The only reason every thread isn't about Tank

Is because nobody is left who plays it to begin with. I just played some Tank games for the first time in a long time, and I was reminded of why I gave the role up entirely. It is so bad that it’s bluntly insane that the devs just accept this and keep adding more CC and burst damage for DPS instead of doing emergency patches to try and fix it. Ana alone makes playing Tank a living hell, but the problems run so deep.


At least DPS players now like the game
6v6>222>122 for them
Bigger bullet for them
Venture for them

I wonder what will be the next

EDIT: From 222 to 6v6>222


I just like being able to queue dps and get the role in under an hour tbh


222 is just as dumb as 122
Shouldn’t have catered the game toward braindead who refused to switch or pick cooperatively, who affected at most 5% of my games back then


What are the suggestions then too make tanks playable? The default action can not be to make them more overpowered than they already are. Reducing CC? Yea most of us already wished for major reworks for ball and doom for years. No you can not go whine about sombra when she is literally the one hero limiting the outrageous amount of CC these two heroes output. What other heroes are CCing? Except tanks that is? You mention Ana, but than again every support and dps facing her has it worse; need too rely others much more than tanks in a situation of being slept. Anti has so many counters by now on top of you as a tank not being garbage. So honestly just get over it.

The tue problem. People that do not wanna adapt and believe themselves to be the center of the universe.


Nerf/ rework Zen, Ana, and Sombra to not be able to ruin tanks lives with ease would go alot farther than most people think.


Tanking isn’t even bad. People just don’t like the pressure of being the only tank on the team, that doesn’t mean they are weak.

I got fed up playing support and always having a tank/dps diff so I started playing tank myself and what do you know, I am on a 17 game win streak where I am the carry in most games. It’s easy as hell, you just have to not suck otherwise you get called out by your team.

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Add one more tank and I will play that role again.


Honestly my only problems with tank are the following


Doom 4 second punch (too short)



Shuzu cleanse (still too good)

Semi easy fix if they go the route of
Tanks get reduced -30% from status effects for the anti/ discord at least

Doom just needs +1 cooldown on punch. In return he can have the shield from mirror watch

Cleanse should probably be single target or a higher cooldown. At the very least they need to remove the doubled healing from cleanse

Orisa is just…

When did you ever wait a hour to play dps ?


In OW1. During non peak hours in comp it got up there.

What rank was that ?
I feel they lenient the matchmaker and you get paired more with people of distant ranks in overwatch 2.

Master, but if I remember correctly it also was pretty bad in Diamond too during non peak hours.

In plat it wasn’t as bad but it still got to around 30 minutes.

No, but weakness or strength doesn’t matter if the roles aren’t enjoyable. The roles should be enjoyable and balanced.

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Well I personally enjoy being able to carry my entire team as a fat DPS.

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You said you just started playing tank? Yeah your mmr hasn’t been set yet. It’s easy because you’re smurfing legally


I end up swapping back to tank when I play dps or support and see tank players just doing it poorly, but I also refuse to play Orisa, Mauga or Hog given how awful they’re designed, so I end up giving up on tank pretty quickly.

I honestly don’t understand how anyone has fun on those heroes.


I am a GM support, a Masters 5 DPS and currently zooming through Diamond on tank.

It is not the first time I have ever played tank. I do my tank placements every season and have always been diamond.

Orisa is the most fun tank. I don’t see how people have fun playing Zarya, Rein or Winston. Most boring tanks to exist.

Well then life is easy for you. Congrats on being gifted

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