The PTR Is Worthless

It should be noted that Roadhog’s buff was actually one of the more surpriingly meaningful buffs in the game. With Orisa, he’s pretty powerful and once people adjusted he can still consistently one-shot dpses.
Back then, everyone was calling his buff a meme that wouldn’t do anything, but now he’s very viable and is consistently used in the current OWL playoffs. With all the things Blizzard gets wrong, they get two more things nailed instead.

the dev team doesn’t ignore the feedback, they might have a different opinion on how to change sombra though

just because hundreds of people yell about one thing doesn’t mean it is a good thing to implement

TBH they should just skip it, PTR has never done anything.

The playerbase is one thing, but it still comes down to the developers trying to please everyone instead of rethinking their decision. They should focus on trying on those pushing for heroes to be balanced than reworked.

Yeah, that’s not true. A lot of the posts are how to make Rez meaningful, and saying that Mercy is so boring and easy now, that there’s nothing left in her kit that’s interesting.

See, there had been several thousand posts and three megathreads up to that point detailing Doomfists many bugs after his nerf. This comment shows that all of those posts went unread.

Programming is hard, but Brig has had more bug fixes in the month following her release than Sombra has had since she was released. Some of those bugs are old. The translocation bug has been reported for years, and been written off as “oh you just pushed the button too late, git gud.” And those LOS bugs are still there. They should have been added to the updated bug list, having been reported since February. Coding is hard, but they are paid to do this job. It’s their life’'s work. The least they could do is say “we’re working on it.”

He is the second worst hero in the game, second to Sombra. He held the position of worst hero for months until Sombra’'s hack change. Since his ironclad buff and subsequent nerf, he’s been in the gutter and forgotton, despite the thousands of posts asking for a change. It’s right there on the front page of the forums if you want more info.

After a year asking for buffs and being ignored.

Again, after months of being ignored. Gutting a hero and leaving them to rot when they’re done is not listening to peoples feedback.

I concede this, Hanzo is really strong right now. However, not really feedback. A lot of people are saying it’s not enough (I think he’s fine tbh).

Which, again, people have been asking for for years. People asking for a change and then a similar change being implemented a year or two later is not listening to feedback.

Take Sombras rework. Since her hack change and even before, hundreds of threads and posts detailing good and solid ideas that would make her better (I read most of them). Not one of them asked for longer durations on her abilities. They all focused around giving Sombra more options during a fight. And we get the abominatiom on the PTR.

Take Mercy. Haters wanted Huge Rez nerfed, mains wanted an E ability to add a little to Mercys kit. And we get the Moth Meta.

These are not examples of the devs listening to player feedback.


Copy n pasting a reply i did the other day:

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I mean, I hate the changes on PTR.

But they did pull back some of the changes that were initially on there (i.e. translocator being louder and heard from farther, 4m detection radius, etc)

imagines in Symmetra’s voice

I said the same thing some month ago. People responded me as" you are wrong, ptr is there for only for players to find and report bugs" which kinda makes sense.

“Where’s the fun in playing fair?” In Symmetras voice.

Pretty much this. And we can’t expect anything more.

It’s not as if they even bother to keep the patch notes updated for PTR some of the time. It’s difficult knowing what to test when they don’t say what’s changed sometimes.


Then why are bug reports ignored as well? Plenty of bugs go live even though people have brought attention to them.


Well…I remember people saying that they felt they couldn’t protect their teammates properly with DM as Dva and it got a minor change. I was one of those people.

You also can’t let a few extremes represent those who have legitimate and reasonable feedback.

PTR is for bug finding, not telling blizzard how to balance their game or design their heroes.

The people that use PTR is a vocal minority. they should not decide how the heroes are designed

They have the right to ignore that feedback regardless.

had to scroll so far for this. people forgot that their opinion is not always absolutely right, that the devs had their own opinion on what’s right as well. devs ARE ow players too

They must love a buggy game then.

Just because they did not take a few people suggestion on how they think the hero should be done, does not mean they do not listen to the feedback.

“It’s for bug testing”

Explain to me how known bugs make their way on the live servers ?