Straw man. I started off by pointing out the flaws in the medal system - I wish they’d remove it, it’s just used to blame people.
A scoreboard would provide a bigger picture, but it wouldn’t provide any context, which is why Jeff Kaplan said they won’t add one. A scoreboard will never tell the story of why your Reinhardt who charges in and swings his hammer until he dies has more kills per death than the Hanzo who got focused down without a shield. A scoreboard will never tell the story of why Mercy has less healing than the Flankhog who never blocked for his back line. A scoreboard will never tell the story of why your Tracer doesn’t have a high K/D ratio when she kept half the enemy team chasing her, leaving the rest of your team to clean up easy 5v3s and 5v4s.
So what is your proposed solution? If your argument is that it will cause more toxicity than you’re 1. Wrong and 2. Being disenginous.
Your argument that Jeff says that it wouldn’t provide context is weak as wel. Jeff can be wrong, and has been in the past. Because Jeff says something doesn’t mean it’s right. Jeff and the team was wrong about no hero limits and the game is better since they made the change. This could be the same.
Why am I wrong? Please, tell me. All we have to go on is the medal system. When was the last time you heard a teammate use medals for anything other than toxicity?
How am I being *disingenuous? I am being entirely sincere.
No, just because Jeff says something doesn’t make it inherently right, but I’m still waiting for an example of a scoreboard that provides context - until then, he’s right. A scoreboard doesn’t provide context. If you can come up with a scoreboard that provides context, then not only will it likely get implemented but you’d probably be an overnight millionaire too.
Overwatch is not Counterstrike, it is not TF2. A scoreboard will only clutter the UI and give toxic people more fuel to blame their teammates for not winning as a team.
I doubt it, but okay.
If you’re playing 3 DPS you probably should have switched already.
You’ve repeatedly stated that you want a scoreboard in order to see which of your teammates deserves blame, so your answer here is disingenuous.
edit I’m done contributing to this thread derailment started by someone with an agenda. I encourage those of you participating in the echo chamber to introspect, but it’s clear that you’re not currently open to discussion so I’m off.
Kills Versus Deaths is not a conclusive or concrete way to measure skill.
A few matches ago I was playing Ashe, a genji started his ult and I was his first target. I popped him with my coach gun, hit him 1 more time, then I dropped my dynamite and blew it up on MYSELF and took the Genji with me!!!
A 1v1 hero trade is fine when it baits out an ultimate or negates it.
I dropped my Bob onto a McCree and Bob squished him mid ult!! Bob was out of LOS and not doing any damage yet, but the result I got was worth the use of the ult especially since our Rein had just died and we had no way to block the Deadeye. Bob was near their spawn door too so it was going to hit who ever came out.
And yes mistakes do happen. I was just on Rialto and got a double coach gun boop off the bridge while the enemy Rein was MID SHATTER SWING and the LUCIO was in the air for his BEAT DROP!!! I died cause I vaulted myself off the bridge BUT IT WAS COMPLETELY WORTH THE DEATH!!!
You need to start accounting for multiple situational variables dude. Everyone who has a decent understanding of RiskVReward knows that a shutdown made even through death is worth the death. Like when a Rein charges a Dva ult off point and saves his entire team, or when a Roadhog sees an opportunbity to hook the Dva mech around a wall at the risk of his life to save others. Or when a Junkrat dives himself onto a Bastion, drops his trap under him and lets the grenades drop when he dies to kill the Bastion.
Everyone knows that things are not that clearcut when it comes to varied situations in Comp.
And generally I do maintain a 3/1 KD in most matches. Its the matches that I get bad players where I have to try hard and take bigger risks that I get lower KD. I am straddling at 2.92 kills per death. Pretty darn close.
But in the end the point/payload matters. Even if you die on point 100 times you are doing your best to contribute. If you win in the end, KD is an afterthought.
KD is more important in elimination and TDM modes where score totals matter rather than timers and meters.
To answer your question, I mean that whenever people aren’t toxic as all hell and actually try to win with me (which means they communicate and do their job), I actually win. I’m not saying I can solo games either, this is a team game after all. I know I’m not always perfect either, and am very up for switching off my current role if my team isn’t being a complete insert bad word here about it.
Also yes I was being passive-aggressive but that’s mostly due to the built-up anger from the toxic people I’m talking about. I tend to be like that when angered.
One last note I want to expand on is that I know I won’t always win games either, even with a perfectly sane team. It’s stuff that happens, but that counts for unfortunately only about 30% of my losses. It’s not easy to have good teams when 90% of the people I add don’t connect more than once a month.
Accountability is built in - with SR and with bans for bad behavior.
I can’t speak for everyone, but I only label toxic things toxic. Wanting to reduce toxicity doesn’t mean that I think everything is toxic. For example - if you start screaming at teammates because you think they’re underperforming, that’s toxic. If you want a feature added so that you can more easily decide who to scream at - well, I’m going to be against that feature.
That’s also why they I think they should do away with the medal system, it’s only used by people who don’t understand context to blame their teammates.
they tried the whole play nice play fair, but don’t hold the junkrat feeding all game accountable ? when they affect your score and win and loss ratio, your stats all the time
and yeah they banned pursuit cause it showed you who threw and feed all game
that’s the only reason
it took the blindfold of the medal system off so players were like I did really good
wait what the
our reaper had 6 and 16 ? it fed all game
case in point
game will never be fixed to a better state unless competitive is re-worked
Except it won’t. People won’t look at an underperforming DPS and think “oh, our tanks aren’t creating space” or “they didn’t really get healed for more than a minute straight”. It’s just another excuse machine of blame.
People can play poorly and have outstanding stats. In fact, unless you’re playing way below your actual rank, having excellent stats will more often than not mean that you’re doing something wrong.