The PTR Is Worthless

I mean, let’s be optimistic, maybe the reason they left her in the dark for three months is because they were trying to work around stuff that they won’t with this version of her

I mean, sure, but that’s like the fire department deploying to a housefire not because anyone called it in, but because they could see the house burning themselves

I…don’t think that analogy works. My point here isn’t that Blizzard is making smart or dumb decisions about heroes. It’s that they are listening to the feedback.

All I want is her speed boost back…


Somvra! My brother from another mother

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Yes my friend! At this point, I am abusing her speed boost as soon it will be gone…

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I just want the 75%speed and contest, i can tolarate the destructable translocator

Still thinking it might be to open her up for a base speed increase. Fingers crossed

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Believe me. The PTR is there to find major bugs and that’s it. Take it from someone with 14 years experience in the industry.

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I think the PTR could really benefit from testing out more iterations of changes (maybe even just for the hell of it, they don’t have to actually keep any of the changes just see if they help), but it seems at the moment they just use it for bug testing and push all changes live without tweaks or different possibilities.

* Crosses fingers * hopefully my man…

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So, you want to contest a point while completely invisible, for the entire duration of your invisibility?

Well heck, in that case, I want 12 turrets on Symmetra. If we’re gonna ask for crazy stuff, lets go all out!

Yes for 5 seconds in a very close space. even closer in a payload for 5 SECONDS

That sounds MUCH more reasonable.

Can Symmetra have turrets that can’t be shot out of the sky? That’s a reasonable request too, right? (I’m not being sarcastic in this post, promise)

They don’t test new ideas on the PTR. All of the conceptual tests are done internally with placeholder assents by their own staff (I don’t know all their ratings but I know they include plat and diamonds so its not like they’re all bronze scrubs).

The PTR happens after internal testing gets some fun/interesting results and they want to test for bugs and unforeseen consequences (eg seismic slam being used to climb massive towers due to targeting).

The playerbase of the PTR is so small it isn’t reasonable (or fair to console) to use them as the ultimate test as to what is ok. A lot of people also demand changes for stuff that hasn’t had a chance to see enough Live play (eg: people wanted Doomfist nerfed because RP 1HK sounded OP on paper, but he released in a state next to useless as he rarely got value from it.) Some heroes look weak or strong on paper but can synergise really well or be hamstrung really badly by different heroes and comps.

I’ve got proof they aren’t. The only proof you have is a coincidence and a bug fix.

What is your proof ?

They also did it with Bastion! Let’s not forget the time they released the rework that actually sort of worked with him, and then Jeff played one [censored] match and got killed by a Bastion, then ripped it all up like a giant child.


Well, the two big ones.

Mercy, right off the bat. She’s had hundreds of thousands of posts written about her since her rework. On the new forums, it numbered 15k last time I checked in the megathread alone. The devs don’t have anywhere close that number of posts read; if they’d been reading the Mercy feedback, the number of posts read would be much higher than they are now.

Two, this post from last October, where Jeff outright admits that the Dev team had no idea how bad Doomfist was.

Three, the QOL changes that Sombra’s been getting; Hack cancelling reload, cancelling translocator, these things have been asked for for years, since Sombra’s release. The bugs in her kit, which have been reported and recorded hundreds of times, many of which have remained unaddressed (documented here)

Four, Bastion’s situation. That really needs no explanation.


Long post incoming. My apologies.

Okay…have you read the mercy forums? Almost every post is either #revertmercy or gives an idea of what they should do with no feedback on how she is currently, and very little consideration to the implications of those changes.

Two, That wasn’t Jeff admitting that they had no idea how bad DF was. It was him asking for more specifics on the bugs and problems, rather than just complaining that he was bad or broken. As I recall someone posted a collection of bugs and issues in that same thread which got a sincere thank you response.

Three…this one I don’t have anything for. I’ll concede this point. That is exactly what we should be doing for bugs. That being said, just because they haven’t responded doesn’t mean they aren’t working on them. I’m sure the programming is more complicated than we think.

Four, It might actually need an explanation because I don’t know what you’re referring to. Is it his current state? I don’t think there’s anything incredibly wrong with him outside being rather easily countered. When they gave him his passive, he became a near necessity and could survive far more than he should have been able to, including many ults. The devs heard and realized this, so they adjusted.

Here’s a few examples of them listening to feedback:
Ana - Many people requested that she be able to shoot through teammates for a long time. Now she can. (I do hope that they listen to the requests to make it toggleable though)

Roadhog - After his damage nerf people found him near useless. They wanted a buff, and he got what he currently has. I believe someone asked for the specific buff and geoff responded saying something along the lines of “Actually we are trying just that”

Hanzo - Nearly everyone was complaining about hanzo being too powerful. He’s currently being nerfed on PTR.

Hitscans/Damage falloff - People have been asking for buffs to soldier and mccree and now they’re getting better damage falloff, as well as mei.