The pay wall for the new sombra skin

(Disclaimer, sorry for my bad English) Dear blizzard, I’m doing this post to understand a little thing. Why did you not made the Demon huntress Skin in the blizzard world update (like the roadhog one) and instead you made it exclusive for the Blizcon?

  1. You pay 40$ for a virtual ticket, the skin is just a bonus
  2. The skin can be bought in-game somewhere in 2019, it will not be “locked behind a paywall” forever

Thanks you for answering my question

You’re welcome! Don’t be a stranger~

  1. A lot of people only want the skin.
  2. It’s an underhanded tactic to force people to spend money by pushing an item as a limited one. It’s a digital skin for crying out loud.
  3. Enough with the “you can buy it in 2019”. You have NO idea what it will cost and how it will be obtained. And if they do add it to the normal loot box it will be because of the public outcry.

I hope you’re just a troll.

It says it on the page as part of the Terms and Conditions This means it will be added into the game in 2019 I assume it will be at 1000 credits because it will be added to the bases Loot Boxes.

While I do that it is a dirty tactic this is not the first time they have done this. Lucio emote, at least the learned their mistakes and are telling people their intentions


He’s not a troll, he’s stating obvious facts.

Key word “I assume” until it is done you and no one for that matter knows how the skin will be unlocked. My point stands.

Ehe this is not a dirty tactic this have always bin like this u do realize that people that go to blizcon also getting goody’s like this and the do this for years.

And its not hidden behind a paywall its a reward for people that go or buy a virtual ticket conventions like these always bin like that.

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While yes I can only assume the price of the new skin, Blizzard have never added a skin into bases loot boxes which costs more than the others. I doubt that they would break the pattern now
however as you said, It’s just my 2 cents

Be happy its only skins blizz do and not pay to win like some game’s, i have all skins i want and i never pay 1 dime for it just bye playing the game.

Don’t get me wrong I have no issue with cosmetic as rewards. As long as they remain constant. The previous skins are themed recolors of the default skins with a blizcon logo. And the rest of the Diablo skins introduced thus far are obtainable at any time.

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You assume that it will be a loot box item. Until they tell us what it is we do not know.

Dont worry i just get constant fed up bye people complaining about stuff like this it whas the same with the mercy skins. yes it whas a bit steap and that u could not choose how much u wanted to donate but the donation where all for a good cause and some people only saw the skin when it whas ment for so much more.

Where else would they put it tho. Other than the Overwatch league shop (which would make no sense at all cause that is only stuff from the Overwatch league)

those skins are not worth it even in my book, i find most of them even ugly.

It could cost $15 in the bnet store just like the Mercy skin did. We really don’t know until they tell us.

With so many people in the same boat it can’t be avoided. In the end Blizzard got the tax deduction the money was given to a good cause so everyone was happy.