The Pink Mercy Skin

this is the overwatch discussion forum

for discussion

of overwatch things

we are discussing an overwatch thing - the pink mercy skin


Pink is the BEST skin in the entire game, each person has there own preferences. The Pink Mercy skin is unique because Blizzard is afraid to give skins that are like it for some reason always sticking to stupid looking “strong” or “cool” skins. Lord forbid we have a cute skin.

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Fair enough, just kinda tired of this one. We’ve been having it for literal years now.

Pretty much.

I love the skin, but I don’t even wear it anymore. Not worth the aggravation. I have nearly every single skin for Mercy, including team skins. I say nearly, because I’m actually missing 2 or 3 team ones. But for the rest, I have them.

The only reason?

I have been here since the game was released. I play nearly every day, not for long periods, but usually 2-5 matches.

I have not missed any challenge events, nor have I missed any holiday events.

I know it sucks when there are multiple skins for many heroes that many of you might have missed out on, especially those that were late to the party.

I will agree that most of them should be returned in some fashion. But there are 4 skins that come to mind that probably will never return:

  • The Noire Widomaker skin. It was available only if you pre-ordered or bought the game before release.

  • The two Blizzcon labeled skins, for Bastion and Winston. They are blue colored and labeled specifically for those Blizzcons they represented.

  • Pink Mercy. It was a limited time offering bundled with a charity under permission of the charity. Its not up to just Blizzard to re-release it. And with the state of the company right now, I doubt that would be even be on the table, even if they wanted to.

One other limited skin was the 20th anniversary skin for Kerrigan for Widowmaker. It was only available for a month and you had to log into Star Craft to obtain it. Personally I think they should adjust it so that if you played a Star Craft mission or something you could still get it. But as of right now, there isn’t a way to obtain this again. Maybe the next anniversary (25?) they might do it again.

Now as for others:

  • All the league team skins. You cannot purchase the older ones anymore. And its some of those that even I missed out on. As such, since they were purchased with tokens that you could buy if you wanted, they should have not locked those away.

  • As for the special league event skins, they did unlock those again recently, so that others had a chance to get them again. And they might do that in the future.

  • Event challenge skins. These are the ones that are just one-offs. Literally a small mini-event around one hero. None of these have yet to repeat. The very first one was the Nano-Cola event for D.Va. These should be allowed to repeat, a few a year, one a month, something. There is no reason to lock those away.

  • The holiday challenge skins should also be unlocked at least the year following their initial release as loot box items if nothing else. But to date, none of them have returned either.

  • Finally there are a few others that are floating out there. The WoW skins (Genji and Symmetra) from one of the Blizzcon events. They should be added to the loot box table, perhaps for Halloween or something, like they did with the Diablo Demon Hunter skin that was from a Blizzcon event originally.

Bottom line, there are a LOT of skins that should return. And there are going to be some that never will.

Just like many things in life, if you aren’t there to take part in something, then you are going to miss out. Part of life. Don’t make obtaining pixels in a video game more important than life itself. Because its not.

Game on.

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The alleged “most popular thread on the forum” has as a topic the return of mass rez to Mercy

Mind you, Mercy lost mass rez 4-5 years ago

so the age of a topic doesnt seem to affect topicality

What aggravation? I have it selected right now. What are people doing, cause they’re not doing it to me.

nothing that says this is the case has ever been verified. As far as can be told the skin was made by blizzard with no branding linked to BCRF on the skin itself nor is there any reason they’d contractually be unable to release the skin again without involving BCRF.

“I would like the pink mercy skin to come back” is not making anything more important than life. It’s requesting a digital item (of technically infinite supply and next to no resources to “make”) be made available again somehow.


The way they worded the title and also the body of text implies strongly that the motive was more about the skin. Reading comprehension and thinking critically matters.

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This never ends, does it?

I agree…the complaints from forum members who can simply avoid any given topic about the mere existence of this topic never do seem to end


No, it’s very clearly about arguments being made in other threads. And it was literally made a time when there were other threads about this topic that went exactly the way they described the arguments. The OP also later apologized for blowing up at people making the arguments.

Reading comprehension is important. And most of the body of that text is about arguments people are making, with the concluding line being that saving lives is the most important thing.

Saving lives is what is most important =/= the only thing that matters to me is the skin, and in fact places secondary importance on the skin. Thinking critically =/= making things up about people’s motives based on assumptions you are making about their personal lives that you absent of any evidence.

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Right… Because the color and the ribbon don’t mean anything. *rolls eyes

Lets not forget the whole tie in to BCRF

Here is the official page from the OW site:

Here is BCRFs listing post event:

And this one is a third random posting I found:

So, I highly doubt they would release it any other way but tied to a donation campaign. I’m all for it of course, but I always suggested they do a new skin for a different hero, and feature both as a bundle if you donate a larger amount. The Pink skin was minimum of 14.99, they could do a new fundraiser and offer a new skin plus this one for say 19.99. Hell they could make it 29.99 and many of you wouldn’t bat an eye. Point is, they aren’t going to just unlock it and say here you go. There will be little chance of anything other than an event similar to the one that spawned it happening again.

Game on.

Imagine just making a donation to the charity of your choice and not rehashing this old topic like you are somehow righteous and not just plain greedy wanting a skin for yourself.

Many of you keep tossing that out as if its the answer to everything, but honestly its not.

I get it, and I agree to a point, but that doesn’t solve the actual problem. Like, at all. So please stop using that as a crutch to deny people the right to ask.

Please note. I’m not advocating the constant whining for it. I’m just saying using that old chestnut is getting stale and ultimately pointless.

Just a thought.

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What’s the actual problem? That you don’t have a skin that you want that was specifically sold as donations to a charity exclusively?

I honestly fail to see a problem here besides constant whining for the skin. The skin was for a good cause, it did it’s job, and anyone bringing it up still is just whiny and entitled.

Move on, you don’t get that one skin. It’s pretty clear.

Roll your eyes all you like, the pink color and ribbon symbol are not BCRF branding. They are simply known components of the breast cancer awareness campaigns. Not trademarks. Big difference.

Absolutely none of which implies that the skin itself is beholden to BCRF. Blizzard had permission to use their branding for the EVENT, there is none of it on the skin and no outside work was done on the skin or sounds.

If you can find it then please feel free to point it out. I’ve looked over it several times myself and found no legal claim from BCRF about the skin itself.

I don’t know why you keep linking things that have absolutely nothing backing up the claim that blizzard cannot redistribute the skin without BCRF’s say so. Neither of those links say anything other than "here was a very successful event between two companies. "

Yes BCRF was involved in the event. They have no claim or rights to the skin.

Doubt is much different than “Blizzard cannot do this without another companies OK and is contractually beholden to them” which is what you said and what I refute.

I don’t advocate releasing the skin for free. I think it SHOULD have a purchase price and some of that should go to breast cancer research of some kind.

So maybe turn down your smug a little and pay attention to what people are actually saying instead of going full alpha strike on a strawman.


this has been covered many times

there are two types of people: those who donate to a worthy cause simply because it is worthy, and tose who donate to a cause for some sort of compensation - be it recognition or a prize

donations to any cause are maximized when both sets of people are appealed to, and it is certainly a good idea to maximize donations to cancer research of any kind, BC included

as such, the comments quoted above essentially miss the point

as far as “greedy wanting a skin for yourself” specifically, this isnt an issue either, given that the research dollars spend the same regardless of the intent of the donor

I have never heard any whining - or anything remotely resembling whining - in regards to this subject from anyone interested in making this donation/purchase

I have however seen multiple cases where those who are against the request use some form of the verb “whine” to simply paint the opposition in a strongly negative way…an insult, essentially, without any merit whatsoever


Yeah I want pink mercy back too but I’m not going to sit here and use “it was for charity” as a reason. Given, the skin being incentive would likely lead to more donations.

I love my pink Mercy skin. I am so glad I have it on my account. It was great reward for that charity challenge. They should do more charity challenges for skins.

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man this REALLY SHOULD be the cover of overwatch. forget tracer

How are we STILL talking about Pink Mercy, when will this community ever move on from this?