The disconnect in thinking is unreal

She was played virtually every game, so her win-rate hovered just below 50%. I’m more inclined to think the reason for being slow with the changes was simply because it was a precious rework that was being very criticized from various people, and making too many fast nerfs would imply that the rework wasn’t as amazing as they painted it out to be (they had made a promise to revert her if the rework didn’t work out, and they really didn’t want to so that). In addition a bunch of harsh nerfs to a character who was already forcefully changed against many mains’ wishes would have probably permanently pushed out one of the biggest subset of players the game had at that point.

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Their strategy is working out so well… /s

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Then what’s the cause of his bad win rate at all levels? That’s the mystery here. People call out that Cassidy is OP all day long, but the data we can see isn’t bearing that out. And apparently the data Blizzard has as well, since they’ve been trying to buff him for a while.

Is there a perception versus reality issue here? Do people think he is more effective than he is? Inquiring minds want to know!

It’s been said over and over. I’ve said it over and over. I don’t know why you’re responding to me and implying that I’m a kid because I’m “not adapting”. Don’t talk to me that way.

They’re both too well-rounded. They both have few weaknesses.

Sigma’s problem is that he has little to no downtime. You break his shield, he can grasp and unless you have beams (which are often not what is meta/viable), then he’s still defending himself and gets shield for it. By the time grasp ends, he has his shield back up. All the while, with these two defensive abilities, he has a lot of offensive power as well while he’s able to defend with his shield. This is what makes him meta across multiple compositions. His lack of mobility does not create enough of a weakness when he has two defensive abilities to cover for it, one of which is extended to his team. And this is one hero. He has another tank to help cover what little downtime, if any, there is.

Similarly, Baptiste is too well-rounded and his utility reduces his team’s downtime even more. Given one hero the ability to prevent an entire team’s death with normal AoE heals, an AoE heal ability that is literally just a button press, vertical mobility, and decent damage on his gun is too much for one hero. It reduces his downtime, his own weaknesses, and ultimately reduces the entirety of his team’s weaknesses. When you have a stationary team composition, amp matrix is going to be utilized quite favorably by his team.

There’s your explanation. Don’t assume I’m a kid and unable to adapt. You have access to a public forum with a plethora of threads and posts that expand on this. Your inability to utilize it doesn’t make it okay for you to talk to me like I’m a child.


IMO Hammond is the one most well-rounded. More nerfs will be on the way to address his spherical shape.


Nah, the truest post is this one:

Dropped this King :crown:

He is too effective at busting tanks, but busting tanks by itself is just one component of victory. Winrate of hero, that is always picked by both teams, always will be ~50%.

rancid take about Bap. If anything the supports will be more like him and Ana in OW2

It’s probably because they keep flip flopping between trying to make this game as competitive as possible, while at the same time trying to attract a wider audience. It’s hard to cater towards multilpe demographic of playerbase especially when some of them are the complete opposite of each other (e.g. casual playerbase who doesn’t care for competitive).

Perhaps what Overwatch should’ve done from the start was have this PvE and PvP system. And make the PvP more FPS focused but with unique abilities (e.g. tracer, sombra, ana, widowmaker, hanzo) while the PvE have more spammy heroes like junkrat.

Reason I mentioned hanzo is because I think projectile heroes like hanzo can be just as viable as a hitscans in a competitive game as long as they fix these weird regs from ping difference and forgiving hitbox. They need to make hanzo’s shots more predictable like zen’s orbs and make it feel less like RNG. If Quake can make projectile weapons competitive and not RNG based, so should Overwatch.

Who the hell is Cassidy!!! It’s always mcree if you wanted a Irish girl you already got Moiria.

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No, only McCree haters collectively agree on that, not “the community”


At this point the only people who think the buff was needed are the usual forum Mccree mains who have been saying he’s the worst hero in the game for the last year and would defend him being given 10 buffs.

It’s one of the few times the forums, reddit, Twitter and streamers all seem to agree on something. It most definitely is the community as a whole.


I don’t think it was truly needed, but I also think it won’t disturb your gameplay. At this point McCree haters will complain about increasing his reload speed by 0.0001 seconds, so no surprise they complain about something as little and situational as mid-air roll.

Also these people you’re talking about are no different from McCree haters, who want him nerfed to the ground just because they hate him.

You underestimate the amount of McCree haters, sure they’re everywhere. Doesn’t mean they represent the entire community and that everybody dislikes this patch.

It does if you play Doom. Or any hero who even occasionally needs to hit airshots.

Have you considered that people are tired of seeing heroes who are already overperforming getting buffs? Mccree didn’t need any buff at all.

He’s one of the strongest heroes in the game and is one of the most represented in Top 500. Players are finally calling out the blatant favouritism and lack of balance when it comes to some heroes.


Just wait until they give him another roll charge and increase his reload time by 0.1 second as a compensation nerf.

Then of course erase the nerf part, cuz it messes with “muh musclememory”, but forget to take away the extra charge on the roll.
They might also reduce every shield by a 100, randomly nerf Mei and Symmetra,make Sigma do 200 damage when he lands on someone after ulting,making Hanzo shoot 3 arrows in a row as his primary, and giving Ana a 2nd grenade charge, because they want to shake up the meta.

Sounds like a blizzard patch for me.

I cant deal with this game dude, i just cant. I was planning on holding out until OW2 comes by doing the events at least and give OW2 a fair chance when it comes out, but the game has become so bad that i barely have the willpower to do even those weekly challenges. Getting the neccessary points for them is without exception, always leaves me frustrated as hell, there is legit no enjoyment left in this mess.
The game is bad, the communication from the devs is bad and the more i hear about OW2, the less i want it.

Its pathetic. I dont understand how can someone still defend this, i really dont. It must require a whole copium factory at this point to produce even a positive sentence about the current game.

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Competitive FPS games should be collectively rebalanced to more casual shooters or deleted flat-out. They are mistakes of games and tryhards should be nothing but treated like the freaks they are.

Doom profile upset that Cassidy can roll away from uppercut.

Feels biased

I might have 5 hours of total playtime on Doom.

The buffs are mind numbingly stupid; how exactly do you defend buffing heroes who are already over performing?


i put up with richochet arrows sniping around corners for almost 2 years. i wont put up with it again, if its not reduced dramatically or removed ill go play something else. i hear halo infinite is free to play and more balanced

Honestly completely agree, I can’t fathom what goes through their mind when they are balancing heroes, but its not hero balance that’s for sure.

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