The patch makes the game more fun and that is what matters

Actually they worked perfectly. Again, if you actually think launch brig + no support/tank nerfs would have led GOATs on it’s way out you’re nuts.

Ok and this ones lasted long enough. It’s time to change the heroes within it.

You’re just making excuses so you can have your hero continue to dominate.


No they didn’t. The general consensus has always been that none of the changes helped, it was players figuring it out that made the change.

Long enough is relative, the next meta will most likely last just as long or more, I guarantee it.

I don’t have a “hero” I play more than half the roster. Stop showing your bias.

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Oh so you think that launch brig could have fallen out of the meta without any balance changes? Or sigma 1.0? Or mercy 2.0?

You’re trolling. Bye.


All the nerfs in the world didn’t make GOATS go away, because none of them addressed the issues. It was just a matter of players figuring out how to deal with it eventually.

Ahh the classic “You are a troll” move. It never gets old.

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As a Ball player now unable to lurk ambush, now with a time limit on saving myself even if I manage a skillshot tether save, now unable to prime a boop more than 6 seconds out, Now unable to stay connected for a good defending swing arc (EVEN WHEN ITS NOT SPINNING) to hold a choke, now having to worry about flinging myself off in an unknown direction with NO indication that my tether is about to give…

No… I am not having more fun.

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Ball stalling was incredibly annoying. It has made the game better for most people. Ball players will have to adapt.

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So… you agree. Not fun for everyone?


and through walls too

You will have fun when you accept the change was for the good of the game and needed to happen. Otherwise it’s a you problem.

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let me guess “blender tech” is just spinning in circles isin’t it.

Ahh… so “It’s fun for everyone except those people who lost valid and skillfull expressions of the characters toolkit because you need to lose those so people who couldn’t “adapt” to a giant target spinning in a predictable circle don’t have to adapt but you do because your fun doesn’t matter”

Got it.


You mean a broken mechanic that only made everyone else’s life miserable? If your definition of fun was making everyone else miserable then I’m glad this change happened and ruined it for you. Now you will have to learn how to play the character without abusing some broken thing.

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Did I not give several examples of how that mechanic was useful for valid tactics that required map knowledge and precision use that ALL WEREN’T SPINNING AROUND A POINT LIKE A TETHERBALL?

I play WB because he’s one of the most exciting and momentarily dynamic playstyles of tank out there, not to spin around a point.

I have “spun to win” maybe 3 times in my time playing. Smart ball players detach after 2 rotations tops or don’t move predictably at all.

I’m not losing any abuse of a feature, I’m losing deeper gameplay because OTHERS cannot deal with a ridiculously simple to counter tactic.


You can do everything you mentioned without the change.

He is still all that, you have plenty of time to use him and his abilities.

No you aren’t, you can still do everything you say.

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The Cassidy one is all I have an issue with tbh. The ball change is only bad because they give the player no indication when the grapple is about to break but the nerf is fine.

That can be easily fixed.

Could you elaborate?

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“Don’t listen to the haters. Instead, listen to the people who never criticize you, they’ll really give the unbiased opinions you want”


I don’t know who said that, I clearly didn’t. I criticize them plenty, don’t know about you.

Same reason I have an issue with Hanzo lunge. I don’t like these high burst dmg heroes to be made harder to dive. In Cassidy’s case it’s more problematic because he already has the hard stun and now more mobility options. He was already perfect imo.

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