The presence of smurfs does not affect other people's ranks

Smurfs exist and they exist in all the ranks. It’s a problem because they ruin the experience for non-smurfs. If you assume yourself is not a smurf, then you will over time see more smurfs on the other team than on your own, so it does hurt your rank, but that takes a backseat to the awful gaming experience you have when you have to play someone who is clearly so much better than everyone else.

We aren’t talking about a DPS who might enjoy dueling a DPS a lot better than them. What we are talking about is trying to play support against a smurf Tracer that keeps wrecking y our backline over and over again.

  1. In any given match with 12 total players, assuming you are NOT a smurf, there is a higher likelihood one will appear on the other team rather than your team.

  2. Players can have multiple smurf accounts. This can alter what is considered “normal” for any given rank. As the number of smurf accounts increase, the more non-smurf players will struggle to maintain their current rank. This would be like having a grading system where elementary kids are compared to their peers, but then letting a bunch of high schoolers into the school.

  3. Statistically, smurfs skew and distort any skill measurement system. That’s a fact. Period.


I personally am masters and smurf in gold for fun and despite the fact that the mmr system looks to put me against other smurfs I still don’t encounter that many smurfs. Try focusing on improving rather than coping and you will see better results.

Well your second point contradicts your first point. And moreover, over a large samply size of games, this 5 to 6 comparison has a meaningless impact on your sr compared to your own personal skill.

Bronze games are so easy, you are being held back by nothing. Most bronze players will climb 1000 SR just by increasing their fps from 10 to 60 and getting a basic $40 gaming mouse to replace their laptops trackpad.

Read the thread again

The title of the thread literally confirms that smurfing exists. What I’m arguing is that it doesn’t affect anyones SR in the long run. NO ONE who is silver border+ is at a lower rank than the one they think they are meant to be at because of any reason other than their own gameplay/communication and this is LAW.

Bronze makes up the majority of the playerbase, meaning you have to quite litterally be better than tens of thousands of players, so no, just because you are really good and at a high rank does not mean bronze is easy, it just means you’re better at the game than a vast majority of people because you aren’t bronze. and again, you obviously aren’t in bronze, or you too are a smirf, and made this post to feel better about the fact that you are quite litterally purposely ruinging the game for people who are learning. Smurfing is, in fact, incredibly slimy, and ruins the game for people.

I don’t need to. You made this claim with zero actual proof, this post is litterally all your opinion.

If someone who actually has 3500 sr on a main account purposefully starts playing with people who are far lower skill level, you are carrying people who normally might lose, and smoking people who cant perform at you level. Find proof before you claim a law, fam

Its quite litterally purposely playing below ones skill level


It will always be a bad system since it is taking very little information it has about that one player and throwing them into the middle of Ranking. Anyone in Bronze, Silver or Gold have it the worst. Since the system does what it does. Which is why there are Smurffs enjoying the DeRanking life and paying Blizzard next to nothing for a Content mine.

While Blizzard presumes to be counting their cash from Smurffs, the rest of the player base dwindles away and loses interest, especially in Streaming the game and the competitive aspects of it such as Overwatch League.


Bruh what? Competitive Mode Tier Distribution This post from the devs literally confirms that its 8%

You can disagree with me but denying science is dangerous

Yes it is but it doesn’t occur in that many games. In the long run anyone who sets aside the cope hive mentality and stops making excuses will climb. I believe in you!

statistical science dictates that if you flip a coin 100 times 50 of those times it will be heads 50 of those times will be tails, real life experience and you doing this yourself can show radically different results, because statistical science works on averages and as such statistical outliers can occur, there is entirely the possibility the someone flips a coin 100 times and all 100 times it lands on heads or tails

Now I will say some of the reasons against smurfing I must say are quite dumb, and yes this reason is one of the dumber ones, but it is possible, entirely possible for someone to have a smurf on the enemy team 100% of the time never having one on their own, or even just 90/10, 80/20 splits etc etc, because that’s how luck works my dude

there are definitely people out there who are unfortunate to be held down by whatever unlucky circumstances they’ve encountered, statistics doesn’t

But will I believe that average person on the forums who says its happened to them? No, not at all not until I can see some actual proof they’re getting an exceedingly high amount of provable smurfs on the enemy teams they encounter with none on their own, and I’ll believe they’re in the rank they belong in until I can get some actual proof otherwise

Statistical outliers exist and have been taken into account in the argument. However if someone claim’s that their skill level is higher than their rank then their chance at winning is not 50/50. The more of an outlier you become, the higher chance you have at winning the next game. People attain their deserved ranks and no amount of cope will change this reality.

Let me tldr this thread: a likely Smurf (def an alt) defending smurfing (or rather downplaying it’s effect despite the healthy marketplace of deranked accounts)


If I’m a smurf then what separates me from other people who play at the rank I play at?

Have you played League? Why don’t you try making a new League account and telling me how many new players are actually at level 1. Actually compare and contrast how other games are next to Overwatch

A few things:
Mechanical skill
Game knowledge
Carry potential
Cheating (because that’s part of the traditional definition)

But most importantly, the desire of feeling like a god among mortals instead of a fair match, while staying covered if he fails at it. It’s why they’re way more prominent than you think


Very good, so what’s stopping someone who also has all of those things from ranking up?

being good at the game isn’t cheating

that is pretty accurate tbh its what makes smurfing so fun

Very true, I’ve played both league and CSGO and I find it really funny how people think smurfing and cheating are an issue in OW lmao

I did back when I first got a PC, I did about 20 or so games, there was a smurf in everyone either my side or enemy side, but I quit after a 3 smurf steamroll on the last game I did where they had a lee sin with 37 kills and 0 deaths

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Lol you got wrecked by Temporal and downvoted to infinity on 3 different subreddits, and now you have brought your “wisdom” to the forums too :laughing:


Oh? Do tell me about this


I did the same thing because I wanted to try League again after not playing for sevenish years. I thought it’d be more fair for me to play with new players instead of queueing with an ancient level 30 account. Roughly the same experience. Smurfs every game; and very open about it. I got yelled at a surprising amount of times for doing bad.

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It was done live, he came along and just spammed “what’s your SR?” and “EZ”. It was pitiful. The stream VOD isn’t up yet but it should show on his YT channel tomorrow.


yeah that was the part that got me the most, I didn’t even have to guess from stats or anything, they would just straight up say it and be obvious about it with their names if they didn’t say it in chat

That guy is literally a gold player who’s claim to fame is coaching teams that no one has ever heard of. He is pandering to low rank players while dodging my arguments. He took an L