optimal rangeā€¦ over 166 dps in a real scenario seems very unlikely to happen on a regular basis.

Soldier is not Moira, he actually has to hit. Sym gets 180 on max charge with her weapon, but thatā€™s also at 100% accuracy, but still a more realistic example.

Itā€™s not that ā€œpeople donā€™t realizeā€ it, itā€™s that reality gets in the way.


i donā€™t ever really need rez bc i just keep my teammates up so no big deal, also dmg boost is a matter of juggling the beams better, you donā€™t need to sit on one for too long, you donā€™t even need to sit on heals until everyone is topped up, most the time just get them above half and your other support can finish, or finish as the fight slows down

Fair point but sometimes they will be hitting, like if theyā€™re up against a tank.

Am I reading you right, youā€™re just saying youā€™re NOT in the bottom 4%?

I never care about overall weapons accuracy as I basically never stop shooting even when my bullets are likely to be useless. I mean, we all have infinite ammo, so if I know Iā€™ll have time to reload Iā€™ll gladly mag dump at a tracer in the distance, so I do 10 damage. Better than doing zero damage.

And I know Iā€™m not the only one who does this.

Youā€™re mistaking overall accuracy to the accuracy in any particular 1 vs 1 fight.

That overall accuracy will be driven down by spamming fire anywhere you can as any damage is better than no damage.

Come on, not that unlikely.

Youā€™re treating overall accuracy rate, which is ALL the fire thatā€™s traded - with the fire in the closing stages of a fight.

92% accuracy is hard to achieve overall as youā€™re not trying to, you donā€™t care about shooting the air in front of a barrier to begin damaging ASAP but thatā€™ll lower your overall weapon accuracy.

honestly, as long as she has a lock on i donā€™t think she will ever stop being a pocket botā€¦she would just become a pocket bot that makes her target even more unkillable

ifyou dont watch it and have no proof itā€™s basically like you making it upā€¦no one is going to believe you just because you say ā€œsomeoneā€ showed you

Top 4%, my bad :slight_smile: Wasnā€™t meant as a brag by the way (as I read it now it seems like it), I said it so the number seems reasonable.

I never care about overall weapons accuracy as I basically never stop shooting even when my bullets are likely to be useless. I mean, we all have infinite ammo, so if I know Iā€™ll have time to reload Iā€™ll gladly mag dump at a tracer in the distance, so I do 10 damage. Better than doing zero damage.

True, I completely ignored that. I guess Iā€™ll exit this thread with the knowledge that dps heroes can probably reach 166 dps, maybe Iā€™ll damage boost a Soldier more often than I do now :penguin:

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Just because iā€™m saying mercy is kind of useless under most situations doesnā€™t mean I want her to be buffed or reworked. I never implied such situation, you only assumed.