The Pink Mercy Skin

This post is what i mean this skin has caused a rift it has more meaning than the cause

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Yeah that doesnā€™t matter to me either. I genuinely do not give a crap why anyone wants to buy the skin. I also donā€™t give a crap if they bring it back. Let everyone get it, give it away, I do not care. What I care about is using ā€˜save livesā€™ as an excuse when really you just want the skin. Honesty.

Yep, you still have time to go to reach my age.

Also, Iā€™ve also worked with real charities. You know, like walking for miles every year for the March of Dimes and going door-to-door and being chased by dogs and men with guns to ask for donations. Like taking time out of my life to make phone call after phone call after phone call for donations for research towards childrenā€™s cancer funds. I didnā€™t do any of that because I got a skin out of it (one time I got a couple pieces of pizza), I did it because itā€™s a good thing.

I also organized and volunteered at blood drives post 9/11, collected blankets, water, first aid supplies and made kits for first responders, drove several local firefighters to NY to help out. Again, not because I got anything out of it, but because people needed help. Did the same thing after Hurricane Katrina.

Good thing I donā€™t give a crap what you think of me.


Ehh, I wanted to say that.
I guess the discussion is over now. :yawning_face:

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Well careful, now youā€™re disgusting and a horrible person apparently lmao.

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You both are trolls x3

No if I was a troll, Iā€™d be offering to sell you my pink Mercy account.

Im ok as the skin is a curse im ok

I donā€™t actually want the skin but I also want it to be on sale at all times because thatā€™s what generates the most money for the charity.

So, bashing people for their motives is kind of pointless. At the end of the day thereā€™s two choices. Make more money for the charity or make less money for the charity.



My poor eyeballs.


If it looked like that no one would of donated xD i laughed at it

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Donā€™t give a single toss. Donā€™t speak to me like Iā€™m starry eyed kid.

So the charities youā€™ve worked for are more real than the ones Iā€™ve worked for? And you assume that, once again, without knowing anything about me. Iā€™ve helped box emergency goods for hurricanes, Iā€™ve done phone banks, blood drives, etc.

And not one of the organizations I have been to have been like ā€œSure, he donated a hundred dollars. But did he really mean it.ā€

Iā€™m sure youā€™ve never turned down a donation as some kind of affornt to the victims that needed it.

ā€œSorry, Janice, I know you could have really used these sanitary napkins being homeless and all, but I could just tell that Tina didnā€™t really MEAN it, when she donated them.ā€

Youā€™re like making accusations based on nothing and castigating someone for pointing out that keeping it exclusive would cause a charity to make millions of dollarsā€¦

Because youā€™ve convinced yourself based on two sentences where they didnā€™t give the proper incidental tone that you wanted that you know a damn thing about their personal life.


This is what Iā€™ve been reinforcing since the Fire Nation attacked. Stop being so fake, stop being so hypocritical, you want it back not because you want to donate, you want it to return so you can fulfill whatever ego/self-esteem pride you can possibly achieve when you own this skin.

Stop with the fake charade of wanting to donate. If you want to donate, you can literally donate straight to the BCRF website. Itā€™s this easy.

I hate people whoā€™s always in denial.


My point exactly the skin has become more than the true cause

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going to be honest, I dont want other people gettin a chance to get pink mercy cause I wouldnt feel as special wearing it, but if uve read my other posts asking for owl skins coming back maybe u think im an hypocrite, I think it too

You should be xD i jest your honesty is appreciated

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Thank for your honesty. We all know this is the real reason people donā€™t want it to come back and deem it fit to label everyone who wants it back as a bad actor. And come flocking to shout people down to request it.

Regardless if they care the money is going to a good cause or not.


I donā€™t think that this is true.
They use a lot of FOMO marketing for a very good reason.

The best thing they could do would be to do another charity event with either a new skin, or a recolor of the Pink Mercy skin (Iā€™d love to get my hands on a babyblue version of it).

This doesnā€™t break the promise of exclusivity and also makes people donate again who already did it the last time.

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I never said that. Youā€™re the one who said you worked for real charities like I couldnā€™t possibly have ever done the same. You know, which kind of makes you a hypocrite because youā€™re doing the same exact thing you claim Iā€™m doing.

Well nobody ever came up to me and said ā€œhey Iā€™ll give you this box of sanitary items for the homeless if you give me an ā€˜I helped the homelessā€™ jacket.ā€

Not what I said at all, anywhere.

I never said anything about their personal life, you are reading far, far too much into this. What I said was donā€™t pretend you want the skin right now or made this post entirely because you want to donate to breast cancer charities because if that is your main reason, you donā€™t need to get a skin out of it to do so.

Iā€™ve said multiple times I donā€™t give a flying monkey fart if they bring the skin back or not. Iā€™d personally prefer a different charity skin, like perhaps a blue themed skin for Baptiste for prostate cancer, which is a leading killer of men.

Iā€™d also like to see mental illness themed skins, gay, trans, and non-binary skins, indigenous people awareness skins, so on and so forth. Raising awareness is good. Right now we could really use some pro-AAPI skins. But I also donā€™t expect Blizzard to do all of that, because real world.

So yeah, leave off the hypocrisy would ya?

(apparently I cannot say the word for a stick of cotton one puts inside of their body to avoid leaking menstrual fluid. Weird and quite possibly sexist.)

This argument is a little flawed. I canā€™t donate enough to make up for the donations that would be obtained through the entire community having access to the skin.

It was $12 million that Blizzard raised the first time. Have you got a spare $12 million sitting around? I sure donā€™t. Therefore if someone on the forums can cause Blizzard to bring the skin back as a timed and paid exclusive they are saving more lives than if they donated.


No, you canā€™t. But you can still personally make a donation if itā€™s an important cause for you.

An odd time of year to make that request, wouldnā€™t you say? Considering itā€™s June and not October. The skin came out that month for a reason.