Is a change to how his damage fall off works I’m not asking for anything to crazy like a complete revert to old hitscan fall off maybe like meeting halfway on it, currently there’s just no reason to pick him when you can pick Ashe, Sojourn, or soldier 76
Hmm, i’d rather they made his whole kit actually useful other than just being Leftclickman , something like this :
sure but nerf his grenade dmg abit
Cassidy isn’t in a bad spot imo. His damage fall off is in line with other hitscan. He’s able to 2 tap at mid-range same as Ashe can at long range.
He has damage reduction when both rolling and when using Deadeye. His grenade does 130 damage when it explodes.
Hitscan somewhat struggles in OW2 overall with characters like Zarya, Genji, and being so strong.
The only real issue id have with this is with very little tracking and being fully reliant on the slow to be efficient, the grenade would be really bad because characters like tracer, genji, reaper, etc. Could just use movement and get away from him with very little risk to them.
Well, the thing is, it stil does 70 dmg and explode faster so against a Tracer you’d still kill her in one shot like with this one, same with Gengu but with a HS instead of a bodyshot, it also helps hit them strafing around like madmen.
Against a Reaper its basically there to not allow him to just wraith into you and trade you because u’re never gonna hit it on him when he has Wraith but it helps ya beat him if he tries and all in you.
Plus, Gengu, Tracer and Reaper are all nerfed as f (on the 15th for Gengu) and he would have a good right click to explode characters diving him too, if you could aim.
Not to mention against characters that just survive the dmg like tanks or Nanoe’d targets it helps you gain ground too.
Also i think i would just like the tracking to be reworked to work after throw and then reduce it by a good 33%-50% it would still be pretty easy to hit all things considered but not this much.
I think less damage on his nade but a slow effect on stick/explosion would be a good change personally. also reverting the reload speed and roll nerfs from a while ago seems good too. don’t really think his range should get buffed since he just has a better ttk than 76 and ashe (sojourn cheater character though) in his range
I’d take the roll/reload nerfs, even 25 Hp less if he could have a good, skillfull right click and a slowing nade.
Cass fall off starts at 20m, reaches its second decline at 40m.
Ashe and Soldier are 30-50.
Bap is 25-45m.
I wouldn’t oppose testing Cass with 25-45m, although I would be a bit worried about him overshadowing the other hitscan instead. Certainly worth considering.
Wouldn’t it be best to just give his primary fire slightly faster fire rate? Doesn’t have to be 1.2s like MchineGunCree was back in the day but 1.35s sounds good enough over 1.5s.