The patch went back live again

Well, Cassidy buffs reinforce the meta, not change it. A change to the meta would be something like buffing Genji.

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Thank you. 100000000% agree with your takes Mozts, as always.

Only thing I’d add is: Please revert Ball’s grapple cooldown on respawn. He can’t grapple now for more than 6 seconds so having spawn rollouts back shouldn’t be an issue.

I seem to recall that scatter arrow was removed from the game because all one had to do was aim at peoples feet to delete them. It was then replaced with a new problematic ability, storm arrow.

Why in gods name do storm arrows need to ricochet like scatter arrow did? Storm arrow needs nerfs not buffs. It doesn’t need to be scatter arrow 2.0.


better than 2020 imo

Some hopefully constructive feedback I hope is seen;

I actually really love the idea of just adding more to heroes. I’ve seen differing opinions but I feel things like giving Moira more vertical mobility, Hanzo more creativity with his Storm Arrow, etc are what we want to see as it really shakes things up.

Where I believe it doesn’t shake things up actually is the meta. Currently we’re mostly in a Poke based meta revolving around a lot of independent tanks like Roadhog, Sigma and Ball specifically. With Dva being S tier (which I think is usually a good thing). I feel as if right now Tanks like Reinhardt and Winston struggle in this poke meta and it’s mostly to do with the Supports. Zenyatta, Baptiste and Brigitte seem to be gatekeeping these traditional main tanks from thriving. (Zen/Bap makes playing Reinhardt very hard and Brigitte can really gatekeep Winston) While characters like Hanzo are already seemingly the best picks in ranked. I would like to see nerfs to these supports so that Brawl/Rush and Dive comps can be more viable and have less of a hard time against the extreme poke in the game.

I hope that the buffs to Rein and Moira can up their viability but I feel as if these supports should be high priority in tuning down so the other have a chance to thrive, making other Tank comps more viable. I feel as long as Baptsite is so strong Moira will always be outshined since he does so much. While Brigitte’s Inspire can feel very problematic in how large its radius is, putting her above Lucio in viability in almost every situation that doesn’t require speed boost.

Hope that feedback is constructive and heard. But again, these aggressive fun changes are awesome, I would just like to see more targeted changes as well.

Sorry man, but lets just be real, you honestly dont care.

You dont care for the feedback, you dont care for the meta (which wont change at all except more double shield), you wont summarize our feedback, and you wont send it to Geoff because he wont care enough to read it either. You wont monitor it, you didnt measure any feedback, you didnt experience it by playing it yourself, you dont care about what titles our feedback threads have.

You, Geoff and the dev team are the only ones living in a hyperbole.

Love the communication because its needed, hate it because its empty words. Sorry Andy.


YEAH GUYS look at how fast they are ignoring our feedback


-heroes who are already meta are getting buffs for no good reason.
-the changes are not what those heroes needs to make them viable or get them out of the meta (except Ball but that is my personal opinion).

It is really that simple.

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My feedback is that instead of playing tank I’ve been playing Reaper.

Brig is not a problem at all. You really need to let go of what the streamers scream about. You cant balance a game that way.


Brig is perfectly fine. The community likes the way she is. Dont make the heroes lose what makes them unique, and ruin them for those that play them.

Brig players dont get to rework Genji or Tracer after all.

She should not be as good as she is at top-tier play. And she is still too good at low-tier play. Stop being an apologist and let it go. She needs to change roles or have massive overhaul type changes. It’s been 4 years, find a new hero to climb with.

Edit: I don’t care for streamers nor do I watch them. I’m just not living in a fantasy bubble and I know that she causes too many issues, the design is flawed and has no real direction to begin with when it comes to Brig.

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Brig is a problem. You really need to let go of what your platbrain screams about. You cant balance a game that way.

In reality, brig packs are unreal at helping dps hold space and whipshot basically bans monkey, dva, and ball from engaging. Low ranks don’t realize this, they think supports only exist to keep your reinhart up. This is why brig is considered bad at low ranks and op at high ranks.

I also chose to uninstall the game. Hanzo is already my most despised character when I play as anyone except Wrecking Ball, and now Wrecking Ball’s gamefeel is ruined too thanks to a stressful, completely unnecessary time limit on his thrilling mobility factor. Done supporting unless this is fixed. Breaks my heart, as I was really getting into Overwatch over the past few months since buying it, but if this is the future of the game, ruining fun with awful patches, I’ll just quit now.


OK, spent more time playing on various roles, here’s my feedback:

I would really love to learn to play Winston, but so far Hanzo has literally been in 6/10 games with a dedicated Mercy pocket, and that makes him completely undiveable in my games by Winston. Hammond is the only tank I have a chance to contest him on, and even that is too hard for the reward. I’ve literally been screamed at for not going shield because a Hanzo with a pocket right now has no fear of dying ever, wandering out in the open and not being punished unless you can spam him out or snipe him out.

The Hammond change for me is whatever, except in cases where I want to do a big swing at full tether to come in at an off angle, because you only get one chance at it now.

I haven’t faced a Torb who’s spammed RMB, but I’ve tried it and it’s very strong against tanks.

I don’t play the other heroes, and when I played against them I didn’t notice much difference.

Bottom line for me: Main tanking feels much harder, especially using a Dive tank. There is so much spam you can’t get value unless someone can dive with you and do stupid damage to help out. The one time I was successful at it, I had a very skilled Tracer backing my dive, and the enemy wasn’t running Cassidy on that map.

It also doesn’t seem like it’s going to shake up the meta much, because Rein still fails badly against poke comps. In fact, what I’ve seen playing against Reins is that they’ve turned either so stupidly aggressive or so incredibly passive that they’re more a liability than an asset. It’s not going to stop high ranks from using Hammond/Dva or Double Shield.


Basicly no one likes her the way she is in the grand scheme of things, you just have to look around and accept what people have been saying. If you are more of a numbers person, just look at her pickrates. She is barely used in every rank below GM. The support category has an inherently smaller hero pool, so for a hero in that category to have a such a low pickrate is horrible itself.
I use gold now as an example because that rank has the largest population and the numbers are similar to bronze,silver,diamond and plat.
Her pickrate in gold is 1.48%, compare that to Mercy who is at around 7% and Ana, who is at more than 13%. This is just horrible in so many levels.

Why is that, you might ask? She is still strong.
Im willing to accept that she is still strong, but she is strong in a twisted counterintuitive way.
Both her design and her previous incarnations depict a frontline brawler, not a repair pack dispenser from the backline who presses shift when someone jumps in your general direction.
Let that sink in, more than half of her kit, is not being actively used playing like that, including her primary fire. Her kit is built in a way which heavily suggests that you HAVE TO BE at CLOSE range to get the maximum value out of her.
This is the same level of contradiction as if i say, that Reinhardt is best for sitting behind the supports, firestriking and charging away the dive heroes from them.
Or Lucio to have his wallride cancel the effects of his healing/speedboost, but his boop from wallriding now has 500% longer range and strength but it also disables his shift for 10 seconds after the boop. It promotes a playstyle that is completely working against itself and what the character stands for even if its effective as hell.

The problem with Brig, again, is not necessarily her power. Its her current design. The majority of the playerbase, myself included could not care less if 10 in 100000 player like this abomination of a playstyle she has now.
When the majority of the players are unable to adapt to a certain playstyle for a hero for years at this point and they rather drop said hero entirely, like they are now, sorry but that needs to be fixed, thats just how it works.
Thats why Bastion is being reworked, thats why Sombra is being reworked, thats why Torb was reworked, Symm was reworked like 3 times at this point and even tho i like her the way she is, she might need another one.

Higher ranks want Brig reworked/nerfed because she is too strong for them because they can play her in that twisted way and lower ranks want to rework/buff her because she dosnt work with the playstyle it supposed to represent when they try to play her that way. Further nerfs, that the higher ranks say she needs just makes things even worse for the these lower ranks and further plummet her pickrates. Brig cannot get a happy outcome from this unless a full rework is being done that either completely embraces her as a frontline brawler, or make her kit in a way that is 100% leaning on being in the backline (which is harder to do mind you,because she has a melee weapon to begin with)

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The fact is that all her numbers at the top are average. Its not 2018, its time to let it go.

She was balanced for open q, and then reworked for 222.

Now she is perfectly balanced as the numbers prove. She solves lots of problems with the issues of dive heroes, and creates balance where there was none before.

Let go of the streamer narrative. All heroes should be valid, not just a few.


Dive streamer and their obsession about “brig broken” is like a wet blanket over any discussion of balance.

Its simply not connected to the actual game.

The “brig broken” narrative is completely gone if you go to any other part of the community, from gold to the top. Its only a few streamers and their fans.

That is why the claims are always based on made up numbers. She is average at the top, her win and pick rates are as acceptable as any tank or dps.

There is no reason to rework something that works and is balanced.

Or should Brig players get to rework the “abomination” Tracer?

Jeff even talked about it. There is this narrative about Brig, that leads to lower ranks playing her wrong.

You can play her up front, as long as you are careful. Move in move out. Makes perfect sense with her kit.

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Someone finally speaking the harsh truth

I also uninstalled for the first time ever, they trully are making their way to gaining more tank players lol, we are all quitting the game or switching to DPS role.