people are complaining that “killing” problem tanks is not the solution. if the matrix has beam attacks as a weak point, why aren’t you looking for a weak point for shields? nerfing shields is equivalent to making all heroes good counter against tanks. but in reality we need that only certain types of shots / skills can discourage the use of so many shields on the field. there is a flaw, but it must be found by changing the logic of the shields and how they react to certain hits.
weakening them only demeans the real usefulness of those tanks. the double shield was born because shields can be accumulated, but single tank shields MUST stay healthy. the only reason they don’t “kill” Reinhardt too is because he’s a hero who can’t shoot, but it’s already hypocritical enough to kill Orisa, whose concept revolved around the Shield.
we need to investigate how some heroes can cancel the usefulness of shields, change their logic, and here I have posted some random examples.
only by finding a real weak point the shields can become decent and countering is encouraged (a hero performs better against another one)
EDIT : obviously the “weak point” is not just making certain dps too strong by only increasing the damage they can do. it is useless and creates more problems for everyone else.