The reaction to Sigma's nerf is really confusing

I don’t like the change from the perspective of clunkiness that it adds to sigma’s kit but to be frank I do think he needs major changes. I like playing him how he is but I also think he is a problem that won’t go away with out a redesign.

Either his stats are going to be so terrible he is bad or he is going to continue to push out charcters simply because of how many things he can do neither of which are fun. Not convinced the changes make him bad btw he still has stun and grasp unchanged in addition to his barrier. No other character has two different types of defensive things and stun.

Sigma needed nerfed yes, but the cooldown on his barrier was NOT it. They needed to nerf his damage or the amount of shields he gets from kinetic grasp or something. Probably not both of these changes but one of them

Because the nerf made him incredibly clunky. At this point they might as well just remove the barrier and replace it with something else but instead he keeps it and its clunky as hell.


The solution to a problematic hero should never be to just nerf them to the ground. Making a hero unplayable just shows that they either don’t want to work on giving sig a mini rework or are just lost on how to balance him.

The only people who hate sigma are hitscan mains who want the game balanced so they never have to play anything but hitscan.

Doesn’t matter how high the queue times are because noone wants to play Rein queue

Also I think it’s moronic people blame sigma for lack of tank diversity when it’s painfully obvious after dozens of nerfs that it’s the special snowflake hitscan characters being too strong against dive. Ashes coachgun might as well be renamed to the screw winston and dva in particular ability.


They deliberately made a hero less fun to play to reduce his pickrate. That’s not balance. It’s sabotage.

These are two different groups of players most likely.


I feel most people are upset at the balance philosophy rather than the nerf itself.


Then added insult to injury replaced your meats with tofu.

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Probably because everyone was expecting them to make it weaker number-wise while giving it different kind of functionality or buffing the rest of his kit. With this he isn’t exactly less of an issue towards double shield while making solo tanking with him rather iffy. That’s why not many players like the change

“i wonder why he doesn’t like it huh…”

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Yeah. I was blown away when they introduced her. So let me get this straight…this boop pushes her back AND anyone in front of her in a cone and does how much dmg?!?

That thing should have ended with decent front damage and a self boop. Why in the hell does a sniper need an AOE boop that doubles the distance put between you and your enemy???

I’m expecting to see more Ball Rein tbh.

Sigma Orisa together don’t cut it as much anymore. Especially now with Sigma’s nerf.

Ball’s nerf is a slap on the wrist. So his probably gonna stay meta.

Sigma will be slotted out overtime, but to replaced with what else is hard to say. We might end up going back to Hog and Ball torture or Zaball :thinking:

“Maybe if we keep giving it to him, he’ll grow accustomed to it…”

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If you’re high rank, you realized his shield was OPAF for you and all the players around you
If you’re low rank, you realized his shield was necessary for you and all the players around you to function with him at all

It’s just a rank thing. I personally love the sigma nerf (and yes I play sigma, he needed this nerf) but I can understand how, in a different situation, you might think it’s too much.

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Did not want flat nerfs. wanted changes.

he needed a nerf, not one so impactful, like how they were doing small increases of 25hp for other hero’s. a flat nerf on 2 more tanks when you already admit there’s a huge problem in role q times is silly… it’s like they said hey we did try to fix q times with this flex q thing that worked for like 2 weeks, so now we can go back to our goal of making fewer tank players. if sig/hamster are op then nerf them slightly, followed by big buffs to the crappy tanks so they are more equal and people can play them without feeling helpless. their whole mindset is confusing why mess with a hero that people like to play? if they truly want balance they should first focus on unpopular heros like orisa who’s main function now is comedic relief

I almost choked reading that :rofl: (100% true tho)

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